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11/23/2016· Plants & Trees

Different Types of Tree Care Professionals

By: Christian Plunkett

There are many terms in use describing different types of tree care professionals and this can cause considerable confusion for a homeowner or property manager who requires a tree care provider. The information below will hopefully provide some clarity on the topic.


2/21/2011· Mining

Digging In: An In - Depth Look At The Archaeological Resources Protection Act: The Archaeological Perspective

By: Christopher Dore

This chapter provides an archaeological perspective on the Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979 (ARPA).


1/22/2018· Documentation Examination & Analysis

Discovery of a Cut-and-Paste Alteration Without the Source Signatures

By: Mike Wakshull

Generally, document examiners state that a source signatures is needed to show that the signature on a document is cut from another document then pasted onto the document in question. In this case study, a technique is presented to demonstrate how a cut-and-paste was discovered without the source signature.


9/27/2013· Construction

Discrete Damages/Cost Variance Analysis Method for Quantifying Damages in Construction Claims

By: Long International

The "discrete damages/cost variance analysis method" for quantifying construction claim damages involves the specific distribution of all costs incurred on the project rather than quantifying only certain parts of the cost or damage analysis as may be used in the other methods.


6/3/2021· Marketing

DIY Websites For Forensic Experts in 2021

By: Beryl Vaughan

Are you ready to build your website? Or did you build one yourself? Can you really build a website yourself? You may well be tempted to take a Saturday afternoon and follow the lure of a DIY site: that it will be inexpensive and easy. DIY sites offer premade templates called Themes. You plug in your info (name, address)


9/27/2013· Warnings & Labels

Do Football Helmet Warnings Prevent Injury?

By: Dr. Gerald M. Goldhaber

Anyone who bas seen a football helmet in recent days may be swprised at the bluntness of the warnings advising players that the very product they are wearing to prevent injury may not do that at all. For example, the warning that appears inside helmets manufactured by both Schutt Sports and Rawlings contain Oris conclusion:


2/18/2010· Warnings & Labels

Do We Need To Warn Parents About The Dangers Of Playing Football?

By: Dr. Gerald Goldhaber

The Goldhaber Warnings Report:...Unlike its previous hearingswhich addressed the NFL’s lack of adequate protection against brain injuries, the Houston hearing focused on risks faced by younger football players. Several million high school and college students play football...


3/8/2018· Insurance

Do You need an Insurance Expert?

By: Wayne Citron

It's a daunting decision, whether or not you need to pay for an insurance expert when you have an insurance claim. Typically, you would just contact your broker to handle things. And while this might be the right and necessary decision, your broker represents the insurance company. That means they work for them, not you. If you're in a fender bender, then calling your broker or agent is most likely the best first step. The truth is that you may be able to handle the matter yourself. Once you make the call and file the claim, the insurance company's adjuster will come out, take note of the damage, assign a value and pay you. If your body shop disagrees with the claims adjuster, they can call the adjuster, file a subsequent claim, and handle the matter for you.


10/17/2017· Expert Witnessing

Do Your Expert Witness Reports and Testimony Comply with 2015 Amendments to CRCP (Colorado Code of Civil Procedure)?

By: Greg Gerganoff

The employ of expert witnesses in litigation is typically undertaken to help the decider of fact (judge or jury) decipher an area of specialized knowledge which is key to the case. The expert report serves the primary purpose of "educating" deciders of fact on topics not commonly known to the general public. However, a noncomplying expert report can wreak havoc on a case, increase costs or worse, have the expert's testimony precluded in whole or part from use at trial. This of course is contrary to the purpose of retaining an expert in the first place. Understanding the parameters of compliance (C.R.C.P. 26 (a) (2) (B) (I)) and how sanctions for non-compliance (C.R.C.P. 37 (c) (1)) may be applied is important not only for legal counsel but the expert as well under the 2015 rule updates and the recent Colorado Supreme Court case, Catholic Health Initiatives Colorado v. Earl Swensson Associates, Inc.


3/11/2014· Plants & Trees

Doctor, Doctor, Can You Save My...Tree? 45 Years of the Most Asked Questions

By: Joe Samnik

When your area of expertise includes tree preservation, and you have been doing just that for 45 years, a pattern of anticipation emerges from the owner of the tree as it relates to certain inquiries regarding the process and expectations. Wither my client is commercial or residential there are shared common denominators associated with each person. Here is my summation of the most frequently asked questions and my response:

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Design, Analysis, Expert, Trial, Forensic Witness

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