5/28/2013· Construction
Assessing Damages Arising From Construction Defects
Defects that were introduced during construction can lead to classic legal disputes between owners and contractors where considerable sums of money are involved.
By: Wayne Baruch
Tel: (908) 359-3748
Email Mr. Baruch
Website: www.artisansgroup.biz.
Owners are most often "taught" to rely on:
Merchants across industries may be new to the business or perhaps using the business as a stopgap measure, and as a result, do not have the same commitment as a long-term member of that business community.
To help combat illegal, unprofessional behavior between businesses and consumers, most states have enacted laws, primarily focusing on "consumer" fraud. While some have "delayed payment" provisions, consumer protection acts typically fail to recognize that merchants are also consumers, who may be victims of unscrupulous consumers.
Fraud is generally defined in the law as an intentional misrepresentation of material existing fact made by one person to another with knowledge of its falsity and for the purpose of inducing the other person to act, and upon which the other person relies with resulting injury or damage. Fraud may also be made by an omission or purposeful failure to state material facts, which nondisclosure makes other statements misleading. (See Appendix I)
The strategy in construction projects (and any other business relationship) to avoid conflict, acrimony, and especially a crime like fraud is to foster good understandings , expectations, communications, and mutuality.
Consumer fraud in construction has a similar presumption, but with a few twists, for example:
These and numerous other scenarios offer opportunities for either party to coerce, deceive, or otherwise cheat another party.
Candid, honest communication between the parties must include existing conditions, project scope, goals, price, budget, logistics, time frames, aesthetics, durability, code compliance, safety, and the parties' credentials, among other details. All parties need to share objective, accurate answers to questions like:
Wayne Baruch, is a skilled and accomplished Designer, Craftsman, and Project Manager with a long track record of successful on-time, on-budget completion that achieves win-win client and vendor relationships. His company, Artisans Group, LLC, is a full-service Remodeler that specializes in Older Buildings (from the late 1700's), Repairing Structural, Bug and Water Damage.
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5/28/2013· Construction
Assessing Damages Arising From Construction Defects
Defects that were introduced during construction can lead to classic legal disputes between owners and contractors where considerable sums of money are involved.
8/2/2017· Construction
The Collapsed As-Built Windows Schedule Analysis Method
The Collapsed As-Built Windows Schedule Analysis (AACE® International Recommended Practice 29R-03, Method Implementation Protocol 3.9) is a modeled, subtractive, multiple-base method. It is a retrospective CPM schedule analysis which is typically used to prove entitlement for compensable delay and assess concurrency of delay within a window of time. The analysis simulates the as-built conditions within a schedule window and then delays are removed from the CPM model. If the forecasted project finish date “collapses” but-for or absent compensable delays, then entitlement for compensable time-related costs can be demonstrated. This article addresses the usage of the Collapsed As-Built Windows protocol and the advantages and disadvantages of the methodology.
4/13/2012· Construction
Construction Disputes: Schedule and Delay Analysis Methodologies
The equitable allocation of responsibility for project delays is essential to the resolution of many construction disputes. Contractors frequently assert that they have been delayed for reasons beyond their control. Owners often remain unconvinced that the Contractor is legitimately entitled to a time extension or delay, acceleration and loss of productivity damages.