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10/24/2011· Human Factors

Sleep, Science, and Policy Change

By: Dennis Wylie

Policies can be very difficult to change, and advocates of change who claim a logical or scientific foundation need valid, reliable, and convincing data. An example of the process is the policy of regulating truck drivers' hours of service in order to reduce motor vehicle crashes.


11/20/2010· Slip, Trip & Fall

Slip And Fall

By: Nicholas Propes, PhD, Ash Thakker, PhD, Jyoti Ajit

A "slip and fall" or "trip and fall" is the generic term for an injury which occurs when someone slips, trips or falls as a result of a dangerous or hazardous condition on someone else's property. It includes falls as a result of water, ice or snow, as well as abrupt changes in flooring, poor lighting, or a hidden hazard, such as a gap or hard to see hole in the ground


7/14/2009· Forensic Analysis

Slip and Fall Accidents

By: Kristopher J. Seluga, PE

Second to automobile accidents, accidents due to falls are the leading cause of injury and death. Of these, accidents due to slipping (not tripping) form a large proportion. Slipping may occur on floors, walkways, and stairs or steps. For Introductory purposes, however, the present discussion will be limited to slipping on flat surfaces such as a floor or sidewalk.


3/31/2020· Nonprofit Organizations

Small Nonprofits During Coronavirus (COVID-19): A Four Step Guide To Making The Right Decisions

By: Jess Birken, Esq

As schools are called off for the rest of the year, toilet paper flies off the shelves, and shelter-in-place orders are announced, anxieties are high. Everyone is worried about money, jobs, health, how to stay sane in the coming weeks – or at least I'm pretty sure it's not just me! And then there's another layer of worry – the worry that comes with running a small nonprofit in the midst of an international crisis.


12/29/2014· Plastic / Reconstructive / Cosmetic Surgery

So, You Want to Get Started with Lasers? - Pearls On How to Incorporate Them Into Your Practice

By: Dr. Warren Seiler

One of the most common questions that other physicians ask me is how to begin to use lasers in their practice. It can seem exciting, yet daunting, to bring in a new procedure that centers on a device.


1/27/2014· Archaeology - Archeology

Society For American Archaeology: Professional Standards For The Determination of Archaeological Value

By: Dr. Christopher Dore

The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) is an international organization dedicated to the research, interpretation, and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas. With more than 6,800 members, the society represents professional, student, and avocational archaeologists working in a variety of settings including government agencies, colleges and universities, museums, and the private sector.


12/20/2023· Failure Analysis

Soda Bottle Failure Analysis

By: Dr. Thomas Read

California materials failure laboratory, Read Consulting Failure Analysis Laboratory was engaged to determine the cause of failure of a 12 oz soda bottle. This bottle was said to have exploded and caused injury to a person. The bottle was said to have spontaneously exploded as the was being pushed into a cooler filled with ice.


10/2/2014· Transportation

Some Things You Should Know About Seat Belts

By: Ned Einstein

As pressure from the unknowing continues to mount, rumors have it that the U.S. motorcoach industry is slowly inching toward the installation of seatbelts. That we are doing so by skipping the decades of seat compartmentalization that has helped fend off most seatbelt advocates in the schoolbus industry is only more unfortunate since existing motorcoach seats lend themselves to a far more evolved form of compartmentalization than the "incomplete compartmentalization" (in NHTSA's own words) of their yellow body-on-chassis cousins.


3/12/2002· Public Speaking

Speak And Grow Rich

By: Dottie Walters

Do you have an area of special expertise? How would you like to make big money talking about it?... Lots of money? Professional speakers can earn over $800,000 per year! In this exciting book which is considered the "Bible of the Professional Speaking Industry", world class speaker, Dottie Walters will give you money-making information on


2/16/2009· Automotive - Vehicular

Special: Automotive Industry

By: Dorman Wood

Whether you are a credit professional involved in the U.S. automotive industry or not, you have probably been following the almost daily media reports on the industry

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