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10/16/2024· Ethics / Ethical Duties

A Potential Conflict For Complying With California Mandated Mediation Disclosures?

By: William A. Muñoz, Esq

This article will look at California’s mediation disclosure requirement under Evidence Code Section 1129 through the lens of the Rules of Professional Conduct to conclude that there may be ethical obligations that attorneys should consider above and beyond the disclosure itself, and how to avoid the consequences of noncompliance.


4/11/2024· Ethics / Ethical Duties

Business Transactions with Clients - A Trap for The Unwary Practitioner

By: William A. Muñoz, Esq

The Lawyer’s Lawyer is turning its attention to a situation that most of you have probably not considered in your practice, but have unknowingly participated in – business transactions with a client. The significance of this is that not recognizing when you are involved in a business transaction with a client,


1/23/2023· Professional Malpractice

Defending Legal Malpractice Claims In California And Nevada - A Day At The Beach or Stranded In The Desert?

By: William A. Muñoz, Esq

Let's face it, as attorneys, the last thing that we want to deal with is a legal malpractice claim by a disgruntled former client who has gone the extra mile and sued us claiming that our conduct fell below the applicable standard of care and they were damaged as a result. If you have the misfortune of facing a legal malpractice claim that could conceivably be brought in either jurisdiction, the odds are that California is the more favorable venue.

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Peacemaking: Practicing at the...

by Douglas E. Noll, Esq

Blacks Law Dictionary

by Bryan A. Garner (Editor), Becky R. McDaniel (Editor), David W. Schultz broker Movie Ad

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