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11/16/2005· Computer Forensics

How to Successfully Obtain Computer-Based Discovery in 10 Steps

By: SETEC Investigations

Identifying pertinent evidence on computer systems is essential to the discovery process in today's world, as it is believed that over 70% of information stored in computer systems is never reproduced in hard copy form


9/5/2005· Premises Liability

Mitigation of Civil Liability/Injury - Event Management

By: Ira S. Somerson, BCFE, CPP

In discussing the mitigation of civil liability with event management, a phrase from the web-site of Diversified Management Services, "Strategic Planning Services" states, "If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there


7/23/2005· Appraisal & Valuation

Problems in the QMDM and Comparison to Economic Components Model...

By: Jay Abrams, ASA, CPA, MBA

It seems to me that healthy dialogue among practitioners is a useful tool in facilitating our growth as a profession. It is in that spirit that I wish to respond to my colleague, Chris Mercer’s recent article,[Citation Omitted] wherein he asserts that my misunderstanding of his Quantitative Marketability Discount Model (QMDM) explains the disparity in my results and his in calculating the discount for lack of marketability (DLOM). Accordingly, in this article I will


4/11/2005· Construction

Things You Can Do To Avoid Conflict In The Design And Construction Of Building Projects

By: William R. Acorn

Introduction: In our first Volume of the Forensic Exchanger, we discussed some of the all too many reasons why HVAC systems fail. If you missed that edition and are interested in that topic e-mail us and we will gladly send it to you. We will follow up with more discussion of that important topic in later editions


2/18/2005· Yoga

Yoga's Secret Teaching

By: Leonard Perlmutter

Imagine all the apples that fell to Earth before Isaac Newton realized that every object in the universe attracts every other object. Of course, the Law of Gravity has always been in force, but it wasn't until Newton focused the creativity of his one-pointed attention on a falling apple that he (and all humanity) received the blessing of finally recognizing a perfectly obvious truth


2/18/2005· Finance

Aristocracizing America

By: Herbert B. Siegel, PhD

Beginning with The Bank Holding Act of 1956 that exempted Industrial Loan Companies from federal banking regulations except for keeping them eligible for government- sponsored FDIC insurance, these secondary lenders were a valuable source of high interest loans to a public segment otherwise unbankable. A financial stranglehold has proliferated on all citizens, however, because of misusing an otherwise well conceived statute


2/18/2005· Sexual Abuse - Molestation - Harassment

When Adults Become Abusers of Young People

By: Rev. David O'Leary, STL, Dphil

The statements are always the same: "We did not see any warning signs." Accounts of child sexual abuse shock our senses. But there are some warning signs people should be aware of. Although they should not lead to witch hunts against innocent people, they should raise people's level of alertness


12/30/2004· Forgery & Fraud

Law Technology News: Investigating I. P. Theft

By: Dennis P. Farley and Jack Mattera

While most legal professionals think of external hackers when they hear about information theft, that's often not the case. The more common culprit: someone with legitimate access to the information - i.e., insiders


12/30/2004· Finance

If You Are Searching For Answers

By: Andrea Joyce Wagner, Coletta L. Dorado

AS AN INVESTOR, you too may have experienced that uncomfortable feeling of not knowing how to read your monthly statement showing activity and positions or other documents sent to you by your brokerage firm


12/21/2004· Hazardous Materials

Creosote Sites

By: Richard Parent, PhD, DABT, FATS, RAC, ERT

Most creosote mixtures that are used today are byproducts of the petroleum industry or coal gasification processes. They are mixtures of several hundreds of chemicals mostly polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) but contain a host of other chemicals including complex heterocyclic compounds

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