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1/15/2024· Fall Protection Solutions / Confined Spaces Safety

Case Study: Property Wide Confined Spaces Program

By: Rauch Safety & Engineering

Confined Spaces safety is a global issue that is a growing source of concern in developed and developing countries. According to OSHA, in the U.S. alone, about 90 deaths involving confined spaces occur every year. These incidents occur because workers and employers do not recognize...


1/15/2024· Plastic / Reconstructive / Cosmetic Surgery

Enhancing Legal Strategies with Plastic Surgery Litigation Support

By: Dr. Thomas Zaydon

When we think of plastic surgery, images of cosmetic enhancements often come to mind. However, the world of plastic surgery extends beyond aesthetics, playing a significant role in the field of law. Enter "plastic surgery litigation support," a dynamic intersection where medical expertise meets legal strategy.


1/10/2024· Vocational Rehabilitation And Counseling

Vocational Rehabilitation Considerations In Burn Cases

By: Stokes & Associates

Many factors influence the vocational prognosis of individuals who have experienced burn injuries, including residual functional limitations, the environment of the job(s), the need for ongoing scar revision and treatment/therapies, and unique clothing needs/requirements


12/20/2023· Failure Analysis

Soda Bottle Failure Analysis

By: Dr. Thomas Read

California materials failure laboratory, Read Consulting Failure Analysis Laboratory was engaged to determine the cause of failure of a 12 oz soda bottle. This bottle was said to have exploded and caused injury to a person. The bottle was said to have spontaneously exploded as the was being pushed into a cooler filled with ice.


12/20/2023· Transportation

Danger Signs Ahead For U.S. Transit And Motorcoach Sectors, Part 1

By: Ned Einstein

America’s worst transportation problems may be recent. But they had their roots in a century of serious mistakes, even if, in fairness, many were not foreseeable nearly that long ago. Compared to many countries with a fraction of our resources, America made no efforts to decrease traffic levels by creating new major cities – like Brasilia and Tel Aviv (the latter of which had recently been its nation’s capital; the former still is).


12/19/2023· Domestic Violence

Unveiling The Vital Role of Psychologist Expert Witnesses In Battered Women Cases

By: Charles H. Heller, PhD

Navigating the complexities of legal cases involving battered women demands a comprehensive understanding of the psychological impact on victims. In courtroom battles, psychologists and expert witnesses play a pivotal role in shedding light on the intricate nuances of these cases. In this blog post, we delve into the crucial contributions of psychologists to advocating for justice...


12/8/2023· Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

State Recovers From Delayed Implementation And Selects New System To Meet Its Needs

By: Panorama Consulting Group

The client was in the process of implementing a new HRMS system and was about a year into implementation when they encountered serious issues with the software during the testing phase. They were concerned that some key business requirements were missed at the beginning of the project and left out of the system’s design and configuration.


12/4/2023· Psychiatry

An Empirical Data Comparison Of Regulatory Agency And Malpractice Legal Problems For Psychiatrists

By: Dr. James Reich

Medical board discipline findings indicate that psychiatrists are at increased risk of disciplinary action compared with other specialties. NPDB data indicated relatively infrequent problems for psychiatrists. In malpractice, psychiatry accounted for a small percentage of overall claims and settlements. Overall, more years in practice and a lack of board certification increased the risk of legal difficulties.


12/4/2023· Construction

Schedule Optimization During Front-End Planning

By: Long International

This paper summarizes the development and review steps of project plans and schedules during the front-end planning phases, including the critical phase of Front-End Engineering Design (FEED). The project milestones, resources, and completion dates established during FEED set the baseline control plan during project execution.


12/4/2023· Pollution - Air Quality Control

E-Calc (Emissions Calculation) Technical Description

By: Timothy Minnich, MS, QEP

Minnich and Scotto, Inc. ( is the architect of e-Calc© – an emissions-calculation software package developed initially for use with open-path Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy in order to generate air pollutant emission rates from a wide range of ground-level sources.

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