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8/19/2020· Radiology

Radiology Volumes Are Different From What Finance Is Reporting. Why Does That Keep Happening?

By: Sahel Shwayhat, MBA, FACHE

Many of us who have worked in hospitals have been there; you are in a meeting with Finance, and their handouts have what is supposed to be Radiology volumes, but they are different from what Radiology’s internal reports show. So, whose numbers are right?


9/14/2011· Digital Forensics

Imaging Forensics: In Photography and Video - We Want the Original Images

By: George Reis

It always surprises me how often retaining attorneys send me digital copies of scanned color laser prints of photos in PDF format, or transcoded video files to do an analysis.


3/25/2011· Premises Liability

Premises Liability & Negligent Security

By: James F. Pastor

Premises Security Liability is a broad way to describe various legal theories related to the intersection of criminal conduct and tort liability.


2/10/2011· Premises Liability

Crime & Premises Liability: Assessments & Defenses

By: James F. Pastor

When considering how to limit crimes by third parties, or at least limit the liability exposure from such, there are three basic approaches: pre-incident assessments, post-incident investigations, and legal defenses.


11/25/2020· Damages

Attaining Reasonable Certainty in Economic Damages: What Constitutes Best Evidence (Part III of III)

By: Michael Pakter

The purpose of this article - the third of three (Part I and Part II) on this topic - is to provide the reader with an understanding Chapter 3 (What Constitutes Best Evidence) of the 2018 Practice Aid as well as certain other publications containing a body of knowledge on the best evidence to support economic damages in a court of law


1/10/2021· Insurance

Arbitration and Insurance Litigation: Beware of Retrospective Premium Adjustments

By: Jane Downey, M.Ed, ARM

I have been retained as an Insurance Expert or Insurance Arbitrator to confirm the proper calculation of insurance premiums, based on actual exposures, completed by the insurer at audit. In the first case, a large Hotel bought out their partner and inherited a large Wrap-Up Program of Insurance.


9/16/2020· Education & Schools

Getting Students Back To School During COVID-19

By: Ned Einstein

Because of social distancing, classrooms and schoolbuses can only be filled to one-fourth of their capacities. This constraint alone requires that a broad range of dramatic changes be made in order for our children to return to physical school without placing out entire population at greater risk than we already are.


1/6/2016· Obstetrics - Gynecology (OBGYN)

Perioperative Outcomes of Robotically Assisted Hysterectomy for Benign Cases With Complex Pathology

By: Dr. Rabbie Hanna

OBJECTIVE: To report on the perioperative outcomes after robotically assisted total hysterectomy for benign indications in a large patient population with predominantly complex pathology.


3/2/2016· Medical - Medicine

The Role of Surgery and Radiation Therapy in the Management of Gestational Trophoblastic Disease

By: Dr. Rabbie Hanna

The primary management of hydatidiform moles remains surgical evacuation followed by human chorionic gonadotropin level monitoring. Although suction dilatation and evacuation is the most frequent technique for molar evacuation, hysterectomy is a viable option in older patients who do not wish to preserve fertility. Despite advances in chemotherapy regimens for treating malignant gestational trophoblastic neoplasia, hysterectomy and other extirpative procedures continue to play a role in the management of patients with both lowrisk and high-risk gestational trophoblastic neoplasia.


10/7/2020· Refrigeration - Cooling Systems

Evaporator Leak Mitigation By Suction Control Valve Selection And Operation

By: James Caylor, PE

Evaporator leaks expose plant personnel to risk of ammonia contact and require maintenance intervention since refrigeration control valves used for inlet flows (liquid and hot gas) can automatically stop flow, but similar valves used for outlet flows (suction and refrigerant defrost condensate) cannot stop flow backwards from the suction line into a damaged evaporator and thus into the conditioned space.

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