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End-of-Life Issues & Impact of Loss on the Insured

By: Wayne Citron
Tel: 800-248-7661 or 732-972-9500
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For the first time, end-of-life issues and the impact of the loss on the insured is the topic. Most of my writings concern insurance in one form or another. I have discussed the many types of insurance, what to look for in each policy, what coverages are available. I've written about what to expect from an insurance company, an agent, or a broker.

I have written about some of my own personal experiences dealing with insurance companies. Now, I am experiencing the future loss of a dear, old friend. This is someone that I have been close to beyond the meaning of the word close. I know this person would do anything for me at any time. And she is aware that I would equally do anything for her, any place, any time, day or night. We have shared personal moments good and bad and have comforted each other simply by "being there."

End-of-Life Issues

At the present time, local stores deliver groceries and food while she can still manage some light cooking. She gets her fresh air now through an open fifth floor window. For a few minutes, a view of the city lights and a breath of fresh air are hers after a labored, painful walk up one flight of stairs to the roof.

It is heartbreaking to watch a dear friend's health slowly crumble. Well aware of her circumstances, she has nurses, aides, and family check in on her. As a friend I am here for her to call. I too can visit and look in on her. But, after all, it is distressing to watch, helpless to do anything to improve her condition. I cannot stop the trajectory of her illness.

At the AARP-eligible stage, as a senior citizen, I note that one does not make friends that last for life as if you were a teenager or a twenty-something. I am now at the stage in my life that the number of those I call my friends is slowly dwindling. They are dying off without hope of replacement. Recently someone that I had known for a long time died. I had not seen her for years and spoke to her only once every few years. That was difficult enough. However, this friend I write about with great sadness today is one that I see and have spoken to on a weekly basis for years.

Coping with End-of-Life Issues

My friend has bravely and responsibly taken the time to get her affairs in order. She's tended to her last will and testament, appointment of trustees, a living will, distribution of personal property and effects. None of us live forever. We should all have our affairs in order. If you or someone you know has a terminal illness, dementia, Alzheimer's, or senility, it is time for them to do the same. Do not wait until it is too late. Help yourself and them if they need it.

Above all, it is a sad commentary. All I can say to you who read this is, do not take your friends for granted. They will not be here forever. And you never know when that friendship will end.

Should you have questions, I suggest speaking with the medical personnel treating the patient and that you consult with an attorney that specializes in elder care and end-of-life issues.

Wayne Citron has 45 years of experience as an expert in Forensic Reconstruction of Insurance Transactions. He is an insurance expert and consultant. Wayne Citron specializes in policy interpretation of the rules, laws, and regulations governing insurance and financial matters. His services are available to attorneys representing plaintiff and defendant and include effective reports, affidavits, depositions, and testimony as needed. Wayne Citron specializes in policy interpretation of the rules, laws, and regulations governing insurance and financial matters.

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