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9/29/2020· Appraisal & Valuation

Part 2: AIRA Issues New Standards for Distressed Business Valuation

By: Michael Pakter

In this second article on AIRA Standards, the author discusses unique issues valuing distressed companies. These include the standard of value used, the premise of value, the intended use of the valuation, and cost of capital.


3/19/2013· Food & Beverage

Food Safety in Casino Restaurants

By: Jeff Nelken

Looking back over the years, I find it somewhat of a paradox that restaurant owners are forever telling me that they don't have to worry about the temperature of their refrigerators and freezers during the night.


1/9/2021· Transportation

Wheelchair Tipovers – A Tort Lawyer’s Paradise

By: Ned Einstein

As an expert witness (see, I have found it surprising that the vast majority of incidents and accidents occur when the vehicle is not even moving. One fourth of the more than 600 cases I’ve done involved simply getting on and off the vehicle.


5/12/2011· Terrorism - Homeland Security

Terrorism: Indicators & Implications

By: James F. Pastor

In order to effectively deal with the threat of terrorism, it is important to understand the concept. Terrorism has been around for centuries, dating back to Roman times.


10/6/2011· Security

Security Law: Private Police = Para-Police?

By: Dr. James F. Pastor

In the past several years many in the security industry have advocated increasing professional standards. The hallmark criteria of professionalism usually relate to training, wages, recruitment standards, and accountability.


10/29/2020· Manufacturing

What Happens When You Decide To Leave China?

By: Rosemary Coates

Reshoring and manufacturing in America is hot. Companies are now considering the possibilities of returning manufacturing to the USA. According to a recent study, 54% of all US companies over $1 billion in revenues are planning or considering bringing at least some of their manufacturing back to the US.


12/8/2020· Supply Chain Management

Is It A Supply Chain Issue Or Poor Project Management?

By: Rosemary Coates

But procurement by thousands of individual hospitals and multiple governmental agencies is uneven and inefficient and we end up with variable pricing, too much inventory in some places, and not enough in others. These may look like supply chain issues on the surface, but they are actually project management issues.


11/6/2018· Power Supplies

Aspects of Lithium Ion Batteries

By: Chet Sandberg

The 18650 cell has become the workhorse of the lithium ion battery industry and is a good candidate for analysis of most lithium ion batteries properties. Tesla automobiles, laptop computers, e-cigarettes, scooters, and grid energy storage all use the 18650. The 18650 cell is a leader in cost reduction, stored energy has been continually increasing and over 2 billion cells were manufactured in 2016. Lithium ion cells are truly a marvel of chemistry and electrical engineering.


4/1/2014· Food & Beverage

You Found What In Your Soup?

By: Jeff Nelken

( - Malibu - March 3, 2014 - There's an old saying in the food business - it's better to find a whole roach in your food than a half a roach. The experts at Tellem Grody PR's (TGPR) Food Issues Group (FIG) agree, but point out that there are a number of other items that restaurateurs may hear diners complaining about. While accidents happen, it's better to do due diligence before the bad thing occurs by monitoring the work area so that foreign objects don't enter the food preparation or food service areas. Here are some items to watch for and their fixes:


12/2/2020· International Trade

USMCA Implementation And Mitigation Of Risk

By: Jo-Anne Daniels

SUMAC made several key regulatory changes as compared to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) that affect compliance and liability. Learning to navigate and master these new provisions are the key to complying with the regulations, minimizing liability for non-compliance, and succeeding in global trade.

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