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Green Industries Data Toolbox

Donald H. Godi, FASLA, RCA, et al


A new reference manual useful to students and professionals in the Green Industries. It is full of useful bits of reference material in 11 sections - a handy-sized 300 page manual with data useful in design, construction and training within the Green Industries.


Company Management. . .Policies, Procedures, Practices

Robert H. Schram, DPA

March 28, 2013

Company Management…Policies, Procedures, Practices is written as a guide for both entrepreneurs initiating their own business and top managers of more established companies. It covers all the critically important aspects of governance and supervision necessary for success including: meeting management techniques; fiduciary and financial responsibilities; strategic planning; legal and risk management; initiating and embracing health and safety committees; developing and utilizing an effective human resources department; creating and implementing a position rating manual; fostering public relations; crafting updating, and employing employee handbooks.


The Neuropsychiatry of Headache

Mark W. Green, (ed,), Philip R. Muskin (ed.)

April 15, 2013

Dr. Maurice Preter and Samuel Lieblich contributed the chapter on "Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Approaches to Headache." Whilst the vast majority of headaches are minor ailments, some patients develop chronic symptoms that have psychiatric dimensions. These symptoms can be immensely challenging to manage and can have a serious impact on the patient’s quality of life. The relationship between headache and psychiatric disease is often rationalized as cause and effect; however, the interplay between the two is complex.


Essentials of Pharmacology for Anesthesia, Pain Medicine, and Critical Care with Black Box Warnings

Alan David Kaye; Adam M Kaye; Richard D Urman (Eds)

December 1, 2013

In anesthesiology, pain medicine, and critical care, practitioners at all levels need help to stay current with the continually evolving drug knowledge-base, and trainees need tools to prepare for in-training and board exams that increasingly test their knowledge of pharmacology. This practical book is aimed at both readerships. It features a unique and practical chapter on the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) “black box” warnings that describe what safety precautions should be taken with commonly used drugs.


November Days

Bonnie M. Ruth, PhD, CRC, CCM


Five years after psychologist and administrator Harl Young had a heart-valve implant, he suffered a stroke. Rehabilitation worker Ruth, who lived with him, offers a highly personal account of the effects of the stroke on the couple, their friends, and colleagues. This memoir testifies to the remarkable resiliency some persons can muster.


Brute Force: Cracking the Data Encryption Standard

Matthew Curtin

February 16, 2005

This book is the story of the formation of the world's most widely-used system to protect sensitive information and how a group of independent cryptographers, civil libertarians, and hobbyists managed to demonstrate the system's weakness in June of 1997, even as the U.S. Congress debated the government's control over cryptography. As one of the coordinators of the DESCHALL project that broke a secret message encrypted with what was then the government standard, Curtin presents a unique insider view of how the project came together and what happened behind the scenes to demonstrate the weakness of the standard and ultimately to usher in the age of unrestricted cryptography.


Developing Trust: Online Privacy and Security

Matthew Curtin, Peter G. Neumann

December 1, 2004

Suitable for the IP manager or developer seeking to improve Web privacy and security, is an indispensable resource for system administrators and application developers, providing a means to understand, create, and maintain secure Internet systems.


Hazardous Route Committee Handbook

Ray Turner, EdD


This text is a comprehensive treatment of the multiple roles and disciplines to be considered in determining which school bus stops are safe or unsafe and how the most dangerous bus stops can be avoided and substituted for safer student pedestrian school bus pick up and drop off locations.


Least Restrictive Transportation Environment Continuum: What Every IEP Committee Should Know

Ray Turner, EdD


This text accurately depicts the least restrictive transportation alternatives available to the IEP Committee for the intelligent decision-making with respect to the transportation and special handling services of students with disabilities.


Parental Guidelines for Students Receiving Special Needs Transportation

Ray Turner, EdD


Parents of students with disabilities are central to the special needs transportation team. Parents have clearly defined responsibilities for their child to receive special needs bus service. The text includes parental guidelines for their child to receive special needs transportation as a related service.

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