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3/8/2018· Insurance

Do You need an Insurance Expert?

By: Wayne Citron

It's a daunting decision, whether or not you need to pay for an insurance expert when you have an insurance claim. Typically, you would just contact your broker to handle things. And while this might be the right and necessary decision, your broker represents the insurance company. That means they work for them, not you. If you're in a fender bender, then calling your broker or agent is most likely the best first step. The truth is that you may be able to handle the matter yourself. Once you make the call and file the claim, the insurance company's adjuster will come out, take note of the damage, assign a value and pay you. If your body shop disagrees with the claims adjuster, they can call the adjuster, file a subsequent claim, and handle the matter for you.


1/3/2019· Insurance

End-of-Life Issues & Impact of Loss on the Insured

By: Wayne Citron

For the first time, end-of-life issues and the impact of the loss on the insured is the topic. Most of my writings concern insurance in one form or another. I have discussed the many types of insurance, what to look for in each policy, what coverages are available. I've written about what to expect from an insurance company, an agent, or a broker.


5/24/2007· Failure Analysis

Elements of Failure Analysis

By: Wayne Reitz, PhD, PE

Failure analysis is conducted to determine the root cause of failure. Sometimes these failures are catastrophic, e.g., Titanic. Other times the failures are a nuisance, e.g., failed o-ring in plastic faucet water valve. In both cases, the component failed unexpectedly, which can result in injury or death, not to mention financial loss due to unscheduled downtime


4/22/2011· Documentation Examination & Analysis

Working With An Expert Witness

By: Wendy Carlson

We appreciate Windle Turley, Esq. for his excellent lecture on "Working with an Expert Witness...the Plaintiff Attorney's Prospective."


6/14/2016· Insurance

Life Insurance and Retirement - The Unvarnished Truth

By: Willard Brumbaugh

Having spent over 45 years in the life insurance business, I had become frustrated with the books that I had been reading that promote permanent life insurance in a manner that I considered exaggerated or flawed. I shared my frustration with several people who responded by challenging me to write a response that says what should have been said by these other authors.


8/16/2022· Legal Issues

Press Freedoms During Times Of Emergency: An Examination Of South Africa And The United States

By: William (Ned) McLeod, Esq

In this paper we will examine how the growing crisis in South Africa transformed various laws and government policies that affected the press, both directly and indirectly. We will briefly trace the history of government regulation of the press in South Africa, and review the press-related laws imposed by the Afrikaner government since its rise to power in 1948.


5/11/2011· Business Management

Increasing Profits By Doing Less

By: William A. Lybarger

What is the fastest way to increase profits? Stop doing things that don't make a profit! Could increased net profit, increased return on investment and improved cash flow be that easy? The answer is yes.


1/23/2023· Professional Malpractice

Defending Legal Malpractice Claims In California And Nevada - A Day At The Beach or Stranded In The Desert?

By: William A. Muñoz, Esq

Let's face it, as attorneys, the last thing that we want to deal with is a legal malpractice claim by a disgruntled former client who has gone the extra mile and sued us claiming that our conduct fell below the applicable standard of care and they were damaged as a result. If you have the misfortune of facing a legal malpractice claim that could conceivably be brought in either jurisdiction, the odds are that California is the more favorable venue.


4/11/2024· Ethics / Ethical Duties

Business Transactions with Clients - A Trap for The Unwary Practitioner

By: William A. Muñoz, Esq

The Lawyer’s Lawyer is turning its attention to a situation that most of you have probably not considered in your practice, but have unknowingly participated in – business transactions with a client. The significance of this is that not recognizing when you are involved in a business transaction with a client,


4/3/2008· Finance

Trustee's Report: Chapter 11 Reorganization, Likelihood Of Success

By: William F. Herzog

The Debtors consist of 13 nursing facilities and a management company. The Debtors operations commenced in May 2004. Due to the age of the facilities, substantial maintenance expenditures have been, and likely will be, required on a going forward basis

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