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3/6/2015· Transportation

Stop Positioning and Crossing Orientation

By: Ned Einstein

Except in rural areas with vast distances between intersections, a bus stop can reasonably be placed in one of three positions:


3/5/2015· Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

The Pros and Cons of Arbitration

By: Darryl Horowitt

Because of the increase in cost of litigation, and the more frequent use of arbitration clauses in all forms of contracts, arbitration is used with increasing frequency. Although arbitration is an excellent choice in many instances, it may not be right in every case. This article will discuss the pros and cons of arbitration so that you may know whether it is right for you.


3/3/2015· Construction

Best Practices In Coastal Construction

By: John Minor

With sea levels rising by some reports and inch a decade and the prediction of stronger hurricanes todays aging building stock is at risk. In addition for new construction we must learn from the past. The proliferation of coastal development begs for consistent and sustainable construction techniques.


3/3/2015· Accident Investigation & Reconstruction

Forensic Clues: Material Science and Accident Reconstruction

By: John Ryan, BSME, PE

Material science is a broad field that has applications in numerous fields. In product injury cases, material science can help identify defects, determine causes of accidents, determine failure modes, and identify inconsistent manufacturing processes.


2/24/2015· Damages

Life-Care Planners Can Help Simplify Damages For The Jury

By: Ronald T. Smolarski

How do you determine what care and how much money a chronically or catastrophically disabled individual will need for the rest of his or her life? Some attorneys representing either the plaintiff or the defendant in such cases are now getting the expert help they need from specially trained rehabilitation consultants called "life care planners".


2/18/2015· Construction

M. O. A. T. A New Approach to School Security

By: Michael Panish

The need to have increased security to public venues such as airports, schools, religious facilities, day care centers, shopping centers, and government buildings is nothing new. However, it has become apparent that many unexpected assaults and deadly attacks are coming from individuals that have gained a certain level of intimacy with the venues and organizations that they are invading. The attackers are not necessarily strangers, but people we know.


2/5/2015· Medical - Medicine

Leveling the Laser Playing Field: The Time is Now to Establish Objective Training Protocols

By: Dr. Warren Seiler

Lawsuits pertaining to injuries from laser treatments gone awry or just not as expected are on the rise. Part of the issue is the lack of objective training protocols. There is relatively vague legal language across many state medical boards and often lax regulation of these procedures, who is allowed to perform them, and what training and supervision is required.


2/4/2015· Plants & Trees

Fertilizer Analysis - There's A New Sheriff In Town

By: Joe Samnik

Among the new publications of note to arborists is ANSI A300 (part 2) - 2011(Soil Management- a. Modification, b. Fertilization, and c. Drainage). If you fertilize trees, or write specificity regarding the fertilization of trees, this is a new publication you must have in your library. You may obtain a copy of this publication from the Florida Chapter, ISA office.


1/28/2015· Insurance

Current Trends: The Unintended Results of the Absolute Exclusion

By: Frederick Fisher, JD, CCP

Two mutually exclusive goals are beginning to result in apparently unintended results within the executive and professional liability markets. The quest for underwriting profits and the desire to develop clear (to whatever extent possible) coverage language have rapidly changed the coverage landscape within these two lines of coverage.


1/26/2015· Transportation

Buses and Bikes - Mass, Visibility and Unfair Fights

By: Ned Einstein

In those rare instances where the safety of transportation modes can be compared statistically, bus riders fare several decimal points better than bicycle riders. The risks associated with motorcycles are "off the charts." The Figure below illustrates these comparisons for "home-to-school" trips - trips that comprise 15 percent of all transit trips and 96 percent of all schoolbus trips.

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