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10/27/2015· Accident Prevention & Safety

Forensic Clues: Ladder Accidents Part 1 - Stepladders

By: John Ryan, BSME, PE

Ladder accidents occur frequently, often with very serious consequences. Ladders are tools that people use repeatedly, at home and on the job. The CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) states that there are more than 164,000 emergency room-treated injuries annually due to ladders in the United States.


10/23/2015· Construction

Crane Training Lacking In U.S.: Other Countries Lead the Way to Safety

By: Thomas Barth

Here in the United States our crane training program is falling through the cracks. Other countries, such as Canada, have one of the best training programs in the world. The United States tried to put a program together by copying their program but unfortunately they left out the most valuable parts.


10/21/2015· Crisis Management

Panic In Fires

By: Dr. Luiz Hargreaves

Some articles have been written over the years about panic in disasters and fires. The idea that panic rarely occurs in disasters has been readily accepted. When disasters happen, usually, people act in such a way to show solidarity with the other victims. It is common to see some degree of organization in order to assist searches and reconstruction work.


10/13/2015· Construction

Plastic Laminated Products: Fabrication & Installation Problems

By: Michael Panish

This article will discuss plastic laminated products only. Although many other laminated materials are used for residential and commercial applications, plastic laminates are one of the most common products involved in casework claims and personal injuries.


10/1/2015· Finance

Effective Commercial Collection Techniques

By: Darryl Horowitt

It is an unfortunate fact of business that from time to time one of your customers will not pay for goods or services you provide. It is a frustrating and sometimes helpless feeling that you have knowing that even though you provided a valuable product or service, for reasons beyond your control you are simply not paid. How do you collect your money? What follows are some techniques that will help you effectively collect your receivables.


9/30/2015· Transportation

Buses and Motorcoaches: Progressive Driver Assignment

By: Ned Einstein

Little in public transportation is as challenging as driving load upon load of wheelchair occupants, with unique needs (and often unique chairs), in all directions, with last-minute one-of-a-kind trips dispatched into tight schedules created days, or even weeks, in advance. Yet this is precisely what paratransit drivers do - hour after hour, day after day.


9/29/2015· Medical - Medicine

Spinal Manipulation and Stroke: The Legal and Medical Material Risks

By: Dr. Robert Bailey

As part of their educational process, practitioners of manipulative procedures are made aware of the possible association between neck manipulation and cerebrovascular accidents[i] (CVAs) as well as what to do in the event a CVA occurs during treatment.[ii] For any litigation considered regarding a stroke that closely follows spinal manipulation, the starting point for retained counsel is to ask what else could have caused or contributed to the stroke. Screening issues to consider include the following:


9/23/2015· Finance

FINRA Dispute Resolution Essentials

By: Bob Lawson

I receive phone calls throughout the year from attorneys who have taken on their first FINRA case and they frequently are unaware how the FINRA Dispute Resolution process differs from other venues. I thought it would be helpful to provide a quick overview for new participants and a refresher for those more experienced securities attorneys on how the FINRA Arbitration and Mediation process works.


9/18/2015· Accident Prevention & Safety

A Commitment to Accident Prevention

By: Thomas Barth

Wherever your construction site happens to be, health and safety should be the first priority. OSHA regulations, of course, are a useful guideline to help ensure a safe work environment, but they are just that-guidelines.


9/15/2015· Accident Prevention & Safety

Dust Explosions and Prevention

By: John Ryan, BSME, PE

A study by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) of important dust explosions in the U.S. from 1900 to 1956 found 1123 explosions. The type of material involved in the explosions ranged from wood, food and feed, plastics, coal, metals, paper, and chemicals. These explosions resulted in a total of 676 fatalities. The most frequent explosions consisted of food particle explosions. These accounted for over 50% of the total explosions. Wood dust explosions were also frequent, accounting for 14.5% of the total explosions.

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