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8/3/2011· Animals

Law Change In California Affects How You Buy And Sell a Horse

By: Bridget Brandon

Open-ended horse deals are quickly coming to an end. Florida has a statute (Section 535.16 of the Florida Statutes) and the California Legislature recently amended a similar one that now requires written documentation for horse sales.


7/22/2011· Forensics

Imaging Forensics: Is Your Expert An Expert?

By: George Reis

On a recent case opposing counsel hired a forensic photographer. The case involved an accident at night in which visibility was a key factor.


7/22/2011· Medical Physics

Design of Site-Specific Prognostic Morbidity-Mortality Studies and Internal Outcome Focus Studies in Radiation Oncology

By: Michael Gossman, MS, DABR, RSO, et al

In the process of radiation oncology department accreditation, surveyors pay close attention to continuous quality improvement in the clinical section.


7/20/2011· Security

Fast Food, Easy Money:Find Out How Sites Hit By Smash and Grab Burglaries Could Have Reduced Their Vulnerability

By: Randall Atlas, PhD, AIA, CPP

BETWEEN LATE 2009 AND MARCH OF THIS YEAR, a national baked goods chain with franchises in Broward County, Florida, experienced a series of nighttime burglaries that resulted in thousands of dollars in stolen cash and damaged property.


7/15/2011· Law Enforcement

The Forensic Force Series: Psychophysiological Responses to TASER-ECD Influence

By: Ron Martinelli

One of the most pressing problems within the law enforcement and use-of-force instructor communities is the reconciliation of force deployments with subject noncompliance and resistance.


7/14/2011· Energy - Utilities

Electric Transmission - What Happens with a Lack of Long-Range T&D Infrastructure Planning?

By: Howard Lee Willis

A joke long popular among disaffected employees and humorists in the power industry asks, "What is the difference between an electric utility and a group of Boy Scouts in the woods?"


7/11/2011· Security

Security And Legal Protection: The Seattle Video Example

By: James F. Pastor

This article addresses the security and legal issues relative to the Seattle video depicting the beating of a girl while security personnel stood around.


7/6/2011· Psychology

The Miranda Warning: Readability And The Rights Of Children With Disabilities

By: Steven Imber

Prior to 1966, the Supreme Court sought to define the Constitution's protection against self-incrimination with regard to juveniles, to the mentally impaired, and to psychological coercion by police (see Gallegos v. Colorado, 1962; Blackburn v. Alabama, 1960; Fikes v. Alabama, 1957; Chambers v. Florida, 1940).


6/23/2011· Business Management

Less-Is-More: A Reality-Based Alignment Process

By: William Lybarger

Most organizations will eventually face hard times. I am suggesting that organizational leaders see this event as an opportunity rather than a trauma.


6/23/2011· Computers

IT Disaster? What IT Disaster? And What D'You Mean "We're Not Insured For It"!?

By: Dr. Stephen Castell

You are an established, reputable, medium-sized corporation. A year ago your board decided to upgrade your existing computer systems by buying a 'unified package', 'lightly-customised', from a 'solution provider'.

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