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10/22/2024· Speech-Language Pathology

Instrumental And Clinical Evaluation Of Swallowing In The Analysis Of A Choking Death

By: Megan M. Hamilton, MS, CCC-SLP

Aspiration of material into the lungs can lead to respiratory infection including aspiration pneumonia, which is often fatal, some studies indicate up to 70% mortality rate. Speech Language Pathologists (SLP) evaluate swallow function and provide treatment or recommend strategies, textures and consistencies to reduce risk for aspiration.


7/19/2024· Speech-Language Pathology

How Cardiac Arrest Can Mimic Choking To Death

By: Megan M. Hamilton, MS, CCC-SLP

A choking death secondary to obstruction of the airway by food material occurs over a period of time, typically between three and six minutes, and manifests signs of asphyxiation. Heart attack/Myocardial Infarction/Myocardial Ischemia/Cardiac Arrest is the depletion of oxygen to the heart muscle with death of heart tissue


3/20/2024· Speech-Language Pathology

Intubation And Aspiration

By: Megan M. Hamilton, MS, CCC-SLP

Food material found in the airway or trachea in an autopsy gives the impression the patient choked to death and suggests liability on the providers’ part. That may be the case, some deaths simply are by choking and secondary to failure on the part of a caregiver to follow diet orders, feeding tactics, postural recommendations, compensatory strategies and/or other safe swallow recommendations.


1/15/2024· Speech-Language Pathology

Forensic Speech Language Pathologist And Dehydration In The Elderly

By: Megan M. Hamilton, MS, CCC-SLP

This article will address how a forensic speech language pathologist (SLP) can assist in determining if dehydration leading to hypernatremia or hyponatremia in the elderly can be considered a result of unmanaged dysphagia, substandard care, negligence on the part of medical staff or an unavoidable consequence of a medical condition.


10/26/2023· Speech-Language Pathology

Dehydration and Thickened Liquids

By: Megan M. Hamilton, MS, CCC-SLP

As with most medical interventions, thickened liquids have both benefits and weaknesses. Recent research demonstrates that patients consuming thickened liquids consume less than patients consuming thin liquids and are frequently dehydrated. There are several reasons postulated for this decrease in liquid intake...


8/17/2023· Speech-Language Pathology

Common Manifestation Of Death By Choking

By: Megan M. Hamilton, MS, CCC-SLP

It is not uncommon for documentation or discussion to use the term “choking” to describe instances in which food or liquid went “down the wrong pipe” or a significant cough occurred. Those instances are not, in fact, choking in the sense of foreign body airway obstruction that leads to death by asphyxiation.

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