expert witnesses
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Transportation (General) Expert Witnesses: 16
CMV Transportation HazMat Expert Scott Turner
Scott L. Turner
phone: 1-844-974-1870

Scott L. Turner is a highly qualified Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) Transportation Expert, FMCSR Regulatory and PHMSA-HMR Expert with approximately 30-years experience in the highly specialized field of CMV crashes and incidents, and 16 years as the CEO of a nationwide CMV crash & HazMat disaster response corporation.
Mr. Turner's career includes personal response and/or investigation of over 1,000 CMV crashes, 200 cargo-tank truck crashes/incidents and a multitude of industrial setting incidents including fixed facilities, loading docks and loading rack disasters. His FMCSR and PHMSA knowledge (Federal Enforcement Training), detailed reporting and testimony can be a focal point of any civil litigation, where commercial motor vehicle crashes and/or transit incidents are at issue, with or without hazmat involvement. Mr. Turner is qualified in both the Federal Court system as well as multiple States throughout the United States and testifies on an approximate 50/50 average of Defense to Plaintiff ratio.
Areas of Expertise:
- Level 1 FMCSA Inspections
- Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) Post-Crash Inspection
- CMV Post-Crash Investigation
- Driver Qualifications
- HOS / Fatigue Driving
- Motor Carrier Fitness Standards
- Safety Programs
- Trucking Industry Standards
- Cargo-Tank Truck Incidents / Crashes
- CMV loading/Off-loading Cases (van, cargo-tank, flatbed)
- Flatbed, Cargo Securement Failure
- Loading Dock Incidents w/ CMV
- Forklift Incidents w/ CMV
- CMV Crash Involving Hazmats
- Loading Rack Explosions / Disasters
- Pedestrian v. CMV Incidents
Services Include:
- Litigation Support
- Trial Preparation Consulting
- Courtroom Testimony
- Commerical Vehicle Accident Investigations
- CMV, Highway Construction Zone Crashes
- CMV Loading and Offloading Investigation
- Level 1 FMCSA Audits
- Load Securement Incidents
Passenger Transportation Expert Ned Einstein
Ned Einstein
41 Hickory Hill Drive
Warwick NY
phone: 212-766-1121 (NY) or 818-988-4586 (LA)
fax: 212-766-1122

Areas of Expertise: Accident analysis, testimony and mediation in vehicle and pedestrian accidents involving transit, paratransit, schoolbus, motorcoach, special education, non-emergency medical transportation, taxi, shuttle, child transport systems and services; slips and falls; crossing, boarding and alighting; wheelchairs; seatbelts; ADA and accessibility; passenger safety, security and sexual abuse; vehicle design, specification, crashworthiness, quality assurance and product liability; industry standards and practices; driver training and vehicle operation; management, monitoring, supervision and enforcement; maintenance; NHTSA, FTA, FMCSA and USDOT regulations; vehicle testing and certification; contract negotiation and compliance; risk management; planning and system design.
The Firm: Transportation Alternatives is a passenger transportation and automotive consortium engaged in consulting and forensic accident investigation and analysis (more than 600 cases). Specializes in elderly, disabled, schoolchildren.
Education: MURP (Urban and Regional Planning): George Washington University, 1975 BA, English Literature: Rutgers University, 1969
Professional Experience:
- President, Transportation Alternatives (1980 to present). Consulted to USDOT, transit agencies, private contractors, social service agencies, municipalities and school districts. Designed several major transportation systems
- Chairman/General Manager, PTS Transportation (1982-1992). Directed operations of a 70-vehicle paratransit system for physically and developmentally disabled individuals and a non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) service
- President, TAM-USA (1989-1995). Formed and directed a U.S.-Slovene joint venture company which coordinated the design, testing, certification and marketing of a European-manufactured school bus and motorcoach.
Appointments and Memberships:
- American Public Transportation Association
- National Association of Pupil Transportation
- United Motorcoach Association
- American Bus Association
- Community Transportation Association of America
- Association Internationale pour la Sécurité du Transport des Jeunes
- National School Transportation Conference (1995, 2000, 2005)
- Committee on School Transportation Safety, National Academy of Sciences
- Bus Industry Safety Committee (ABA)
- Access Committee (APTA)
School Bus Training Expert Witness Denny Coughlin
Denny Coughlin
707 Blaine St.
Dysart IA
phone: 651-423-2048

Denny Coughlin is a nationally recognized School Bus Expert. For over 25 years, upon request from the State Department of Education, Mr. Coughlin has successfully instructed over 14,000 Firefighters, Law Enforcement, and EMTs on the characteristics and Safety of School Buses. He has overseen the destruction of almost 200 school buses in drills and demonstrations. Mr. Coughlin entered the school bus industry almost 40 years ago. He has toured every major school bus manufacturing plant in the country, and some in Canada. He stays current with the industry and understands the construction and design of the school bus from all the manufacturers. Mr. Coughlin has worked with Minnesota legislation concerning school buses for many years, served on two governor’s task forces, 1994 and 2006. He has served five National Congress on School Transportation conferences, as a delegate from Minnesota, served on the Body Committee, the Chassis Committee, and Chaired the Chassis Committee. He also Vice-Chaired the Special Education Committee and the Safety and Security Committee. Litigation Support - Mr. Coughlin provides expert witness services in cases involving school bus incidences. His services are available to counsel for both Plaintiff and Defense. His areas of specialization include:
Enterprise Software Litigation Experts Panorama Consulting Group
Bill Baumann
Director of Software Expert Witness
Denver CO USA
phone: +1 720.515.1377 ext. 117

Panorama Consulting Group specializes in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems and has multiple testifying experts for failed software litigation. This high-profile firm is called upon to investigate the feasibility of litigation, provide software expert witness testimony, and build background reporting for some of the industry’s highest-profile software lawsuits. They have worked with organizations ranging from multi-national conglomerates to boutique and large law firms, as well as state offices of the Attorney General.
As independent enterprise software experts, Panorama Consulting Group has hands-on experience with hundreds of software vendors. Their firm is not tied to a single law firm or software vendor, allowing them to focus on all types of clients and industries.
Bill Baumann on Expert Witness Testimony
Litigation Support: The experts at Panorama Consulting Group work for both plaintiffs and defendants, software vendors and system integrators, and their customers. Their differentiator is using a team-based approach to provide expertise beyond just the testifying expert, which is cost-effective and efficient for their clients. They have multiple software expert witnesses available for provision of reports, depositions, and testimonies.
Allegations Addressed:
Commercial Transportation Expert Witness Michael Buck
Michael C. Buck
9 Retriever Run
Charleston IL
phone: 912-571-9149

Michael C. Buck, President of MCB Consulting, is a Transportation Expert with over 30 years of experience. He has provided world class Fleet Maintenance Management by developing methodical policies and procedures monitored by performance metrics ensuring regulatory compliance while simultaneously providing leadership with the tools and authority to effectively assist their customers.
Subject Matter Expert / Litigation Support - MCB Consulting consistently decreases deposition and trial preparation time and increases the probability of successful judgments. He has assisted attorneys for both plaintiffs and defendants in gaining a greater settlement or mitigating a client’s losses.
Litigation Procedure – Once we have exchanged a signed NDA (Non-Disclosure) Agreement, I will make an initial review case and determine if and how the case can be supported. An initial report will be tendered defining these key points. An interrogatory (report) will be developed outlining in explicit detail how the case will be supported for the client (Plaintiff or Defendant).
Billing Rate and Expenses –
- Initial review of the case is considered the retainer.
- Billing rate for consulting, trial, and depositions is $350.00 per hour.
- Travel time is billed at $350.00 per hour for only the initial leg of the trip, not for the return.
- Travel and hotel expenses are billed at cost.
- Meals are not charged to the client.
- Mileage will be billed at the current IRS rate per mile.
- Invoices are due upon receipt and will be subjected to a late fee after 15 days.
To assist in litigation, MCB Consulting is prepared to accomplish the following:
- Evaluate processes in respect to DOT, EPA, OSHA, State, and local regulations including proper documentation
- Analyze maintenance processes and pertinent subsequent records for adherence to generally accepted industry practices.
- Evaluate and respond to validity of given depositions, trial testimony and exhibits.
- Appear in court as a subject matter expert to support your trial proceedings or be deposed on your behalf.
- Determine if the incident/accident was caused by improper maintenance practices, part failure, operator error, or failure to adhere to regulatory compliance. Evaluate the competence of the Fleet maintenance and Fleet Safety programs.
- Evaluate maintenance processes in respect to manufacturer recommendations.
MCB Consulting would like to assist you in your Commercial Transportation Litigation.
Trucking Accident Expert Lewis Grill
Lewis Grill
Trucking Expert
3311 Ben Hogan Lane
Billings MT
phone: 406-248-2766

Lew Grill has testified as a trucking expert witness in litigation matters for law firms, trucking fleets, trucking insurance companies, and truck driving schools in Federal and State courts across the nation. His litigation support services involve the Safe Operation of Commercial Motor Vehicles and the Standard of Care of truck drivers and motor carriers.
Areas of Expertise:
- Truck Accident Investigation
- Advanced Accident Reconstruction
- Human Factors Analysis
- Heavy Truck Vehicle Accident Reconstruction
- Pedestrian Motor Vehicle Accident Reconstruction
- Vehicle Dynamics
European Supply Chain Expert Beat Schlumpf
Beat Schlumpf
Eugen-Huber-Strasse 12
phone: +41 41 500 68 85
fax: +41 41 500 68 86

Beat K. Schlumpf, FCILT, is an Expert in European Supply Chain Management, Networks and Logistics. Mr. Schlumpf has over 40 years of experience in supply chain execution. He is one of the few experts worldwide with operative experience of all carriers (Sea, Air, Road, Rail) and all speeds (heavy lifts, general cargo, full load, parcel, express, mail, courier).
Mr. Schlumpf has extensive knowledge in a broad range of management assignments. He has experience and professional competence in distribution logistics for manufacturers, retailers, producers, forwarding and transportation companies as well as postal operators (textile, machinery, postal services, mail, parcel, express, and transportation industries.)
Litigation Support: Few lawyers deal with the legal aspects of the entire supply chain. They are mostly specialized in certain fields and lack an overall assessment. Mr. Schlumpf can help attorneys for plaintiff and defendant through complex supply chain management issues and applicable law. His services are available internationally.
Mr. Schlumpf has acted as an Expert at the UNCTAD and was featured speaker on practices and operation used by global freight logistics firms for the World Trade Organization (WTO) and lecturer for distribution logistics. He has published articles on outsourcing, one stop shopping, co-operation with forwarders and integrators, and new inventing Operations Audit to increase efficiency.
Areas of Expertise:
Commercial Trucking Transportation Expert Witness Donald Hess
Donald L. Hess
Quincy IL
phone: 217-440-6666

Donald L. Hess, President of DLH Associates, Inc., has been providing expert witness services to attorneys and other clients, including Analysis of Vehicle Crashes since 1996. His specialty is crashes involving Commercial Motor Vehicles, including trucks, tractor-trailers, and buses.
With well over two million miles of safe cross-country trucking experience, followed by over 20 years as a driver trainer and creator / administrator of commercial driving programs, Mr. Hess is well-qualified to provide analysis of what drivers are trained to do in specific situations and circumstances, what federal and state regulations call for and require, and all aspects of the safe and proper operation of commercial motor vehicles. As a motorcyclist with over 45 years of riding and training experience, he is also qualified to comment on accidents involving motorcycles.
Mr. Hess has been nationally-recognized as a leader in safety and training issues, is a winner of the American Trucking Associations Million Mile Driving award, and was a winner of the Truckload Carriers Association Lee Crittenden award. Over his long and successful career in trucking and education, he has held numerous national board and officer positions in trucking and education.
Litigation Support - Mr. Hess is uniquely qualified to analyze and comment on driver behavior in virtually any situation, and has established a solid reputation as an expert witness in crashes involving trucks and commercial vehicles for both Plaintiff and Defense in over 500 hundred cases across the country since 1996. His experience includes significant deposition and trial testimony.
He possesses a unique combination of training, hands-on experience, and education that combine to position him as a leading expert in all facets of trucking. Mr. Hess still maintains a valid, current Commercial Driver License fully endorsed for Combination Vehicles, Doubles-Triples, Tankers, Hazardous Materials, Motorcycles, and Buses. He also holds a USDOT Medical Exam Certificate. His CDL and medical certificate have been maintained without interruption or fault since 1971.
Areas of Expertise:
Construction Dispute Expert Witness Brian Aanestad
Brian H. Aanestad
Senior Consultant
Temecula CA
phone: 951-795-6330

Brian H. Aanestad has over 30 years of Construction and Fleet experience, including Heavy Equipment, Truck, and Trailer Transport. He currently serves as President and Construction Consultant at Inland Valley Engineering, Inc. and as an Expert Witness for Discover Experts.
Mr. Aanestad is a Consultant and Expert witness for matters including Underground Construction and Placement of Underground Utilities. He has decades of experience overseeing the placement of underground utilities, pipelines, and conduit. In addition, he has almost 20 years of experience in the Full-Service Truck Leasing industry, overseeing transportation, logistics, leasing, rental, and maintenance activities. His company was honored for its work on the Scripps Seawater Return Lines at the University of California, San Diego. The complex, $2.5 million project included nearly 4,500 feet of piping.
Litigation Support - Mr. Aanestad provides expert services to attorneys representing plaintiff and defendant which include on-site review, written reports, depositions, mediation, and trial testimony as needed. Most cases end in mediation or negotiated settlement.
Clients have included such firms as Heffernan & Boortz LLP, Wood Smith Henning & Berman LLP, Rutan & Tucker LLP, and Dowling/ Aaron, Chancio Brown LLC., Southern California Edison, Vast Networks (CVIN), City of Kansas City Missouri, and the City of Oceanside.
Areas of Expertise:
Traffic Engineering Expert Dean Tekell
V. O. "Dean" Tekell, Jr., PE, PTOE
One Lafayette Square
345 Doucet Road, Suite 231
Lafayette LA
phone: 888-877-9434 or 337-988-5211
fax: 337-988-5262
Often, government agencies, consulting engineers, architects, developers, business institutions, and attorneys must know how to move people and their goods safely and efficiently. The firm offers advice on site selection, traffic access, and traffic circulation on the site. The firm provides insight into potential problems with zoning and subdivision regulations. Traffic impact studies, traffic signal warrant analysis, traffic signal design and permitting services related to development activity are also available through the firm. Parking garage and parking lot operations are specialties offered to business institutions.
Other services include: Queuing Studies for drive-through services; Traffic Calming and neighborhood speed control; School trip and pedestrian safety plans; Traffic Accident Reduction and highway safety techniques; Transit Funding Operation; Intelligent Vehicle-Highway Systems.
Transportation Construction Expert Witness Thomas Young
Thomas J. Young, PE
Founder, Chairman, CEO
Roseville CA
phone: 916-662-5022

Thomas J. Young, PE, has over 39 years of experience in national and international Transportation Construction, the Civil Engineering specialty regarding highways, bridges, rail, airports, harbors, and associated infrastructure.
Mr. Young is a skilled integrator of the parameters of program and project life cycles, leadership, management, business operations, engineering and construction. He has extensive knowledge of regulatory compliance, environmental processes, industry standards, best practices, and field operations in urban and remote areas.
Mr. Young has broad construction management and design background for many of the knowledge and skill areas required in mining operations, bridges, highways, land development, major soil/structure type facilities, land survey, and construction surveying, including work in Arctic facilities and in desert regions.
Selected Background Experience:
- Completed 34 bridge structure designs, seismic retrofits, and special studies, including large cut and cover tunnels and numerous other complex structures for the $700 million design/build Eastern Transportation Corridor toll roads in Orange County, California
- Bridge construction oversight on $1 billion Cypress Corridor reconstruction in Oakland, California.
- $10 million Sunrise/Highway 50, and $40-$50 million Douglas/Interstate 80 Interchange and Corridor designs in Sacramento, California.
- Bridge and highway project development duties in Caltrans Districts 1-5, 7, 10-12.
Thomas J. Young: PowerTeam Interview
Litigation Support - Mr. Young can act as an expert witness in all cases related to Forensic Transportation Construction Engineering. A persuasive communicator skilled at negotiating successful outcomes to complex situations, his expertise at analysis, problem solving, and bringing parties together in the public and private sectors is an asset in his performance in forensic engineering and expert witness testimony.
Areas of Expertise:
Transportation Traffic Engineering Expert Witness Carl Berkowitz
239 Lands End Court
Moriches NY
phone: 631-878-7419

Carl Berkowitz, PE, Ph.D., AICP, is a Transportation and Traffic Engineering expert with almost 50 years of expertise. He's held various managerial and administrative positions in the transportation industry, government, private, and academic sectors.
Dr. Berkowitz has extensive multi-modal experience in planning, design, engineering, safety, security, construction, maintenance, operations, and management. He has written and edited numerous reports, studies, articles, and columns for major publications, journals, newspapers and scholarly periodicals.
Background Experience:
- Transportation and Traffic Engineering Consultant, 1988 - Present
- New York City Department of Transportation, New York, 1970 – 88
- New York State Office of Planning Coordination, New York, 1967 - 70
- New York State Department of Transportation, Babylon, NY, 1963 - 67
- New York City Transit Authority, New York, 1962 - 63
Litigation Support - Dr. Berkowitz has served as a litigation consultant since 1997. He has the background and experience to make him ideally suited to contribute important information at every stage in the litigation process. Dr. Berkowitz is able to explain complex issues in layman terms, suggest strategies, investigate and uncover facts, perform literature reviews, research, and prepare safety evaluations. He has been deposed / testified over 50 times in the last 5 years.
Traffic Operations Engineering Expert Witness Richard Beaubien
Richard F. Beaubien, PE, PTOE
Managing Director
1685 Ross Drive
Troy MI
phone: 248-515-3628

Richard F. Beaubien, PE, PTOE is a Professional Traffic Operations Engineer and Managing Director at Beaubien Engineering. He was previously Transportation Department Head at Hubbell, Roth & Clark, Consulting Engineers for more than 23 years. Mr. Beaubien's employment experience includes 5 years as a highway engineer with the Federal Highway Administration and 14 years as the traffic engineer for the City of Troy, Michigan. Mr. Beaubien is a past International President of the Institute of Transportation Engineers and the past President of the Intelligent Transportation Society of Michigan. He currently chairs the Metro Detroit Traffic Incident Management Coordinating Committee. Richard Beaubien is a registered professional engineer in several jurisdictions.He has been certtified by the Transportation Professional Certification Board as a Professional Traffic Operarations Engineer and a Road Safety Professional. His litigation support services are available to attorneys for both Plaintiff and Defense. He has testified in court several times. Specialty Areas:
Automotive Accident Reconstruction Expert Witness Peter Sullivan
Peter J. Sullivan
5380 W. 34th St., Ste. 347
Houston TX
phone: 281-734-7222

Mr. Sullivan has extensive experience performing vehicle inspections and downloads of event data recorders and electronically stored information (ESI), including analysis, validation, testing, and preservation on almost all makes and models of vehicles and equipment.
Litigation Support - Mr. Sullivan utilizes his comprehensive legal, technical, and FMCSA / DOT knowledge to specialize in:
Mr. Sullivan's services are available to counsel representing both Plaintiff and Defense. His litigation support services also include expert reports, depositions, and testimony for trial, OSHA, and governmental hearings.
View Peter Sullivan's Consulting Profile.
Trucking Transportation Expert Witness Loius Thompson
Louis Thompson, CDS
Libertyville Iowa USA
phone: 417-612-3773
Forty plus years in the Transportation Industry as a professional driver, small fleet owner to a Director of Safety, Consultant and Expert Witness. Ensure compliance with the FMCSA, PHMSA, TSA and OSHA Regulations.
Review records and materials, provide verbal consultation, opinions, and provide deposition and trial testimony when needed. Review records to screen potential cases for merit and identify case strengths. Provide verbal consultation to clients, unpacking complex concepts.
Featured resources
by Ray Turner, EdD
by Ray Turner, EdD
by Ray Turner, EdD