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5/19/2015· Legal Issues

Expert Witness: Plaintiff or Defense?

By: Michael Panish

The first two questions that I am often asked by attorneys during deposition or trial testimony are "On what percentage of cases do you work for the Plaintiff?" and "On what percentage of cases do you work for the Defense?"


5/4/2012· Biokinetics

Biomechanical Engineering: What is Biomechanics?

By: Kerry L. Knapp, PhD

The discipline of biomechanics integrates the laws of physics and the working concepts of engineering to describe the motion of various body segments and the forces acting on these segments. Injury biomechanics then couples the knowledge of force and motion with a thorough understanding of functional human anatomy, human biomechanics and human tissue mechanics to explore the possible relationships between external events and human tissue injury.


4/19/2012· Banking

Protecting Yourself in Your Banking Relationship

By: Darryl Horowitt

Virtually everyone and every business has a relationship with a financial institution, whether it be a bank, savings bank, or credit union. When the account is opened, there is the hope that nothing will go wrong in the account and that your funds will be preserved.


12/20/2012· Transportation

Transportation Accidents: Operators, Lawyers, and Underwriters

By: Ned Einstein

This title makes me think immediately of funerals. This is not what this installment is about, although problems in the office and on the road often translate into funerals for operating companies, not just their accident victims.


3/11/2016· Transportation

Bad Regulations and Worse Responses, Part 5: Executive Branch Responses

By: Ned Einstein

Practically beginning my public transportation career as a consultant to the U.S. Department of Transportation, I learned to hate "Wash-Speak." Government agencies do not compound things; they exacerbate them. They use nothing, but utilize everything. They never start anything, yet implement everything. And much-ado-about nothing is usually referred to as a paradigm shift.


5/29/2013· Aquatics Safety

Management of Aquatic Spinal Injuries

By: Gerald Dworkin

All public and semi-public aquatic facilities should be equipped with appropriate spinal immobilization devices (SIDs), in addition to cervical collars, lateral stabilization items (i.e. blankets, towels, sand bags, and so forth), and appropriate immobilization material (i.e. straps and bandages).


9/16/2014· Aquatics Safety

Cold Calls: Ice Rescues Pose Unique Challenges For Responders

By: Gerald Dworkin

The following incidents and places, as well as the circumstances surrounding them, are fictional. On the Scene Dispatch at 16:04 hrs: KGT-597 to Rescue 15, respond to Bakersville Pond off Cemetery Island for a report of a dog through the ice, approximately 100 yards from shore.


3/13/2012· Medical Physics

Providing Solid Angle Formalism for Skyshine Calculation

By: Michael Gossman, MS, DABR, RSO, et al

We detail, derive and correct the technical use of the solid angle variable identified in formal guidance that relates skyshine calculations to dose-equivalent rate.


3/8/2012· Psychiatry

Facilitation of Mourning During Childhood

By: Dr. Gilbert Kliman

Here you will meet several children helped by Cornerstone who suffered from tragic losses and tragic circumstances. This chapter is essentially practical in its orientation to technique, describing several forms of treatment of bereaved children, with a minimum of theoretical essay. Probably the best definition of "mourning" for our current purposes is, "the totality of reaction to the loss of a loved object."


7/15/2014· Metallurgy

Damage to Pumps from Poor Upstream Pipe Welding: A Metallurgical Failure Analysis

By: Gerald Davis

Four, tri-lobe pumps were damaged and required extensive repair during the latter stages of construction for a modification in a pharmaceutical manufacturing plant. The economic loss was significant and the general contractor for the work paid the plant's owner for the loss. The renovated units were installed and are in use. However, the general contractor then sued one of its subcontractors - a welding contractor that fabricated and completed weld joints between piping sections on the inlet side of the pumps. The general contractor claimed poor quality welds in the piping permitted loosened weld fragments to enter the pumps during the required water flow verification of the system and this caused the damage.

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