Avinash Vashistha has dedicated his career to the unique requirements of the Global Outsourcing Market. His background and understanding of the practices surrounding Offshore Markets provides clients with a custom offshoring strategy, supplier / build mapping, favorable pricing, reduced risk, successful transition and sustainable performance contracts that address issues unique to offshore delivery.
Mr. Vashistha has evaluated and conducted due diligence on over 200 supplier firms, including companies in India, Russia, China, Philippines, Malaysia, C&E Europe, US, Canada, UK, Ireland and Vietnam. He has directed sourcing assessments, IT and BPO / KPO sourcing transactions and executed program governance models realizing $6 Billion in savings for clients. Avinash also developed significant expertise in the areas of R&D, Technology, Human Resources, Finance and Accounting, Analytics, Investment Research, claims processing and other domain specific voice and back office business processes. Mr. Vashistha has been a strong proponent of well-qualified, but lesser known tier-two suppliers in the competitive sourcing process.
Thought Leader: His opinions are sought and recognized by worldwide organizations and conference organizers such as IDC, NASSCOM, CITEM, C-Level, Private Equity Conference, the Indo-American Chamber of Commerce, CII, SBPOA and IAOP. Leading media conglomerates such as the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Time, The Straits Times, The Business Times, USA TODAY, CNN, CNBC, Forbes, Business Week, Bangkok Post, NDTV, Times Group, Business Standard and Cyber Media have featured Avinash extensively. He has been recognized by HRO Today as ‘HRO Superstar’ for 2006 and 2007 in the category of thought leaders and advisors on outsourcing. He has also been recognized as ‘FAO Superstar’ for 2007.
Enterprise Resource Planning Consultant Eric Kimberling
Eric Kimberling, MBA, is one of the most recognized and respected independent Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems experts in the world, giving 100% unbiased advice to clients for more than 20 years.
Throughout his career, Mr. Kimberling has helped hundreds of high-profile enterprises worldwide with their ERP initiatives, including Nucor Steel, Petro Masila, the Yemen Government, the City of Charlotte, NC, Fisher and Paykel Healthcare, Kodak, Samsonite, Coors, Boeing, Duke Energy, Filson, and Lucent Technologies, and the Alaskan Native Tribal Health Consortium, to name a few.
Mr. Kimberling has helped manage ERP implementations and reengineer global supply chains in countries as diverse as China, India, Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Lebanon, and the United States. He has won numerous industry awards for his experience and contributions, including Supply Chain Pro to Know and Best Independent ERP Blog award from ERP Focus.
Consulting Services:
ERP Software Selection
SAP, Oracle, Microsoft Dynamics, Epicor, Infor, and other ERP Systems
Organizational Change Management
Implementation Project Management
Independent Verification and Validation
Project Recovery
Merger and Acquisition Business Integration via Strategic Planning
Business Process Reengineering
Six Sigma
Enterprise Strategy
Mr. Kimberling has dedicated himself to giving keynote speeches at industry conferences and universities worldwide, and has been quoted in thousands of articles in newspapers, magazines, and books, including the Wall Street Journal, CIO Magazine, and Fortune. He has authored, published, and presented more than 50 ERP articles and white papers, and is the author of Panorama’s series of ERP Reports, quoted in dozens of publications per year. He is also the author of the acclaimed book, “Lessons from 1,000 ERP Implementations.”
Mr. Kimberling holds an MBA with an emphasis in operational strategy and a Bachelor of Science in business administration from Daniels College of Business at the University of Denver. He is also Six Sigma certified and a certified practitioner of multiple ERP solutions, including SAP, Siebel, Oracle, Microsoft Dynamics, Epicor and Infor, among others. He has won numerous industry awards for his experience and contributions, including Supply Chain Pro to Know and Best Independent ERP Blog from ERP Focus.
I have been involved with Microsoft Dynamics implementations for nearly 20 years now. I have also spent the last decade providing Microsoft Dynamics expert witness testimony in implementation failures and lawsuits.
Leo A. Wrobel has earned broad notoriety and acclaim as an author, technologist, speaker, and Mayor (former) for over 30 years. Leo is a principal at Dallas-based b4Ci Inc. and is a nationally known Business Resumption Planning and Disaster Recovery expert.
Leo and his team have served as advisors to Boards of Directors for businesses of all sizes and types. His seasoned advice can save money now and make money later. His team has included the founder of Qwest, Director of the US Mint, Chief of Staff to the Chairman of the Texas Public Utility Commission, the President of Fidelity Telecommunications, and more.
Speaking Engagements: An engaging speaker, Leo has a dynamic presence and a passion for perfection. Rest assured your audience will stay awake as this energetic speaker makes the complicated simple, and conveys even the most abstract technical concepts in a fun and lighthearted manner! Leo has published 12 books and 800 trade articles and has lectured worldwide including Tel Aviv Israel, Santiago Chile, and most recently as a guest of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing. Wrobel has also extensively supported legal teams in Disaster Recovery and telecommunications cases.
Praise and Accolades for Leo A. Wrobel:
As a Seminar Host:
Very knowledgeable. Ready to explain and eager to hear questions. Excellent.
"Presentation skills were very effective and no question was a dumb question."
"Good anecdotes and real-life examples, Excellent."
"Leo adapted the course to fit our needs."
As a Consultant:
"You have us pegged. Your methodology is perfect, don't change it." - CIO of $76 billion financial services company
Five Stars on Amazon.com!
"Disaster Recovery Planning for Communications and Critical Infrastructure is a scholarly examination of how the vulnerabilities in modern-day infrastructure can best be protected from threats such as terrorism and natural disasters. Authors Leo A. Wrobel and Sharon M. Wrobel, both highly skilled professionals in the field, cover the technologies that can help spread the word quickly when things go wrong, how to set up procedures for "4Ci" (Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence), the basics of a solid emergency response plan, templates for assessing the weaknesses of everything from hospitals to power grids to large business enterprises, "first alert" procedures, and much more. A scholarly, well-researched text featuring cutting-edge, life-saving preparation measures, Disaster Recovery Planning for Communications and Critical Infrastructure is an absolute must-have for disaster recovery planners and experts, and anyone else responsible for planning for worst-case scenarios. Highly recommended."
See more Wrobel books at link above or order at www.4ci.us.
Technology professionals who are serious about seeing their career elevate beyond the level of bits and bytes will go above and beyond what their peers choose not to do. Noted author and technical futurist Leo Wrobel explains why verbal and written communication skills are key to not only keeping a job but climbing the corporate ladder.
Unless you're trying to land your CEO in jail, your disaster recovery plan had better be good. Leo Wrobel explains how the passage of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 ultimately means that you really need a plan that protects your data.
Your small business can go from thriving to surviving in the time it takes for an earthquake, an intruder, or some other disaster to wreak havoc on your property. Leo Wrobel explores some steps that even very small businesses can take to prevent or handle a disaster and get back to normal.
Reflective of this reality, the most successful expert witness not only has knowledge which is unsurpassed in his or her profession, but also the appearance of objectivity, earnestness and charisma to convey that expertise to non-technical persons.
Addressing the vulnerabilities in today s critical infrastructure to natural disasters and terrorism, this practical book describes what you should be doing to protect your infrastructure before the unthinkable happens. You learn how to maintain command and control in any disaster, and how to predict the probability of those disasters.
This book discusses the security measures for telecommunications systems. Topics include common exposures in recovery planning, sizing the project and defining the phases, developing operating and security standards and more. DLC: Telecommunication systems - Security measures - Planning
Offering hundreds of tips, templates, checklists, and pointers to information in the public domain, Business Resumption Planning, Second Edition assists you in creating a rock solid recovery plan for any size organization. It provides the information you need in order to coordinate first responders to meet any disaster scenario head on, whether involving computers, telecommunications, or infrastructure in a timely and effective manner.
Using simple, nontechnical language, this practical guide explains the often complicated process of building private networks and using special facilities from local and interexchange telephone companies. Concrete, real-life examples are presented that will benefit anyone charged with charting and implementing corporate telecommunications plans or information technology policy.
Payments Transactional Banking Consultant Rod Tasker
Rod Tasker specializes in Payment Services, Transaction Banking, and e-Commerce. He has over 20 years of experience working for major banks in strategic and business planning and cradle to grave product management, including business cases, feasibility, piloting, commercialization, and retirement. Mr. Tasker consults in strategic management and innovative solution delivery in the banking and finance industry. His achievements in Australia and internationally include: - Leading a team of 25 people in developing an internet payment service - Developing an enterprise Sales and Service architecture for a major bank - Developing an international payments business architecture & operations strategy for a major bank - Obtaining consensus amongst a consortium of 15 global banks for the strategic vision and plan for implementing B2B international ePayments - Developing a variety of e-Banking and e-Payment products and services - Building a payments business from start-up as CEO
Areas of Expertise:
Transaction Banking
Identity Services
Product Development / Product Management
Business and Strategy Formulation
Consulting Services - Mr. Tasker is engaged by companies that offer payment services as products or services, or for whom payments are "strategic" or "core," for example, insurance companies, exchanges, retailers, and investors wanting to evaluate payment business acquisitions, mergers, or funding opportunities. His services include:
Swenson Consulting offers Snow Removal Services and developed its own proprietary snow operations software and can help business owners who desire to build or maintain a software package to assist their snow operations. They offer general business advice for many different types of situations including:
Growth Development and Strategy for Snow Removal Businesses
Diversification of Snow Removal Business Services
Effective Collection of Invoicing for Snow Removal Businesses
Principal, Jeremy Swenson, CSP, has satisfied requirements by SIMA (largest nationally recognized snow and ice trade organization-Snow and Ice Management Association) to become a Certified Snow Professional. There are less than 250 CSP’s in the USA.
Mr. Swenson owned and operated Snowmen, one of the largest snow and ice management companies in North America for over 20 years. He has obtained Security Clearance and is trained for onsite snow operations at the IRS Regional Headquarters, FBI Headquarters, Department Of Treasury Buildings, and many types of Airport, Railroad, Organ Transplant Centers, and Medical facilities. He stays current with the modern methods and systems used today in snow and ice removal operations, procedures, equipment, contracts, and is very familiar with the types of de-icers used in the snow removal industry today. He has successfully navigated hundreds of slip and fall accidents and snow removal-related incidents. After overseeing thousands of commercial accounts over the years, he has worked through almost every issue that is relevant to a snow removal operation in the industry.
Summit Associates of Bedford is a Materials and Manufacturing firm offering growth strategy, operations improvement, and international sourcing to commercial clients ranging in size from $3 to $150 million.
Summit Associates has a record of fixing troubled organizations and driving growth in complex technology based operations. Skilled at positioning small and middle market companies for sustained growth, they have commercial experience in ten countries, including creation and oversight of global partnerships in Europe and India and acquisition, sale, and licensing of fifteen technologies in seven countries.
Consulting Services:
Turnaround Leadership
Organizational Change and Alignment
Accelerated New Product / Market Development
Product Launch
Lean Manufacturing
Technology Acquisition Sale and Licensing
International Partnerships
Technology Valuation
Principal, Thomas W. Caldwell, PE, has over 40 years of experience in Materials Research and Development, Process and Product Development, and Manufacturing Operations in the Precision Cast and Machined Products industry.
Mr. Caldwell has designed and manufactured components for consumer and industrial products, including safety-critical applications such as aircraft landing gear brakes, seat belt lockup devices, windshield wiper, and window lift motor systems. He has experience creating and guiding technology development and manufacturing partnerships in Europe and Asia, licensing and selling intellectual property and creating supply chains in China.
Mr. Caldwell has lectured in the USA, Germany, Switzerland, and India on manufacturing premium quality metal products and manufacturing processes, and was a technical paper peer reviewer for 20 years for the Society of Automotive Engineers. A United States patent holder, he has published peer reviewed research in electrochemistry and materials processing, and has written and spoken numerous times on the subject of Materials Selection.
Q9 Consulting partners with its clients to develop and implement effective risk management procedures to successfully commercialize and sustain safe and effective products. Q9 Consulting, Inc. was founded in 2007 by Mike Wakshull. The name originates from ICH Q9, Quality Risk Management for the pharmaceutical industry. Mike managed Corporate Quality Risk Management for Amgen, the world's largest biotechnology company. Mike's experience with medical device product risk management has focused on implementation of ISO 14971. Mike was a technical editor and primary contributor to the 2nd edition of the risk management chapter 11 of the Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK Guide). This is an ANSI and ISO standard for project management. He has contributed to the risk management chapter of the 4th edition of the PMBoK Guide.
Services offered include:
Expert witness testimony
Project Management Consulting
Risk Management Consulting
Project Management Training
Risk Management Training
Forensic Document Examination
In 1999 Mike wrote the first 4-day Project Risk Management course for Learning Tree International. In 2002 he presented 2 4-day risk management classes for PMI Seminars World. Mike teaches project risk management for the University of California at Irvine's Extension University. He wrote and presented globally the internal Product Quality Risk Management training classes at Abbott Vascular. Q9 Consulting, Inc. serves Southern California counties of Riverside, San Diego, Orange, San Bernardino, and surrounding regions. Work is accepted from all other locations.
You have hired a forensic examiner to analyze evidence for your civil case. After a thorough examination of the evidence, the forensic examiner delivers a weak forensic opinion toward favoring your theory of the case. Will the examiner's weak opinion help you in trial?
Generally, document examiners state that a source signatures is needed to show that the signature on a document is cut from another document then pasted onto the document in question. In this case study, a technique is presented to demonstrate how a cut-and-paste was discovered without the source signature.
When she was a girl, the young woman had emigrated with her family to the United States from her home country in Africa. She grew up in the northeastern USA and was now attending college. As part of her application for United States citizenship she must present her birth certificate. Her father sent the birth certificate to her. The birth certificate had apparent alterations. Government officials refused to accept the birth as valid because her appearance did not match the age on the birth certificate. She was born in 1994 yet birth certificate appears to state her year of birth as 1984.
The divorce had been finalized 15 years earlier. The husband had moved on with his life. He was happily remarried and enjoying his retirement years. The ex-wife could not let go. She sued in the Superior Court of Los Angeles claiming the husband would not relinquish rights to real property and other interests that had been part of the divorce settlement.
The decedent signed a life insurance beneficiary form a few weeks after having brain surgery. The plaintiff claimed the signature was not executed by the decedent. The defense claimed that the decedent had signed the document and the differences are attributed to the effects of brain surgery.
As with any other profession, document examiners have a range of expertise and experience. As important as it is for your client to make a clear assessment of your abilities, it is up to you to determine in advance, with a high degree of accuracy, whether the document examiner you plan to hire will perform the most accurate assessments and be ready to back up those assessments with a scientifically repeatable methodology in court.
None of us wants to feel that our opinions are tainted by bias. The ability to recognize when bias is an influence in an expert's opinion and the skill of an expert to overcome his or her biases is integral to an expert's credibility.
The Most Dangerous Animal of All was co-written by the estranged son of California’s infamous Zodiac killer to reveal his father’s true identity. When the book hit the streets the skeptics were in full force. Just like those who mocked the boy who cried wolf, no one could blame them. Too many people had already claimed to either be the killer or to know who he really was.
Forensic document examination, performed correctly, is a reliable discipline that can demonstrate the innocence of your client or the guilt of your opponent. Used strategically, it can help you settle out of court. When court is necessary, your document examiner can present a case so clearly that the outcome is beyond doubt. To achieve this, your document examiner must be proficient in the latest techniques and adept at reporting results.
" Q9 Consulting, Inc. announces the release of a new book, The End of the Zodiac Mystery, How Forensic Science Helped Solve One of the Most the Most Infamous Serial Killer Cases of the Century by Michael Wakshull."
Petroleum & C-Store Management Group® is a bonded and insured full-service Clerk Management & Operating Company, providing quality services to Gasoline Stations, Car Washes, and Convenience Stores with over 19 years of field experience in managing, operating, and designing innovative, efficient and profitable businesses. Petroleum & C-Store Management Company® has competitive international purchasing power with major oil companies such as: Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Shell, Mobil, Texaco, Citgo, BP /Arco, Exxon , Valero, and unbranded refineries. They also have established relationships with convenience store distributors for purchasing beverages, groceries, candies, snacks, alcohol, automotive merchandise, health and beauty products, and more at discounted prices to benefit the facility.
CEO, David Sinai, actively manages a ground team that works seamlessly with clients to enable a smooth take-over of facilities. These clients include banks, private owners, dealers, private investors, oil companies, and attorneys. He has managed and operated over 200 locations monthly, with totals exceeding 5,760,000,000 gallons of gasoline / diesel products and $2,936,000,000 of convenience store products.
Services Include:
Full Employment Management - Employee training, cash registers, inventory, vendors, payroll, cash management, branding, accounting, permitting, and accounting
Receivership - Bank receiverships, court receiverships, property management, strategic plan implementation and management preserve and enhance the value of the business
Panorama Consulting Group is a technology-agnostic consultancy specializing in Digital Business Transformation and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System Implementations for mid- to large-sized private- and public-sector organizations worldwide.
This highly respected firm is 100% independent of software and technology vendor affiliation. They offer a phased and integrated approach to strategy alignment and execution, enabling each client to achieve its unique business transformation objectives by transforming its people, processes, and technology.
Panorama clients include multi-national conglomerates from Amazon Robotics to Valcor Engineering, as well as governmental entities, including state and local governments, municipalities, school districs, state offices of the attorney general, and tribal governments.
With products and services sold in 120+ countries worldwide, this organization was struggling with process inefficiencies across locations. Many of these locations were isolated, so demand planning and forecasting had long lead times to get raw materials.
The company’s current ERP system was a homegrown system, and the company was quickly outgrowing it. The company needed a new ERP system to standardize and improve its manufacturing processes, especially its manufacturing planning process. At the time, each department had its own planning processes.
Cellular Technology Limited (CTL) is a fast- growing organization in the biotechnology sector. CTL is a pioneer and industry leader in the development, use, and manufacture of standardized tools for specializing in cellular immune assays. CTL was seeking to move to a cloud solution that was industry compliant and validated.
A large capital city in the United States needed to determine the effectiveness of the organizational change management component of its ERP project. The project involved the implementation of Tyler Munis ERP software. The city was experiencing:
Panorama was engaged by the city to perform an assessment of the in-progress ERP implementation. The project had been stopped by the city in October 2019 amidst concerns about the operational readiness of the vendor’s software and the readiness of the city staff to successfully operate the new systems and corresponding processes.
The client was in the process of implementing a new HRMS system and was about a year into implementation when they encountered serious issues with the software during the testing phase. They were concerned that some key business requirements were missed at the beginning of the project and left out of the system’s design and configuration.
The Tribe hired Panorama to assist in selecting software to support its Health Service functions. This software would replace the Tribe’s current health systems. In the first phase of the project, we documented business and technical requirements, reviewed legacy systems, mapped processes, and identified pain points across
A large global retailer in the process of implementing SAP software wanted customized, on-site training for the company's internal resources. The company needed to implement inventory management modules while executing training and communications, but it had a lack of organizational change management experience.
Providing engineering, architecture, construction, and consulting solutions to the global life sciences and advanced technology industries, this firm had recently undergone an internal reorganization of its business units and operations. Each region was following its own processes, and multiple systems were being used. This led to duplicate and inconsistent data.
This multi-billion dollar professional services company was using various, disparate software applications across its worldwide operations. Many of its core business processes were not utilized globally, and dual/triple entry was demonstrated at various sites and in various functional areas.
Project Oversight Case Study: Oil & Gas: Upstream petroleum oil exploration and production company in the Middle East. Company operates several blocks, including one on the Arabian Sea, where crude oil, produced from this
While the company had little technological communication either internally or with its sister firm, the company was growing by leaps and bounds. It needed to modernize its technology and improve its business processes to continue providing outstanding customer service while meeting increased sales demand.
This consumer services company in Denver was using custom software developed in an AS/400 environment. Many of its core business processes were either manual or paper-based, and the company was struggling with the issue of sole dependency on a single employee who understood the legacy systems.
A tax and accounting firm with revenue between $500,000 and $1,000,000, was growing both organically and through acquisition. This firm had a conglomerate of various software. The main financial system (used for time, billing, and financials) was at “end of life,” meaning it was not going to be supported by the vendor in about two years time.
Client Uses environmentally sustainable practices to produce approximately 650,000 tons of chlorine-free, bleach kraft pulp annually. Generates approximately $155 million in annual revenue...
This plastic and rubber injection molding company processes orders using both a made-to-order process and engineer-to-order process. The company engineers to order through a variety of CAD systems and must undergo first article inspections prior to running production batches.
The district contracted Panorama to help in the replacement of its existing systems with a proven, commercial-off-the-shelf ERP system. The client undertook this initiative to replace aging systems, gain efficiencies and update existing processes. Another goal was to improve the timeliness, accuracy, safeguarding and consistency of information
The client was moving from manual processes and old systems to a modern system, so their employees faced a big learning curve. Unfortunately, their ERP vendor only provided them with a “jump start” program that only covered particular deliverables and activities. For example, they provided an overall communication approach but not a communication plan.
Not long ago, this global organization had implemented an ERP system across several aerospace and defense manufacturing plants. It was now considering an upgrade to the latest version of the system. However, the organization knew its end-users were still struggling to adopt the changes instituted by the prior initiative. Panorama deployed two organizational change management experts
The organization was founded in 1981 as a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization. It does not just encompass a non-profit organization but also encompasses a for-profit company that has a different fiscal year. As such, the organization must focus on tracking, reporting and financial record keeping – including tracking grants and gifts from contributor to the end-product or support delivered.
Panorama was engaged by the city to select and assist in the implementation of a new ERP and related systems. Framed as an initiative to bring a high “return on citizenship” (the amount and quality of services received for taxpayer dollars) to the city’s constituents, the project’s goal was to implement a platform that would provide the same (or better) quality
The city had been using a decades-old ERP solution and had not evaluated their business processes at any point during that time. Not only was the current ERP system not the best fit for their municipality, but the city was spending an inordinate amount of money on maintenance costs for customization and did not take advantage of instituting best practices or current technology.
Vertical integration allows the company to control all aspects of beef production. It partners with ranchers and operates feed lots, ensuring cattle are fed to their standards. In addition to its processing capabilities, the company operates its own trucking line, providing products from farm to table. The company supplies beef to the US retail grocery and foodservice markets, federal school lunch programs and the US military worldwide.
Richard Singer is the leading expert in Golf Facility Operations, Transactions and Valuation Consulting. He has been qualified as an expert witness in cases involving golf course transactions, valuations, liability, economic potential, usual and customary practices and business plan preparation.
Mr. Singer has been the Director of Consulting Services for the National Golf Foundation (NGF) since 1997, and now has a total of 26 years of golf facility consulting experience. He first joined the NGF consulting staff in 1989 as a project analyst after completing his Finance MBA at the University of Florida. Mr. Singer has successfully managed the NGF’s well-known golf consulting practice with an industry-respected track record of success and a reputation for delivering projects on time and on budget.
Mr. Singer’s consulting services for alternative golf facilities have included both new development and operational reviews for driving ranges, putting courses, miniature golf courses, golf learning centers, executive / par-3 courses, and various combinations with other facilities. He co-authored the NGF publication How to Plan, Build and Operate a Successful Golf Range.
Dr. Chris Draper, PE, PhD, is a renowned leader and innovator with a unique focus on safe and effective Artificial intelligence (AI) Augmented Systems and their impact on privacy, security, and operational appropriateness. A licensed Professional Engineer (P.E.) and certified mediator, he combines technical expertise with a deep understanding of legal and policy frameworks.
Dr. Draper is an operations focused technologist who delivers strategic transformations designed to improve the safety of human-dependent technology systems. With leadership experience across industries such as aerospace, automotive, real estate, renewable energy, and green finance, I have delivered results for organizations ranging from small nonprofit to Fortune 500 companies.
Consulting Services:
Economic Development analysis and programming
Startup Development
Prioritize opportunities based on risk, duration, and reward
Architect, coach, and manage teams through implementation; and provides strategic framing and regulatory support for non-traditional technologies
Business process transformation and AI augmentation
Land Use Restriction Agreements (LURAs) and sustainability trading
Background Experience - Dr. Draper serves as a former or fractional expert in the roles of CTO, CEO, and COO in industries ranging from aerospace to renewable fuels, individualized education to property management. He also serves as a Visiting Scholar at Indiana University’s Ostrom Workshop, where he contributes to the Human Impact Unit Standards Working Group and Blockchain Governance Initiative; as a Fellow at the National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution, focusing on privacy, data protection, and conflict resolution in digital ecosystems.
Dr. Draper has authored numerous publications in leading journals and conferences, addressing the legal and ethical challenges posed by AI, online dispute resolution, and data governance. His works, such as "Informational Sovereignty: A New Framework for AI Regulation" and "Ethical Technology Risk: Identifying Reasonable Data Protection for ODR", have shaped discourse in AI law and policy globally. His contributions to Thomson Reuters' Leading Legal Disruption, multiple articles within the International Journal on Online Dispute Resolution, and the chapter "Online Dispute Resolution Data Security" in Online Dispute Resolution - Theory and Practice, Second Edition reflect his commitment to advancing legal scholarship in the age of AI. He has also authored multiple chapters in the upcoming books The Environmental Knowledge Commons: Cases and Lessons for Knowledge Sharing by Cambridge University Press and Governing Artificial Intelligence being published by Brill in early 2025. This “Safe AI Basics” handbook is the training material required for SafetAI Board Member qualification, with content based upon the upcoming “Governing Artificial Intelligence” due out in Q2 2025 by Brill.
Leonard J. Backer has over 28 years of extensive and successful Furniture Industry experience in all key areas including:
Private Label Production
Product Development
Original Design
Import and Distribution
Vendor Qualification
Supplier Relations
Contract Negotiations
Customer Service
Competitive Analysis
Sales Agreements
Designer Driven Approach
Mr. Backer has executive level perspective in start-up, turnaround and aggressive growth situations with long term industry relations, both domestically and overseas. He specializes in Private Label Manufacturing, Sourcing, and Product Development expertise.
Leonard Backer has provided extensive consulting work on short and long term projects. He has provided consulting work on various topics over the past few years for private equity companies, large branded manufacturers, and independent product designers. Mr. Backer has conducted site visits to 80 overseas and domestic factory operations. Worked closely with independent product designers.
Many restaurants, independent hotels and timeshare resorts have much tighter budgets these days when it comes to purchasing seating for their properties. At the same time, there seem to be many “attractive” options available for their chairs, barstools and benches...
Basic but very important points which could help minimize owners' liability and financial exposure to accident and personal injury claims on their premises.
Keegan Linscott & Associates, PC is a full-service Accounting Firm with more than 27 years of experience providing the highest quality of service to clients through a multi-dimensional team of dedicated and trusted professionals.
Leaders in their industry of practice, the professionals at KLA are Certified Public Accountants, Certified Fraud Examiners, Forensic Accountants, and Certified Insolvency, and Restructuring Advisors. They are committed to providing their clients and community with exceptional service, specializing in such matters as complex commercial litigation, FAR audits, all taxation matters, bankruptcy, reorganization, insolvency issues, and fraud detection, investigation, and prevention.
Audit Services - Audits, Reviews, Compilations, Federal Acquisition Regulations
Business Services - Quickbooks, Small Business, Payroll, Part-Time CFO, Cash Flow, Bank Financing, Strategic Business planning, Business Valuation, Succession in Planning, New Business Planning, Non-Profits, Internal Controls
Christopher G. Linscott, CPA, CFE, CIRA, is a Director of Keegan Linscott & Associates and is the Director of Litigation, Forensic Accounting, and Bankruptcy Support Services. He also manages corporate financial audits and tax clients. Mr. Linscott was previously employed with the international CPA firms of Coopers & Lybrand (now PricewaterhouseCoopers), and Peat Marwick (now KPMG). He has more than 25 years of experience in public accounting.
Mr. Linscott specializes in the areas of Litigation Support, Bankruptcy Reorganization, Fraud Investigations and Prevention, and Business Consulting. He has served clients in industries including construction, health care, home builders and developers, law firms, manufacturing and distribution, non-profit, professional services, real estate, restaurant franchises, retail service, and wholesale.
Mr. Linscott is a Member of the Arizona Society of CPA's, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, National Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Advisors, and a Director of the Board of Directors at Bashas’.
Sean Tanner, CPA, CFE, CIRAis a Consulting Director at Keegan Linscott & Associates, specializing in Litigation Support (Financial Expert), Forensic Accounting, Restructuring, Bankruptcy Support, and Merger and Acquisition / Transaction Services.
Mr. Tanner was previously employed with Plante Moran, Dart Container (Solo Cup Company), and served as the head of finance for two technology/space startups. He has more than 20 years of public and private accounting experience.
Mr. Tanner has served clients in numerous industries, including manufacturing and distribution, retail auto dealers, real estate, construction, health care, professional service, and retail service, among others.
Mr. Tanner is a Member of the Arizona Society of CPA’s, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the National Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, the Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Advisors, and a Board Member for the Arizona Justice Project.
HP Accounting Services, Inc. is a leading provider of interim and outsourced Financial Management for tech and other companies. A CPA and business valuation firm, they support their clients’ compliance with the IRC 409A and SFAS 123(R) rules, intangible asset valuation, as well as issues involving damage calculations, expert witness services in litigation.
Consulting Services:
Accounting - Bookkeeping (Monthly/Quarterly/Annual), Accounting system setup for new businesses, Personal financial statements, Business Plan Development & Loan Brokerage, Audit Preparation & Liaison, Budgeting
Business Valuation - Purchase Price Allocations — FAS 141R
Mergers & Acquisitions
Business Fraud Prevention
Robert Bates, JD, CPA (Virginia), CFE, CVA, CFO has over 30 years of Financial Management and Accounting experience as a Controller and CFO in various industries. He has been in several industries, including telecom, media, retail and financial services in addition to having consulting experience at startups in the software, technology, and life sciences fields. Mr. Bates specializes in International Accounting, Software Issues, and Obtaining Financing. AS CFO of public companies, he has completed due diligence accounting/reporting for 12 acquisitions, including performing Business Valuations and dealing with FAS 142 issues. Mr. Bates has handled accounting for complex debt instruments including warrants, beneficial conversion feature, and other derivative issues. He has also been responsible for SEC reporting: 10Q’s and 10K’s.
Economic downturns and recessions are notorious for encouraging fraud. As new and prospective fraud examiners, it's imperative that you become aware of the various fraud risks that can occur and the red flags that indicate a fraud in progress.
Sahel (Sal) Shwayhat, MBA, FACHE, Principal / Owner at ELY Analytics LLC, is a Management Consultant with over 30 years of experience in Healthcare Operations and Data Analytics. A Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, Mr. Shwayhat has dual degrees in Electrical and Biomedical Engineering. He is also is fellow in the American College of Healthcare Executives.
Mr. Shwayhat's career spans multiple roles, where he gained significant experience analyzing large data sets to uncover inefficiencies, identify outliers, and compare staff and equipment outputs. He is adept at performing location analytics to identify potential clients, focus resources, and capture a greater share of the market.
Mr. Shwayhat has guest-lectured at Yale University and the University of New Haven – subjects included “External and Internal Benchmarking” and “Uses of Data in Healthcare”. He has presented at several conferences, including the Connecticut Quality Council.
Core Areas of Strength:
Data Analytics & Key Performance Indicators
Performance Improvement
Market Analysis
Location Analytics & GIS
Radiology Operations Performance
Cost Accounting & Expense Reduction
Strategic & Business Planning
Financial Analysis
Lean Six Sigma
Hospital Flex Budget
ELY Analytics LLC (ELY) is a Management Consultancy that emphasizes use of Data Analytics and Visualization. Company specializes in converting data into information. ELY Analytics mines and analyzes raw data to help clients identify Financial and Operational Performance Improvement opportunities. ELY Analytics can also perform location analytics to help businesses map existing and potential clients.
ELY Analytics serves data rich, information poor companies within various industries, including healthcare, banking, and insurance, and more specifically, radiology / diagnostic imaging, operational finance, strategic planning, behavioral health, performance improvement, and clinical engineering.
What does a Flex report tell us? The two right most columns are the crux of the Flex report. One column shows how a department performed against a static budget (developed months earlier with certain assumptions in mind), and the other column shows how a department performed against a newly "flexed" budget, that took product volume and mix into consideration.
Hospitals, like most businesses, have budgets. While they all track their performance closely against that budget at the organizational level, many fail to do so with the same rigor at the cost center level, mainly due to lack of dependable reports. In this article, I will explain what flex budgeting is, how it is calculated, and why using it helps the organization.
All well-run businesses use data to drive their decisions. The higher the stakes, the more accuracy they demand from their data. Hospitals are businesses, even not-for-profit ones, and should conduct their operations like any other business. The area where hospitals lag far behind other businesses is in cost accounting.
Many of us who have worked in hospitals have been there; you are in a meeting with Finance, and their handouts have what is supposed to be Radiology volumes, but they are different from what Radiology’s internal reports show. So, whose numbers are right?