Michael Phillips, et al
May 5, 2014
The original proposal for a randomly selected legislature with arguments based on the Federalist Papers.
Michael Phillips, et al
May 5, 2014
The original proposal for a randomly selected legislature with arguments based on the Federalist Papers.
Michael Phillips
december 17, 1996
This book tells how to live with money: how to get it, care for it, and forget about it. An underground classic among corporate executives, accountants, and entrepreneurs since the 1970s, it is rooted in the author's commitment to right livelihood, to learning how the world works, to a willingness to "fail young," and to networking. Phillips shows how to combine these principles with the seven laws to engender a healthy, fearless attitude toward money.
Marketing Without Advertising (2nd Ed.)
Michael Phillips, et al
June 1998
The best marketing you can do for your business is to concentrate on creating a high-quality operation that customers, employees and other businesspeople will trust, respect and recommend.
Evolution of an Academic Department
Barry S. Verkauf, MD
April 10, 2014
The health-care industry and its professional practice are currently in uncertain times as the outcome of the hotly debated health-care reform is awaited. While the magnitude of potential change may be unchallenged, the past century has been one of continual change for the medical profession and its practice. The rapidity of this change has continually increased with emerging new technologies and changes in the social fabric of society. Even the doctor-patient relationship has changed. Medicine as a profession and the specialties within it have had to adapt to this change in order to be relevant to the physicians it trains, the patients they treat, and to maintain status among their peers. This book chronicles the history of the successful adaptation to required changes in one medical-school department.
Barry S. Verkauf, MD
December 1, 2000
An indispensible guide to challenges every health care provider, manager, consultant, supplier and end user faces. Detailed exploration of a single example spotlights the critical relationship of cost analysis to pricing strategies in today's changing medical enviroment. A key resource for establishing, analyzing, and improving your organization's pricing strategies.
Harry's Cosmeticology 9th Edition 3 Volume Set
Meyer R. Rosen
The 9th edition has been doubled in size over the 8th edition and is available in both hard copy and e-book versions as well as eight shorter “Focus Books” taken from the full encyclopedic three volume edition.” All of the Focus Books are coordinated with educational presentations being conducted during the InCosmetics N.A. conference and exhibition.”
Psychopharmacology. Wiley Encyclopedia of Forensic Science
Samuel I. Miles, MD, PhD
September 10, 2015
This article is an outline of basic principles of psychopharmacology, and an overview of psychotherapeutic agents, along with some clinical and medical-legal issues related to them.
The Truth Behind the Black Lives Matter Movement and the War on Police
Dr. Ron Martinelli
A facts-based introduction to the controversial and militant Black Lives Matter political organization and movement written by a nationally renowned forensic criminologist who has been involved in many of the nation's most publicized police-involved death cases. Learn about the movement's founders, ideology, funding sources, surrogates, radical goals and objectives to disenfranchise law enforcement and usurp the rule of democratic law. Several infamous police death cases forensically explained and numerous false narratives of the movement are factually destroyed with explanations of the actual circumstances. This is a powerful, vetted "go to" reference source for researchers, the media, law enforcement and those interested in this radical movement.
Addiction Medicine: Science and Practice
Bankole A. Johnson, MD
March 30, 2012
The spectrum of addiction disorders presents practitioners with numerous challenges?among them the widening gap between a growing evidence base and the translation of this knowledge into treatment outcomes. Addiction Medicine addresses this disconnect, clearly explaining the role of brain function in drug taking and other habit-forming behaviors, and applying this biobehavioral framework to the delivery of evidence-based treatment.
The 1995 Accessible Building Product Guide
John Salmen, AIA, et al
January 23, 1995
An extensive resource for anyone involved in designing, building or operating buildings that must be accessible (including compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act). Presents more than 650 products (from 400+ manufacturers) for use in creating accessible commercial, residential and recreational facilities. Product chapters include a discussion of how a product is used, a list of desirable features to assist buyers in selecting appropriate models, a generic illustration of the product and a roster of available manufactured products. The CSI number, a brief description, features and the manufacturer's name and address are provided for each individual product entry.