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2/21/2022· Education & Schools

Educational Issues In Family Custody Disputes

By: Dr. Steven Imber

In short, an expert who purports to claim that he (or she) can support the position of any client may be strong on an overindulged sense of confidence, but a bit weak on integrity. During the past several years, I have learned that issues that pertain to educational decision-making that is truly in the best interests of the child are complex, intriguing and deserving of a blend of careful scientific and intuitive analysis


10/1/2015· Finance

Effective Commercial Collection Techniques

By: Darryl Horowitt

It is an unfortunate fact of business that from time to time one of your customers will not pay for goods or services you provide. It is a frustrating and sometimes helpless feeling that you have knowing that even though you provided a valuable product or service, for reasons beyond your control you are simply not paid. How do you collect your money? What follows are some techniques that will help you effectively collect your receivables.


12/11/2017· Economics

Effective Use of Economists as Expert Witnesses

By: Stanley P. Stephenson

Imagine you are lead counsel on an airline crash case in which more than 200 lives were lost, each involving a wrongful death case. A plaintiff attorney has hired an economist whose report on damages for one person, a Korean leather goods importer, exceeded $200 million. What should you do? Plaintiff’s expert is a Ph.D. from a top university who teaches economics and has many publications.


7/15/2009· Marketing

Effectively Using PR To Turn Up The Volume On Your Brand

By: Maggie Chamberlin Holben, APR

The greatest sin in the public relations realm is the sin of doing absolutely nothing and then wondering why the media isn’t paying attention to you (or, in the case of a crisis, are eating you alive). As a business owner or manager, you can arm yourself with a copy of Full Frontal PR or Public Relations For Dummies and engage in "do it yourself" PR or you can contract with a PR consulting firm to assist you in the adventure. Whatever the case, it’s up to you to make use of proven PR tactics to help build awareness and credibility for your brand.


10/23/2012· Radiology

Effects on Radiation Oncology Treatments Involving Various Neuromodulation Devices

By: Michael Gossman

Abstract. Object: Where no society-based or manufacturer guidance on radiation limits to neuromodulation devices is available, this research provides the groundwork for neurosurgeons and radiation oncologists who rely on the computerized treatment plan clinically for cancer patients.


7/21/2015· Construction

Elder Abuse - It Isn't Always About Physical Abuse

By: Michael Panish

Having recently testified as the door hardware, lock and security expert witness on a very serious elder abuse case involving the rape of a 93 year old resident of a retirement home, I am intimately aware of the potential for physical violence and neglect aimed directly at senior citizens. The following is about a completely different kind of abuse involving our senior population.


6/10/2019· Finance

Elder Abuse Awareness Day (6/15): How to Protect Your Parents from Financial Abuse

By: Marguerita Cheng

Did you hear of the case out of Wisconsin that involved a younger couple and their neighbor, a 92-year-old retired teacher who never married and had dementia? After befriending the woman, the couple took control of her home and nearly $2 million of her savings before they were eventually found out.


7/14/2011· Energy - Utilities

Electric Transmission - What Happens with a Lack of Long-Range T&D Infrastructure Planning?

By: Howard Lee Willis

A joke long popular among disaffected employees and humorists in the power industry asks, "What is the difference between an electric utility and a group of Boy Scouts in the woods?"


5/23/2012· Electrical - Electrocution

Electrical Interference: Fields and Human Behavior

By: Ralph Morrison

Ideas are stored in the human mind as a neural pattern. These same ideas can be stored in a computer through an organization of memory bits. In both cases the memory is electrical in nature. Ideas are transferred between people by converting the information in memory to electrical impulses that operate our vocal cords or the fingers on our computer keyboard.


5/24/2007· Failure Analysis

Elements of Failure Analysis

By: Wayne Reitz, PhD, PE

Failure analysis is conducted to determine the root cause of failure. Sometimes these failures are catastrophic, e.g., Titanic. Other times the failures are a nuisance, e.g., failed o-ring in plastic faucet water valve. In both cases, the component failed unexpectedly, which can result in injury or death, not to mention financial loss due to unscheduled downtime

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