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1/3/2019· Insurance

End-of-Life Issues & Impact of Loss on the Insured

By: Wayne Citron

For the first time, end-of-life issues and the impact of the loss on the insured is the topic. Most of my writings concern insurance in one form or another. I have discussed the many types of insurance, what to look for in each policy, what coverages are available. I've written about what to expect from an insurance company, an agent, or a broker.


3/8/2018· Insurance

Do You need an Insurance Expert?

By: Wayne Citron

It's a daunting decision, whether or not you need to pay for an insurance expert when you have an insurance claim. Typically, you would just contact your broker to handle things. And while this might be the right and necessary decision, your broker represents the insurance company. That means they work for them, not you. If you're in a fender bender, then calling your broker or agent is most likely the best first step. The truth is that you may be able to handle the matter yourself. Once you make the call and file the claim, the insurance company's adjuster will come out, take note of the damage, assign a value and pay you. If your body shop disagrees with the claims adjuster, they can call the adjuster, file a subsequent claim, and handle the matter for you.

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The New Science of Overcoming...

by C. Thomas Vangsness, Jr., MD broker Movie Ad

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