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2/25/2019· Intellectual Property

Adjusting the Balance in SEP Evaluations and Licensing

By: Keith Mallinson

A European Commission DG Growth initiative described in its Roadmap on Standard Essential Patents for a European digitalised economy aims to increase information on SEPs so implementers can get a better idea about which of these they might be infringing. Additional disclosures on how patent claims might read on the standards could be beneficial. Requirements should reflect the dynamics and uncertainties in standards development and patent prosecution and must not be onerous to patent owners. These are issues for standards development organisations to consider.


2/22/2019· Chemical Industry

Not Your Father's House Fire

By: Jennifer Morningstar

Remember the good old days when our homes were built with only lumber, dry-wall, and roofing? Me neither. However, we talk about 'modern' construction materials like this is a new phenomenon. The truth is 'modern' construction materials started sneaking into homes over fifty years ago. It's not only construction materials that have changed: a century ago, we furnished our houses with wood, cloth, metal, and glass. Today, it's plastics, foams, and coatings.


2/14/2019· Finance

A Crime of Passion, Sweetheart Scams Can Be Costly

By: Marguerita Cheng

My mom was one of thousands preyed upon by this nasty con. Here’s what to watch out for and how to protect those you love.


2/13/2019· Transportation

The Folly of Fake Facts - Part. 2

By: Ned Einstein

In Part One of this short series, we explored the rudiments of reaction time and braking distance. The arithmetic for understanding both concepts was learned in the third grade (multiplication), fourth grade (long division), seventh grade (fractions) and eleventh grade (drivers' education).


2/7/2019· Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Case Study: Why Efficient Online Reputation Repair Involves More Than Content Suppression

By: Sameer Somal

At Blue Ocean Global Technology, we specialize and have extensive experience in cases of online reputation management (ORM). As a result, reputation repair is one of our key responsibilities. The following case study highlights how a company’s or individual’s digital reputation can be wrongfully damaged. It also demonstrates the wide dispersion of ORM service provider competence. Limited knowledge and experience in reputation repair hinder a digital marketing company’s ability to achieve optimal client results. As you will soon see, what’s most effective and efficient to achieve the desired outcome is not always employed. Digital marketing companies may only offer a complex approach at a substantial cost. We hope this case study will provide clarity and helpful guidance when conducting effective online reputation repair campaigns.


1/31/2019· Accident Prevention & Safety

Right Turn Only

By: Al Duncan

In my 25 years of investigating collisions and traffic related incidents, one thing I have noticed repeatedly is that right turns are considerably better than lefts. I know it is obvious and sometimes seems a little petty; however, when it comes to the safety of your family, it is a big deal. Since I am currently in the process of teaching my second child how to drive, I am harping on vehicle safety a lot and this is one of the many practices I teach. I have instilled in my children (and my wife has picked up on it as well) that they should always plan out their route and, in doing so, make right turns instead of lefts whenever possible. The “Right Turn Only” practice will make your travels safer.


1/24/2019· Telecommunication

Maintaining Cellular Growth Until Large-scale 5G IoT Adoption in the Mid 2020s

By: Keith Mallinson

The notion of "peak smartphone" is widely discussed of late, including by the Economist. Revenues are flattening with longer replacement cycles, saturating markets, resistance to Apple's price increases, decreasing prices among Android's fiercely competitive OEMs and allegedly diminishing technical improvements in successive new device models. 5G holds massive growth potential, but much of that is in industrial and IoT markets that will take at least several years to establish themselves and grow to levels that will have substantial impact on overall device and service revenues.


1/16/2019· Finance

An Introduction to Asset Allocation

By: Marguerita Cheng

When you approach your financial planner, a term that most of you might have heard from him/her would be "asset allocation." In this article, you will learn about asset allocation, the importance of asset allocation, different asset allocation strategies and the benefits of asset allocation in portfolio management.


1/14/2019· Transportation

The Folly of Fake Facts

By: Ned Einstein

Thankfully, mowing down pedestrians in a crosswalk is not yet commonplace. But it is also not rare. This incident scenario is most common to transit buses making left turns (see "The Danger Deterrent," NATIONAL BUS TRADER, April 2016) But it happens occasionally with almost every transportation mode. Yet the defenses almost always cited by the drivers are no match for someone with a high school diploma.


1/10/2019· Engineering

Applications of SolidWorks Flow Simulation Computational Fluid Dynamics Software to the Investigation of Fires

By: John Holecek

NFPA 921 advises the use of a systematic approach to fire investigation that is best embodied by the scientific method. The scientific method includes the steps of collecting data, analyzing that data, developing a hypothesis, and then testing that hypothesis. The final step of this process, testing the hypothesis, can be done either physically or analytically. In some cases, a physical test may be conducted to confirm or falsify some aspect of the hypothesis. However, in many cases creating a physical test may be difficult or even practically impossible. It is these cases, and others, where analytic testing using computer simulations may be helpful to the fire investigator.

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