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2/18/2010· Warnings & Labels

Should Cellphones Have Warning Labels?

By: Dr. Gerald Goldhaber

The Goldhaber Warnings Report: On January 2, of this year, The New York Times published an article about the possibility of heavy cellphone use being linked to brain cancer. Since approximately 280 million people use cellphones


2/18/2010· Warnings & Labels

Do We Need To Warn Parents About The Dangers Of Playing Football?

By: Dr. Gerald Goldhaber

The Goldhaber Warnings Report:...Unlike its previous hearingswhich addressed the NFL’s lack of adequate protection against brain injuries, the Houston hearing focused on risks faced by younger football players. Several million high school and college students play football...


8/26/2009· Warnings & Labels

The Age of Our Warnings Contempt: Forbidden Fruit Theory

By: Dr. Gerald Goldhaber

The Goldhaber Warnings Report: This past weekend as Hurricane Bill brushed past the Eastern Coast Line of the United States, bringing dangerous riptides to our shores, police and lifeguards posted explicit warning signs (reinforced by nonstop media coverage about the dangers of these riptides) closing beaches from North Carolina throughout New Jersey, New York and New England. Despite this barrage of warning and safety information, who can forget the televised images of the hundreds of apparent daredevils, mostly young men, ignoring the warnings and entering the beaches to look at the waves, and even swim or surf in the turbulent waters!


6/19/2009· Healthcare

The U.S. Supreme Court Ruling (Levine vs. Wyeth) Has MAJOR Implications For Potential WARNING Claims Against Pharmaceuticals…

By: Dr. Gerald Goldhaber

The Goldhaber Warnings Report: The U.S. Supreme Court ruling (March 5, Levine vs. Wyeth) will have major implications for the pharmaceutical industry forcing them literally to review all of their warnings and safety instructions for content, clarity and conspicuousness


6/19/2009· Warnings & Labels

Samples of Effective Product Warnings

By: Dr. Gerald Goldhaber

The Goldhaber Warnings Report: In the last issue of this newsletter, I listed the major components found in most warnings along with making several suggestions that should help improve a warning’s conspicuousness and make it more likely to gain the attention of the product’s user at the time of use. The following is an example of a warning that


3/16/2009· Product Liability

How to Design a Product Warning: Best Practices

By: Dr. Gerald Goldhaber

The Goldhaber Warnings Report: In the last issue of this newsletter, I listed four key questions that must be answered when conducting a warnings review. Answers to these questions, as well as following the detailed steps I now provide, should help you determine whether or not you need to warn or, if you already warn, whether or not your warning(s) is/are adequate

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