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10/11/2017· Accounting

Determining a Distressed Debtor Company Discount Rate, Part 1

By: Michael D. Pakter

This is Part 1 of a two-part article. This part discusses valuations of distressed debtor companies based on discounted cash flows and considers the impact of the date and stage of distress. Next month, Part 2 will describe how the financial analyst derives the cost of capital for a distressed debtor company.


11/1/2017· Accounting

Determining a Distressed Debtor Company Discount Rate, Part 2

By: Michael D. Pakter

This is Part 2 of a two-part article. The first part (published in the January 2014 issue of Business Valuation Update) discussed valuations of distressed debtor companies based on discounted cash flows and considered the impact of the date and stage of distress. This part describes how the financial analyst derives the cost of capital for a distressed debtor company.


10/25/2012· Damages

Determining the Value of Household Production as a Component of Economic Damages

By: Dr. Stanley Stephenson

The forensic financial expert may be familiar with assessing lost profits, earnings capacity, or even valuing a business, but what is the expert to do about damages arising from lost ability to engage in non-market work? In a personal injury, wronful death or similar tort cases, physical limitations may restrict market and non-market work the latter forming the basis for an additional source of damages.


2/11/2022· Healthcare Facilities - Hospitals

Determining Usual, Customary, And Reasonable Charges For Healthcare Services

By: Research and Planning Consultants

This paper identifies and discusses industry standards for what charge percentile threshold state laws and private health plans consider reasonable to determine allowable amounts for payment. The term &"allowable amount"; refers to the total amount a regulation or private health plan determines a provider should be paid. It is the sum of the payment responsibilities of the plan and the patient.


2/1/2003· Automotive - Vehicular

Developing An Effective Maintenance Program

By: Ronald G. Bredemeyer

Have you ever stopped to consider that maintenance is war? Your enemies are breakdown and deterioration; your soldiers are the maintenance supervisors and technicians; and the people you are protecting are the workers and customers of your organization


9/4/2013· Construction

Developing Subcontract Pricing As Applied to Building Construction

By: Long International

ABSTRACT - This paper provides guidelines to commercial construction cost engineers for the development of a plan for obtaining and utilizing subcontractor cost information for use in bidding, procurement, scheduling, change order management, and claim management. The paper is based upon personal field experience gained in cost engineering, scheduling, bidding, planning, contracting, and claim analyses.


9/12/2018· Intellectual Property

Development of Innovative New Standards Jeopardised by IEEE Patent Policy

By: Keith Mallinson

In March 2015, IEEE significantly amended its patent policy in what was couched as an "update" but that seeks to significantly revise commitments from parties holding patent claims essential to IEEE standards to license those rights on reasonable and non-discriminatory (RAND) terms. Changes disallow patent holders from receiving any value attributable to the standards, require licensing at the smallest saleable patent practicing unit level, and deny these rights holders entitlement to seek an injunction against an unlicensed implementer until appellate review is exhausted. IEEE’s stated objective was to protect implementers from patent holdup, which was alleged without any substantiation.[1] IEEE is promoting, by reducing technology licensing costs, the short-term interests of certain implementers while undermining standard-essential patent values and the ability of SEP owners to receive adequate compensation, they are entitled to, from licensing their SEPs.


5/6/2015· Psychology

Developmentally Disabled Adult Wrongful Death: PICA Disorder and Choking

By: Dr. William A. Lybarger

I have been providing expert witness services for several years. My practice, for the most part, has involved personal injury and wrongful death matters in health and human service agencies. More specifically, my work frequently requires a Standard of Care opinion related to the level of care provided by a service organization to a person with a developmental disability and/or mental retardation. As a part of this practice I have worked several cases involving an eating disorder referred to as PICA.


7/12/2017· Forensic Psychiatry

Diagnosing and Treating Parental Alienation/Child Alienation: How a Forensic Psychologist Can Help

By: Dr. Jane K. McNaught

When divorce occurs in the family, an inevitable loss occurs in the lives of the parents as well as children. Positive adjustment to divorce comes when both of the parents as well as the children develop healthy coping methods to deal with the loss. This enables both parents and children to move forward with their new lives. Unfortunately, many parents who suffer from their own disturbed attachment history or mental health issues, are unable to put aside their anger and constructively cope with the loss. In such cases, parents often undermine the children's relationship with the other parent, in order to express their own unresolved parental anger and sadness about the divorce.


1/29/2013· Engines (Combustion - Diesel)

Diesel Engine Failures After EPA Required Upgrades

By: David Merrion

The diesel engine industry that manufacturers engines for medium and heavy duty trucks, had to develop new technology for 2004, 2007 and 2010 to meet EPA exhaust emission standards.

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