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12/21/2010· Medical Malpractice

The Executive's Role In Malpractice Cases: Ethical As Well As Financial And Legal Factors Should Be Considered

By: Paul B. Hofmann, DrPH, FACHE

Progress has been made on improving patient safety and reducing clinical mistakes, but errors happen and, in spite of everything, patients are still harmed.


8/28/2017· Insurance

The Expert Dilemma

By: Guy C. Hatfield

I have been active as an insurance agent/broker for 40 years. 20 years ago I was referred to an attorney by a fellow CPCU colleague to be a so called "expert". The case involved an agent who failed to provide workers compensation benefits to an ongoing commercial concern. I was hired by the plaintiff's attorney to opine on the conduct of the agent. Since this was a fundamental error on the part of the agent, the case was soon settled in favor of the plaintiff. This was my introduction to being an expert. I found I enjoyed the experience and it was a nice contrast to sales and insurance administration.


7/13/2016· Legal Issues

The Expert Witness In Real Estate Litigation - A User's Guide

By: Lawrence Jacobson

Although many articles have been written about the use of the expert witness in litigation, almost all are written by lawyers and rarely by an expert witness who is also a lawyer. Having practiced law since 1968 in the area of real estate and business transactions with a real estate broker's license since 1978, I have testified frequently as an expert witness in litigation involving the interpretation of real estate documents, the standard of care of real estate brokers, in legal malpractice actions involving real estate and business transactions and in legal fee disputes. As such, I thought it would be helpful to litigators handling real estate litigation matters to have the perspective of an expert witness on issues affecting the choice, usage and cross-examination of an expert witness in such litigation.


12/2/2005· Feng Shui

The Feng Shui Of Los Angeles

By: Angi Ma Wong - The FengShui Lady

You might say that I have an affinity to the City of Angels. You see, I was named after the town by the banks of the puny river grandly named Nuestra Senora de Los Angeles de Porciuncula


1/14/2019· Transportation

The Folly of Fake Facts

By: Ned Einstein

Thankfully, mowing down pedestrians in a crosswalk is not yet commonplace. But it is also not rare. This incident scenario is most common to transit buses making left turns (see "The Danger Deterrent," NATIONAL BUS TRADER, April 2016) But it happens occasionally with almost every transportation mode. Yet the defenses almost always cited by the drivers are no match for someone with a high school diploma.


2/13/2019· Transportation

The Folly of Fake Facts - Part. 2

By: Ned Einstein

In Part One of this short series, we explored the rudiments of reaction time and braking distance. The arithmetic for understanding both concepts was learned in the third grade (multiplication), fourth grade (long division), seventh grade (fractions) and eleventh grade (drivers' education).


7/15/2011· Law Enforcement

The Forensic Force Series: Psychophysiological Responses to TASER-ECD Influence

By: Ron Martinelli

One of the most pressing problems within the law enforcement and use-of-force instructor communities is the reconciliation of force deployments with subject noncompliance and resistance.


5/14/2009· Accident Investigation & Reconstruction

The Frye Standard: Determining the Admissibility of Event Data Recorders for Traffic Accident Reconstruction in Illinois

By: Shawn Gyorke

While the information recorded on event data recorders (EDRs), commonly referred to as vehicle black boxes, is tremendously helpful in determining how a traffic accident occurred and in improving safety, it was not until recently that EDR data was legally challenged in Illinois and ultimately accepted


7/18/2013· Aquatics Safety

The Heimlich Controversy in Near-Drowning Resuscitation

By: Gerald Dworkin

As a result of renewed electronic and print media exposure, the Heimlich Controversy has once more reared its head creating a confusing message for lifeguard and other rescue personnel regarding the resuscitation procedures to be used when confronted with a near-drowning resuscitation incident.


2/14/2013· Design

The High Cost of Saving Money: Corporate Design Management Faces Downsizing, Outsourcing, Elimination

By: Rob Wallace

Several months ago, a well-respected Fortune 500 consumer products corporation asked its design leader to fire his entire staff and re-hire them under the payroll of one of its pre-press consultants. As a reward for completing this awkward transition, the design manager was, in turn, laid off.

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Shawn H.
Shawn H. Malone, CISSP, CTPRP, CTPRA

Founder & CEO

Security Diligence, LLC

Darryl Horowitt, Esq.

Partner & Chair Litigation Department

Coleman & Horowitt, LLP

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Dr. Thomas J. Zaydon, Jr.,F.A.C.S.

Plastic Surgeon

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