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3/28/2019· Business Management

Email Can Destroy You - How To Stay Out Of Legal Trouble

By: Peter Crosby

Emails can be dangerous. In the business world, emails can be not only dangerous but also very expensive.


12/15/2005· Criminology

Embezzlement: Are you at risk?

By: Barry Strock, et al

There is an unusual rash of embezzlement scandals. Newspapers report that governments and organizations small and large are at considerable risk to white collar crimes. Even regional educational organizations are vulnerable as evidenced by one NY BOCES in which $3 million dollars was supposedly taken to illegally enrich an individual’s pockets


8/22/2013· Aquatics Safety

Emergency Procedures During Thunder & Lightning Storms

By: Gerald Dworkin

In 1996, a tragic accident occurred on a soccer field at Northeast Park in the Park Ridge Recreation and Park District in Illinois. After a short rain delay in the game, the skies started clearing and a referee decided to resume play.


11/24/2014· Plants & Trees

Eminent Domain: The Great Pancake House Summit Meeting

By: Joe Samnik

Oh lo, how many years have passed since one of the country's leading property rights attorneys asked me to meet with him and his assistant to go over my deposition prior to giving it. He was the lead property rights attorney for Florida's oldest law firm. He was located over 400 miles away, and wanted me to meet him at a pancake house at 5:00 AM. My deposition was at 9:00 AM the same day. The matter evolved around the governments taking of private property for public use - eminent domain - which may be found under Article 5 of the Bill of Rights. The issue of eminent domain is, and was, so crucially important to our founding fathers that the same number of jurors required for capital murder is also required for eminent domain trials. When you work in the field of eminent domain you are working in the literal heartbeat of our constitution.


1/3/2019· Insurance

End-of-Life Issues & Impact of Loss on the Insured

By: Wayne Citron

For the first time, end-of-life issues and the impact of the loss on the insured is the topic. Most of my writings concern insurance in one form or another. I have discussed the many types of insurance, what to look for in each policy, what coverages are available. I've written about what to expect from an insurance company, an agent, or a broker.


3/31/2023· Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Engineering Firm Finds ERP System That Helps Standardize Global Operation

By: Panorama Consulting Group

Providing engineering, architecture, construction, and consulting solutions to the global life sciences and advanced technology industries, this firm had recently undergone an internal reorganization of its business units and operations. Each region was following its own processes, and multiple systems were being used. This led to duplicate and inconsistent data.


10/31/2011· Engineering

Engineering: Asking For a Raise is Easier Than You Think, Even In Bad Times

By: John Hoschette

Do you feel underpaid and deserving of a higher salary? Are you thinking about asking for a raise, but unsure how to go about it? Do you cringe at the thought of approaching your boss?


12/1/2011· Engineering

Engineering: Your Internet Image Could Be Sabotaging Your Career

By: John Hoschette

With the wealth of knowledge available at the click of a mouse, the Internet is a wonderful tool that can really help accelerate your career. But have you ever stopped to consider what information about you might be available to others on the Internet?


1/15/2024· Plastic / Reconstructive / Cosmetic Surgery

Enhancing Legal Strategies with Plastic Surgery Litigation Support

By: Dr. Thomas Zaydon

When we think of plastic surgery, images of cosmetic enhancements often come to mind. However, the world of plastic surgery extends beyond aesthetics, playing a significant role in the field of law. Enter "plastic surgery litigation support," a dynamic intersection where medical expertise meets legal strategy.


3/14/2019· Finance

ERISA, the Fiduciary Standard and Where We Go from Here

By: Marguerita Cheng

Putting the DOL's investor-protection rule into historical context sheds new light on what the future may hold for retirement savers.

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Jon (Paul)
Jon (Paul) Dillard

President and Co-Founder

JP Transportation Safety Consulting, LLC

Dr. J.P Purswell, PhD, PE, CPE

Human Factors, Ergonomics, & Safety Consulting

Purswell & Purswell

Roy Theophilus
Roy Theophilus Bent, Jr.

Expert Witness / Personal Property Appraiser

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