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5/22/2020· Automotive - Vehicular

Drivers v. Robots: The Starting Five (Part 5)

By: Ned Einstein

The consequences of robots provide a stark contrast to the glistening, beautifully designed, brilliantly engineered, clean fuel-burning, energy-efficient vehicles displayed on the pages of NATIONAL BUS TRADER and other trade magazines. They are often creatively-deployed in well-marketed services, often optimizing both safety and comfort instead of trading one for the other


1/25/2022· Forensic Psychiatry

Drug Treatment Of Personality Disorder Traits

By: Dr. James Reich

This article examines these pharmacological treatments. It first examines some of the drugs that have been used and some of the evidence for their effectiveness. It then takes the mindset of a clinician and looks at how some symptom clusters might be approached.


8/23/2018· Food & Beverage

Due Diligence - Safety First: Beware What Dangers Lurk Behind Your Kitchen Door

By: Jeff Nelken

It's easy to slip into a false sense of security because you've covered the basics of food safety with your kitchen staff. However, there are many other hazards that impact your bottom line. For example, slip and fall accidents are at the top of the list of safety concerns. There are many other dangers that must be considered.


9/10/2008· Medical - Medicine

Dynamic Deformation Experiments on Aortic Tissue

By: Dr. Richard Collins

THE NUMBER of fatalities due to automobile collisions in the United States has reached an annual level of 55,000, according to the statistics of the National Safety Council. Of these, 16 per cent have been estimated by Greendyke (1966) to be due to traumatic rupture of the aorta, on the basis of a sample of 1253 automobile fatalities in Monroe County, N.Y., over a four year perio


6/15/2009· Addiction Issues & Substance Abuse

Dysfunction at the Top: How Addiction Affects the Powerful

By: Martin Brenner

So many people wrongly assume that addiction is a problem that plagues the weak and the poor. Addiction does not leave anyone out. In fact, the rich and the powerful have their fair share of problems with addiction. They just have more resources to conceal and deal with the problems


12/4/2023· Pollution - Air Quality Control

E-Calc (Emissions Calculation) Technical Description

By: Timothy Minnich, MS, QEP

Minnich and Scotto, Inc. ( is the architect of e-Calc© – an emissions-calculation software package developed initially for use with open-path Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy in order to generate air pollutant emission rates from a wide range of ground-level sources.


2/6/2013· Plastic / Reconstructive / Cosmetic Surgery

Early Treatment of Facial Injuries

By: Dr. Thomas Zaydon

Workers, subject to the ordinary risks of everyday life, are potential candidates for trauma to the face.


10/13/2017· Land Mapping - Surveying - Zoning

Easements Can Make or Break a Deal

By: Frank S. Ferrantello

Easements can benefit or burden a number of parties on or around certain tracts of land. Easements are common on most parcels of land. An easement can give one the right to use another person's land for a stated purpose. It can involve a general or specific portion of the property for various different uses. Many surveyors today do not thoroughly research properties and do not always show easements on their work that may be crucial to the rights associated with a parcel of land.


1/22/2021· Damages

Economic Damages Calculations: Ex-Ante and Ex-Post Considerations

By: Michael Pakter

The choice and use of an ex-ante or ex-post analysis can lead to divergent results in protracted litigation. The article provides an illustration of how and why the results may differ. Litigation consultants are advised to consider the above and await instruction from legal counsel regarding the approach that needs to be taken.


5/23/2018· Logistics - Reverse Logistics

Economics Is Strategy

By: Rosemary Coates

"Economics is strategy." This phrase made me sit up and take notice. It was from an article in The American Interest about China's One Belt One Road initiative (OBOR). Of course, we knew that OBOR was all about economics. I have written about China's building influence around the world, but to simplify China's actions in this one impactful phrase makes it so clear.

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