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3/25/2015· Medical Malpractice

How Can Causation Be Established in a Labor and Delivery Malpractice Action?

By: Dr. James Wheeler

A malpractice action requires the plaintiff to prove: (1) the defendant caregiver owed a duty of care to the plaintiff-patient, (2) the caregiver departed from that standard of care, and (3) that departure from the standard of care actually caused the injury claimed by the plaintiff. "Causation" 11; often the critical component in a malpractice action because the presence of a duty is often obvious, except perhaps in "Good Samaritan" cases, but the statutorily-required expert witnesses will argue about whether the caregiver departed from some standard of care. Because defining "causation" is difficult, there are interesting distinctions in legal versus medical, sociological, or philosophical concepts of cause-and-effect. Applying this difficult concept of "causation" to the very complex world of labor and delivery (L&D) does indeed beg the question, just how can causation be established?


12/17/2013· Elevators - Escalator - Automatic Doors

Low Energy Door Systems A Basic Primer for Your Next Door Injury Case

By: Michael Panish

In conjunction with many other articles that I have had published pertaining to high energy doors, or what most people think of when they say automatic doors, low energy systems can be equally dangerous and need to be appropriately and properly maintained.


9/30/2015· Transportation

Buses and Motorcoaches: Progressive Driver Assignment

By: Ned Einstein

Little in public transportation is as challenging as driving load upon load of wheelchair occupants, with unique needs (and often unique chairs), in all directions, with last-minute one-of-a-kind trips dispatched into tight schedules created days, or even weeks, in advance. Yet this is precisely what paratransit drivers do - hour after hour, day after day.


1/28/2011· Construction

Construction Expert Witness Practice

By: Wayne Baruch

We all find ourselves in legal disputes from time to time.


12/17/2014· Transportation

Compromising Safety to Reduce Liability Exposure

By: Ned Einstein

Every responsible society has mechanisms to hold its citizens, and their organizations, accountable for their actions. With respect to safety, our society effects this goal through the enactment and enforcement of statutes and regulations, and through the process of civil litigation. As with most rules and most societies, many of our transportation organizations have discovered loopholes. Employing these loopholes, they have effectively reduced their liability exposure at the cost of compromising safety.


6/29/2016· Transportation

Buses and Motorcoaches: The Danger Deterrent

By: Ned Einstein

Like most fields, public transportation is swollen with studies, both in the U.S. and abroad. Yet some of the most fascinating things seem to be never studied, or rarely studied.


8/18/2016· OSHA

Portable Generator Safety: Let There Be Light! But Be Safe About It

By: Greg Gerganoff

Electricity is a vital source of energy in our daily lives. It powers tools, provides light and heat. Our working lives are much improved and efficiency greatly increased thanks to electricity. But what about those situations where power from the grid is unavailable. Well, portable generators are an excellent tool for such a scenario.


4/8/2011· Elevators - Escalator - Automatic Doors

Choosing An Elevator Expert Witness

By: Ronald Creak

When choosing an expert witness, most people will agree it is vitally important to select the right one from the outset.


6/12/2015· Pools and Spas (Recreational)

Pool Safety & Inspection: What's Below the Surface?

By: Trevor Sherwood

Everyone knows when you buy a new home that it needs to be inspected by a professional home inspector. But, what should you do about the pool in the backyard? Unbeknownst to many homebuyers and sellers, the pool needs a professional inspection in order to make sure that it is safe enough for your family to enjoy.


1/14/2014· Machinery

After the Storm: Mitigating Losses Involving High-Technology Equipment Following a Flood

By: Envista Forensics - Bruce Swales

The role that water plays in our existence is well understood. Without it, most living things will rapidly wither and die. Equally catastrophic of course, are the consequences of too much water. Not only to living things, in terms of widespread flooding, but also in terms of damage to machinery and equipment from exposure to water.

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