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9/4/2013· Construction

Developing Subcontract Pricing As Applied to Building Construction

By: Long International

ABSTRACT - This paper provides guidelines to commercial construction cost engineers for the development of a plan for obtaining and utilizing subcontractor cost information for use in bidding, procurement, scheduling, change order management, and claim management. The paper is based upon personal field experience gained in cost engineering, scheduling, bidding, planning, contracting, and claim analyses.


10/28/2014· Aquatics Safety

Aquatics Safety: In the Rhythm of Saving Lives

By: Gerald Dworkin

On July 13, 2004, a 55-year-old man collapsed in the Medina (Ohio) Aquatic and Fitness Center. The aquatic manager for the city, Darlene Donkin, responded and assessed him to be in cardiac arrest. Although Donkin was a CPR instructor and taught more than 100 classes on the subject, she had never actually performed it in a life-and-death situation prior to this incident.


7/22/2009· Accident Investigation & Reconstruction

Forensic Engineering Experts: Warnings

By: Kristopher J. Seluga, PE

A warning must inform individuals of a danger, which would not be obvious to them. It must tell them how to avoid the danger, and be easily understood. It should also provide them with the consequences of not heading the warning.


4/11/2016· OSHA

"Ignorance of Safety, or No Ostrich Zone."

By: Greg Gerganoff

In the safety world hazard recognition plays a vital role in keeping your people safe from unsafe behaviors and/or conditions. Some hazards are easily recognized, for example an employee climbing up a 20 foot ladder with tools held in both hands. (This is a fall hazard by the way.) Common sense right? The safety guy who taught me safety had a great response to this attitude, "Few people have any sense (read knowledge) in common (read shared alike)". So while some safety hazards are immediately recognizable others require training to spot and avoid. Training is a key method in avoiding the "Ostrich Zone". One such hazard is Hydrogen Sulfide. You don't want to bury your head facing this hazard. (Won't do much good anyway, Hydrogen Sulfide is heavier then air!)


9/9/2011· Radiology

Radiation Skyshine From A 6 MeV Medical Accelerator

By: Michael Gossman, MS, DABR, RSO, et al

Skyshine radiation emanating from medical accelerator facilities is a phenomenon not well understood.


8/18/2011· Computers

Information Technology: Government Could Save £8bn By Choosing Second-User Hardware

By: Dr. Stephen Castell

The new government has announced the areas that it has identified for dramatic cuts in public spending. One of the most effective reductions should be derived through more professional, better-managed government IT spending.


5/20/2021· Accident Prevention & Safety

Crossing Accidents: Who is Usually at Fault and Who is Usually Blamed

By: Ned Einstein

The most common crossing accidents are simple vehicle-pedestrian accidents where a car, SUV or pickup truck strikes a pedestrian. Because impact forces closely reflect the inverse of the square of the masses, no pedestrian is a remote match for even the slightest automobile traveling at a crawl. As a simple illustration, a 100-lb. pedestrian colliding with a 2000-lb. car will not experience twenty time the impact forces that the vehicle does.


7/8/2015· Transportation

Buses and Motorcoaches: Seating and Securement

By: Ned Einstein

Comparing their relative safety to that of other vehicles, a number of motorcoach features come immediately to mind: Mass, monocoque construction pneumatic suspension, and fully-padded, forward-facing seats. Yet incidents like these still occur:


12/21/2010· Medical Malpractice

The Executive's Role In Malpractice Cases: Ethical As Well As Financial And Legal Factors Should Be Considered

By: Paul B. Hofmann, DrPH, FACHE

Progress has been made on improving patient safety and reducing clinical mistakes, but errors happen and, in spite of everything, patients are still harmed.


6/16/2009· Counseling

Coping with Today’s Tumultuous Environment

By: Martin Brenner

The age in which we live is full of stressors that can build and trigger a slew of negative emotions. Anxiety and frustration are everywhere in today’s society and the way in which we choose to deal with them can have a profound impact on our lives. What we choose to do with our pain is up to us.

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