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10/22/2014· Product Liability

Proposed Warning for Selected Foods

By: Dr. Gerald M. Goldhaber

Last month's issue of the Goldhaber Warnings Report focused on the dangers of added sugar to many products sold in the U.S. But sugar, while a major culprit in the causal chain leading to a variety of serious illnesses such as Type 2 Diabetes and other cardio-vascular diseases and certain cancers, is not the only food product that may need a safety warning. Let's look at a few potential examples of products that might benefit from a safety warning.


10/20/2014· Banking

Recruiting New Bank Directors - Is Your House In Order?

By: Catherine Ghiglieri

Many banks need to add new board members because some are reaching a mandatory retirement age or because others who agreed to stay through the financial crisis now want to rotate off the board. Banks need to keep in mind that they will be under close scrutiny by any prospective candidate who will be conducting due diligence on the bank at the same time the bank is conducting due diligence on the candidate. In order to ensure your bank can attract top candidates for board positions, consider the following before beginning the recruiting process:


10/16/2014· Dental - Dentistry

Bisphosphonate-Related Osteonecrosis Of The Jaw In The Dental Patient

By: Dr. Lee (Mac) Whitesides

A new complication from treatment with bisphosphonates has become an important disease condition for the dental professional to recognize. Bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) manifests itself as devitalized exposed bone in the maxillofacial region. Patients may be considered to have BRONJ, if all three of the following are presented simultaneously:


10/15/2014· Professional Malpractice

Technical Aspects Of Professional Liability Claims

By: Frederick Fisher, JD, CCP

Professional liability claim management is a unique area of insurance claim responsibilities. Indeed, there are as many ways to supervise, manage, and investigate professional liability claims as there are different lines of professional liability coverage. This article will address the key issues that are involved in the investigation and resolution of nonmedical and non-D&O claims under professional liability policies.


10/14/2014· Forgery & Fraud

Tips For Avoiding Identity Theft

By: Darryl Horowitt

Identity theft should be a concern to all because of its pervasiveness. One form of theft is the opening of a credit card account using a pre-approved credit card solicitation. You may have received one or more of these solicitations every day, if not every week. Sometimes, the same company will send more than one such solicitation. The credit card companies do this because they receive information from credit reporting agencies and those with acceptable credit scores are sent more attractive offers.


10/14/2014· Plants & Trees

Trees & Plants: Caveat Emptor

By: Joe Samnik

Have you ever heard the name Donna Massie? How about Tom McCrum? The former holds the dubious distinction of having identified the very first Asian long-horned beetle (ALB) in Worchester, Mass. Already 1,800 trees have been tagged for removal on 62 square miles surrounding Worcester and four neighboring towns. Tom McCrum is with the Massachusetts Maple Syrup Association and joins economists and politicians in the nightmare scenario that would follow into the tourism and timber industry if the ALB encroached further from its current foothold. Approximately $268 million has been spent on eradication efforts during the last eleven years.


10/14/2014· Medical - Medicine

Injectable Wisdom: Technique, Not Necessarily Product Variety, Key to Outcome Success

By: Dr. Warren Seiler

"For the physician to grow a cosmetic injectable practice, both a variety of products as well as a mastery of technique are key ingredients in the recipe for success. If one had to choose between variety and technique, I believe that it is the technique that will ultimately provide desired results and thus create many happy return visits from patients. Repeat business is the goal.


10/13/2014· Nursing

Geriatrics & Nursing Homes: Pressure Ulcers

By: Dr. Christopher Davey

To understand how a pressure ulcer is caused by the negligence of a nursing staff and a facility, it is first important to understand what a pressure ulcer is and what happens to the body to allow them to develop.


10/2/2014· Transportation

Some Things You Should Know About Seat Belts

By: Ned Einstein

As pressure from the unknowing continues to mount, rumors have it that the U.S. motorcoach industry is slowly inching toward the installation of seatbelts. That we are doing so by skipping the decades of seat compartmentalization that has helped fend off most seatbelt advocates in the schoolbus industry is only more unfortunate since existing motorcoach seats lend themselves to a far more evolved form of compartmentalization than the "incomplete compartmentalization" (in NHTSA's own words) of their yellow body-on-chassis cousins.


9/30/2014· Medical - Medicine

The Multiple Ways a Medical Oncology and Hematology Expert Witness Can Assist in Issues of Medical Malpractice

By: Dr. Robert Burdick

"Has the standard of care been violated?" is the basic question in all medical malpractice cases, the answer to which may be difficult to determine because the standard of care is often unwritten, can be ever changing, and is a blend of academic and private practice opinions. In addition to having a broad base of experience with both private practice and academic medicine the expert witness must be current with the medical literature, knowledgeable about solid tumors such as cancer of the breast, lung, colon, thyroid, tongue, larynx, head and neck, esophagus, stomach, colon, rectum, anus, skin, melanoma, liver, kidneys, bladder, pancreas, ovary, testicle, hepatoma, and sarcoma, as well as soft tissue malignancies such as non-Hodgkin's and Hodgkin's lymphoma, the acute and chronic leukemia's, multiple myeloma, anemias, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, and pancytopenia.

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