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12/27/2011· Business Consulting

Buying a Franchise: Some Tips for the Unwary

By: Darryl Horowitt, Esq

For many, the idea of owning your own business and being your own boss is alluring: you set your hours and you alone reap the rewards of your endeavors. Unfortunately, the road to success is often paved with many perils: employee costs continue to spiral as do the cost of goods; increased competition from other companies both here and abroad; more regulation from local, state and federal agencies; etc.


11/17/2011· Laws & Procedures

Understanding Litigation

By: Darryl Horowitt, Esq

On virtually any day of the week, you can pick up a newspaper and read about a lawsuit. You read the article and say to yourself: "There but for the grace of God go I." Then, the seemingly inevitable happens: You receive a letter from an attorney (or their client) that you are to be sued, or worse, you are served with a lawsuit.

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