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10/14/2014· Plants & Trees

Trees & Plants: Caveat Emptor

By: Joe Samnik

Have you ever heard the name Donna Massie? How about Tom McCrum? The former holds the dubious distinction of having identified the very first Asian long-horned beetle (ALB) in Worchester, Mass. Already 1,800 trees have been tagged for removal on 62 square miles surrounding Worcester and four neighboring towns. Tom McCrum is with the Massachusetts Maple Syrup Association and joins economists and politicians in the nightmare scenario that would follow into the tourism and timber industry if the ALB encroached further from its current foothold. Approximately $268 million has been spent on eradication efforts during the last eleven years.


9/7/2018· Aerosols - Aerosol Products

The Aerosol Laboratory: Safety Check - Ignition Source

By: John Chadwick

I have been wandering around the aerosol industry for the last 35+ years both as an employee of major CPG companies, and, for the past 15 years as an independent aerosol technical consultant. While the attention to safety issues has dramatically improved over time, I am still amazed how often the simplest safety precautions are sometimes overlooked when filling aerosols with flammable propellants. I'll save my horror stories for another time, except for one particularly relevant example at the end of this article.


5/18/2018· Business Management

My Life as a Microsoft Dynamics Expert Witness

By: Eric Kimberling

I have been involved with Microsoft Dynamics implementations for nearly 20 years now. I have also spent the last decade providing Microsoft Dynamics expert witness testimony in implementation failures and lawsuits.


2/4/2015· Plants & Trees

Fertilizer Analysis - There's A New Sheriff In Town

By: Joe Samnik

Among the new publications of note to arborists is ANSI A300 (part 2) - 2011(Soil Management- a. Modification, b. Fertilization, and c. Drainage). If you fertilize trees, or write specificity regarding the fertilization of trees, this is a new publication you must have in your library. You may obtain a copy of this publication from the Florida Chapter, ISA office.


8/7/2018· Accident Investigation & Reconstruction

Children Will Fall At Playgrounds. What Shall We Do To Protect Them? - Part I

By: Jeffery Warren and Aron Olson

In 2011, a 5-year old boy was severely injured at a public playground when he fell through a second floor opening around a fireman's pole in a playhouse. He fell more than seven feet and struck a bare concrete floor. We are thankful that he eventually recovered from his injuries. The person who designed and built the playground was accused of negligence. A lawsuit ensued, and eventually settled in favor of the boy.


4/13/2018· Real Estate

When to Record Mechanic's Liens

By: Darryl Horowitt

Most contractors know that the mechanic's lien is one of the best remedies available to the contractor, laborer, and supplier because it allows for the foreclosure of real property if payment is not made for construction work and/or materials supplied to the project. What many contractors may be unsure of is on which projects a lien should be recorded.


11/14/2022· Life Expectancy - Life Care Planning

Tackling Life Expectancy In Life Care Planning

By: Stokes & Associates

According to The International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals (IARP), life care planners evaluate individuals with disabilities or chronic health conditions to quantify the needs created by the disability or medical condition. The life care planner then develops an integrated plan that includes items and services required and the specific costs associated with these items and services.


2/10/2014· Finance

General Motors Joins Yogi Berra

By: Dr. Kenneth E. Lehrer

Even with creative financing, accounting techniques and decreased profit margins, the American automobile industry appears unable to sustain itself and has suffered significant losses, especially in recent years. Given these realities, it would seem prudent to rely upon baseball and the one special feature they have enjoyed via compliments of a United States Supreme Court Decision in 1922, namely exemption under the Antitrust Laws, basically Sherman and Clayton Acts.


10/25/2013· Healthcare Facilities - Hospitals

A Better Response to Clinical Errors

By: Paul B. Hofmann, DrPH, FACHE

In 1989, I agreed for the first time to serve as an expert witness in a case brought by the family of a terminally ill pregnant patient who had a cesarean section performed against her will in a prominent university teaching hospital. Since then, whether retained as a plaintiff or defense expert, I have been surprised and disturbed by the number and types of cases in which hospitals and other health care facilities have been sued.


11/22/2022· Telecommunication

Revenue Boost For Automotive Industry From Cellular Connectivity Outweighs SEP Licensing Costs

By: Keith Mallinson

The automotive industry is being revolutionized by continuous cloud connectivity, autonomous driving technologies, drive train electrification and shared mobility. These transformations are being facilitated in part by the standardized cellular technologies now commonly implemented in “connected vehicles” or “CVs”.

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