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8/17/2023· Documentation Examination & Analysis

The Care And Preservation Of Documents

By: Katherine Koppenhaver, CDQE

Documents are fragile and require special handling. Not only must documents be kept in their original condition, but a chain of custody must be maintained to ensure the integrity of the documents. If everyone takes the necessary precautions to ensure the integrity of the documents, evidence will be properly preserved for court proceedings.


8/17/2023· Speech-Language Pathology

Common Manifestation Of Death By Choking

By: Megan M. Hamilton, MS, CCC-SLP

It is not uncommon for documentation or discussion to use the term “choking” to describe instances in which food or liquid went “down the wrong pipe” or a significant cough occurred. Those instances are not, in fact, choking in the sense of foreign body airway obstruction that leads to death by asphyxiation.


8/14/2023· Pollution - Air Quality Control

Air Contaminant Exposure From Sediment Treatment And Containment Facility

By: Timothy Minnich, MS, QEP

The remediation includes the offsite treatment and containment of highly contaminated lake bottom sediments at the Wastebed 13 Facility near the town of Camillus. Minnich and Scotto has been retained to evaluate residential exposure to air contaminants arising from Facility operations.


8/14/2023· Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Tribal Government Selects Modern EHR System To Integrate Functions Across Its Health Services

By: Panorama Consulting Group

The Tribe hired Panorama to assist in selecting software to support its Health Service functions. This software would replace the Tribe’s current health systems. In the first phase of the project, we documented business and technical requirements, reviewed legacy systems, mapped processes, and identified pain points across


7/22/2023· Elder Abuse

World Elder Abuse Day: Taking A Stand Against The Silent Epidemic

By: Marguerita Cheng

Elder abuse is a growing concern that directly impacts the financial security and dignity of older adults. On June 15, 2023 people around the globe observed World Elder Abuse Day, a powerful reminder of the importance of protecting our aging population from financial exploitation and other forms of abuse.


7/22/2023· Construction

Design Phase Risk Mitigation Tools And Methods

By: Long International

The design phases of chemical processing plant and other industrial projects contain many potential risks. This is especially true when the project is for the first-of-a-kind deployment of new technology or when the performing organization has not previously successfully completed a similar project.


6/20/2023· Medical Records Review

Plaintiff Support - Insurance Carrier Seeks Restitution For Fraudulent Bills Related To Transmucosal Instant Release Fentanyl Products

By: Joel L. Kent, MD

Asked to provide expert witness support for a health-care insurance carrier who was seeking restitution for fraudulent invoices that were paid for the provision of a transmucosal instant release fentanyl (TIRF) products. The plaintiff alleged that the pharmaceutical manufacturer was perpetrating a criminal conspiracy resulting in undue payments. 


6/20/2023· Fall Protection Solutions / Confined Spaces Safety

Case Study: Guest Rescue And Building Facade Maintenance Program

By: Rauch Safety & Engineering

The client had engaged domestic and international internal personnel and external resources to deliver a dual-purpose system. One that was capable of rescuing guests from suspended cableway people mover systems in rare circumstances when multiple redundant built-in systems failed


5/11/2023· Transportation

Leaving Money on the Table, Part 1: Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) Service And Brokers

By: Ned Einstein

This installment explains how the two major forms of wheelchair transportation were fragmented by oversight failures in the Johnson Administration. Not only did this fragmentation evolve into extraordinary levels of corruption, but the consolidation of these two types of programs was rarely, if ever, effected.


5/11/2023· Telecommunication

Sharp - Not Weak Or Late Enforcement Is Required Against Recalcitrant SEP Implementers

By: Keith Mallinson

Public comments on SEPs and FRAND licensing sought for the US Department of Justice’s Draft Policy Statement and the UK Intellectual Property Office’s Call for Views. 

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