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9/14/2012· Meditation

Benefits and Uses of Hypnosis

By: Peter H. Dennis

In my last article, I stated that the greatest benefit of meditation may actually be an increase in consciousness. The metaphysicists tell us that everything has consciousness (awareness). Most scientists wouldn't agree.


5/22/2014· Warnings & Labels

Can a Failure to Warn Lawsuit Against Carnival Win?

By: Dr. Gerald M. Goldhaber

This week, as my family and I prepare for a one week Caribbean cruise, the last thing on our minds is what legal recourse we may have should something go awry on our vacation. However, with the recent crippling of the Carnival Triumph which, following an engine fire, was adrift for four days with overflowiug toilets, unbearable heat and never-ending lines for food, the first two lawsuits have been flied agaiust Carnival Cruises.


1/8/2014· Real Estate

The "Real" Real Estate Situation

By: Dr. Kenneth E. Lehrer

While it is true that the National Housing Act of 1930 and other acts and organizations sought to both foster and insulate housing from the overall financial marketplaces, such separation is not limitless. No matter how many special authorities, administrative agencies, or segregated financial institutions are created, in order to supply adequate shelter, the financial instrumentation utilized in the housing market is still an integral part of the overall financial marketplace. Ask any American who was born after D Day and they will presume that available and adequately priced shelter is theirs for the asking.


2/28/2019· Accident Prevention & Safety

Defective Vertical Baler Causes Serious Crush Injury to Operator's Arm

By: Jeffrey Warren

I recently worked on an interesting case involving a box baler. An employee of a butcher shop put some empty cardboard boxes in a vertical box baler and pushed the control switch to compact the boxes. After the 30 by 60 inch platen weighing 851 pounds returned to its raised position, the employee reached into the open space above the bottom door on the baler and began to clear cardboard from the bale tie slots in the bottom of the raised platen. Suddenly, and without warning, the steel pin attaching the platen to the raised hydraulic cylinder rod failed. The heavy steel platen fell and crushed his arm which was outstretched over the baler door into the compaction space.


3/5/2013· Medical - Medicine

Thrombin Peptide Chrysalin Stimulates Healing of Diabetic Foot Ulcers in a Placebo-Controlled Phase I/II Study

By: Dr. Jeffrey Stone

Thrombin and thrombin peptides play a role in initiating tissue repair. The potential safety and efficacy of TP508 (Chrysalins) treatment of diabetic foot ulcers was evaluated in a 60-subject, prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebocontrolled phase I/II clinical trial.


9/21/2019· Internet Marketing

The Rise of Vaping - How Viral Marketing Techniques Might Fuel Adoption

By: Brent Coker, PhD

I was recently invited to provide informal pro-bono advice to a law firm organizing a class action lawsuit against JUUL – a supplier of vaping products. Part of their argument was the idea that JUUL were engaged in unlawful viral marketing – inciting peer pressure by using advanced marketing techniques.


2/7/2019· Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Case Study: Why Efficient Online Reputation Repair Involves More Than Content Suppression

By: Sameer Somal

At Blue Ocean Global Technology, we specialize and have extensive experience in cases of online reputation management (ORM). As a result, reputation repair is one of our key responsibilities. The following case study highlights how a company’s or individual’s digital reputation can be wrongfully damaged. It also demonstrates the wide dispersion of ORM service provider competence. Limited knowledge and experience in reputation repair hinder a digital marketing company’s ability to achieve optimal client results. As you will soon see, what’s most effective and efficient to achieve the desired outcome is not always employed. Digital marketing companies may only offer a complex approach at a substantial cost. We hope this case study will provide clarity and helpful guidance when conducting effective online reputation repair campaigns.


10/26/2016· Construction

Independent Safety Professionals, Or "It's All Good, I Can Handle It!"

By: Greg Gerganoff

During a recent conversation with a friend who had purchased a small construction company he mentioned in passing that one of his employees had injured his ankle on the job but didn't report it to his work comp carrier as it was a minor incident, no days off work, didn't want his rates to go up, why bother. All is good. Right?


2/22/2019· Chemical Industry

Not Your Father's House Fire

By: Jennifer Morningstar

Remember the good old days when our homes were built with only lumber, dry-wall, and roofing? Me neither. However, we talk about 'modern' construction materials like this is a new phenomenon. The truth is 'modern' construction materials started sneaking into homes over fifty years ago. It's not only construction materials that have changed: a century ago, we furnished our houses with wood, cloth, metal, and glass. Today, it's plastics, foams, and coatings.


1/15/2015· Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

The Need for First Responders to be Trained and Equipped to Perform Domestic Animal Rescues

By: Gerald Dworkin

Based on our research of ice rescue incidents and fatalities during the years 2006 & 2007, approximately 85% of the incidents were initiated as a result of humans venturing out onto the ice to rescue a domestic animal. The purpose of this article is three-fold. First, we need to educate the public about the need to control their pets and to prevent them from going out onto the ice because no ice should ever be considered as being "safe ice". Second, we need to also educate the public to call 911, rather than to make an attempt to rescue their pets that have fallen through the ice. And, third, First Responder agencies and their personnel need to be trained and equipped to properly, effectively, and safely respond to domestic animal rescues on and through the ice.

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Tal Lavian, PhD

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TelecommNet Engineering

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Bridget R. Brandon

ASEA Certified Senior Equine Appraiser & Expert

Bridget Brandon, ValueMyHorse LLC

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Carl H. Josephson, PE, SE Principal Structural Engineer

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