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11/12/2018· Accident Investigation & Reconstruction

Ready, Set, Fly! - Understanding Another Technology for Forensic Investigations

By: Thomas J. Kelly

This is the first blog in a series on integrating new technologies into the process of forensic investigations. Documenting the scene of an incident accurately, efficiently, and safely is a key step in every investigation. Busy roadways and unstable structures present hazards to the investigator during the investigation process. The use of remote sensors can reduce these risks and provide data that otherwise could not safely be obtained.


8/7/2014· Aquatics Safety

Hands-Only CPR Simplifies Saving Lives for Bystanders

By: Gerald Dworkin

DALLAS, April 1 - Chest compressions alone, or Hands-Only Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), can save lives and can be used to help an adult who suddenly collapses, according to a new American Heart Association scientific statement.


8/6/2013· Medical - Medicine

Intact Performance of a Cochlear Implant Following Radiotherapy in a Child With Acute LymphobLastic Leukemia

By: Michael Gossman

Cochlear implants, via direct electrical stimulation of the auditory nerve, allow the restoration of hearing and speech recognition in both adults and children having sensorineural deafness. These devices typically contain both extemal components (speech processor, microphone, transmitter) and intemal components (including the cochlear stimulator and electrode array), which are surgically placed under the skin behind the ear and in the cochlea.


9/4/2018· Design

Redesigning the Design Industry; "The Next-Generation Consultancy"

By: Rob Wallace

Those of us who run design consultancies embrace change. In fact, we are often our client's primary "change agents". We foresee the emerging need in the ever-evolving market, and mold our clients' brands and experiences to meet that new need.


2/22/2018· Automotive - Vehicular

Safety Compromises, Part 4: Speeding

By: Ned Einstein

Speeding would seem like the most obvious safety compromise. Speeding would seem like the most natural remedy to a schedule too tight, and the most obvious way to pick up more passengers, increase system capacity and maximize revenue: Just drive faster.


10/17/2013· Warnings & Labels

Synthetic Drug Retailers Sued By New York A.G. For Failure to Warn

By: Dr. Gerald M. Goldhaber

New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman filed 12 civil lawsuits on July 10,2012 throughout New York State against 16 head shops that sold synthetic drugs which were marketed as different products such as glass cleaner, potpourri, bath salts and spice. The main claim in these lawsuits is that the products violate consumer protection laws for labeling by failing to warn consumers of the products' content, safety and health risks.


7/11/2017· Psychiatry

Civil Litigation and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

By: Dr. Burt Singerman

An ever-increasing number of plaintiffs are claiming post-traumatic stress disorder. Why such a sudden, marked increase in litigation of this form? Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was first described in the sixth century B.C. The symptoms associated with the illness have not changed, though the name of the condition itself has, naturally, changed. In World War I the disorder was labeled "shell shock," linking the condition to the close lines between battling armies and the continuous firing of munitions. In World War II, the condition came to be called "combat neurosis." The term "post-traumatic stress disorder" entered the psychiatric nomenclature with the 1980 publication of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 3rd Edition.


11/3/2017· Expert Witnessing

How Independent Is Your Expert?

By: Michael J. Garibaldi CPA, ABV, CFF, CGMA

It may be detrimental to an expert witness's credibility if even the appearance of a lack of independence exists. In today's legal environment, discrediting an expert based on his or her relationship with counsel, the client or the judge is common. Let's examine how to identify an expert's independence.


3/30/2016· Environment

AIG's Brownfields Insurance Debacle: Policy Language Should Be Negotiated by Coverage Experts

By: Dr. Susan Neuman

The world of brownfield insurance (BI) was recently shocked to learn that AIG was non-renewing its site pollution liability (SPL) book of business. AIG's Pollution Legal Liability Select (PLLS) policy, issued in 1995, was environmental insurers' first response to the Brownfields Movement. It allowed them to modify previously restrictive and inflexible policies so that they could be used to facilitate transactions. The idea of the policy was that the insured would be able to "select" specific coverages out of a number of modules based on distinctions of time, location, and types of damage, for instance On Site Cleanup Costs due to Pre-Existing Pollution Conditions. However, in addition to this selection process, specific policies also need to be manuscripted or tailored to fit specific risks. They are negotiable contracts, and, as illustrated by most of the cases involving such policies over the last 10 or 15 years, need to be negotiated by coverage experts.


10/23/2015· Construction

Crane Training Lacking In U.S.: Other Countries Lead the Way to Safety

By: Thomas Barth

Here in the United States our crane training program is falling through the cracks. Other countries, such as Canada, have one of the best training programs in the world. The United States tried to put a program together by copying their program but unfortunately they left out the most valuable parts.

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