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6/3/2011· Toxicology

Book Review - Endogenous Toxins: Targets For Disease Treatment And Prevention

By: John Budny

Once in a while, a new publication appears that, for some reason, generates attention and interest. Endogenous Toxins: Targets for Disease Treatment and Prevention may be such a 2-volume book.


5/31/2011· Security

Designing Safer Schools: Environmental Design Makes The Grade

By: Randall Atlas, PhD, AIA, CPP

When it comes to the issue of safety in schools, it is important to remember that long before the students walk the halls, a design team creates the building and its grounds, envisioning the subsequent relationships with its occupants.


5/25/2011· Construction

Lead Based Paint: Compliance With EPA's RRP Rule (40 CFR 745); Renovation, Repair, And Painting...And The Real World

By: Wayne Baruch

By now, you have probably heard about the rules that tell us how to properly manage lead-based paint under the U.S. EPA, the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA), and most State, County, and Local governments.


5/18/2011· Psychology

Insight On Federal Policy: Independent Educational Evaluations

By: Steven Imber

A parent has the right to an independent educational evaluation at the public expense if the parent disagrees with an evaluation obtained by the public agency.


5/17/2011· Failure Analysis

Plumbing Failure Analysis: Stress Corrosion Cracking of Yellow Brass

By: Dr. Thomas Read

A plumbing failure analysis was performed to determine why a cold water supply line to a bathroom sink had failed after only one year of service.


5/12/2011· Terrorism - Homeland Security

Terrorism: Indicators & Implications

By: James F. Pastor

In order to effectively deal with the threat of terrorism, it is important to understand the concept. Terrorism has been around for centuries, dating back to Roman times.


5/11/2011· Business Management

Increasing Profits By Doing Less

By: William A. Lybarger

What is the fastest way to increase profits? Stop doing things that don't make a profit! Could increased net profit, increased return on investment and improved cash flow be that easy? The answer is yes.


5/6/2011· Economics

Why Juries Can Be Trusted

By: Dr. Stan V. Smith

Setting aside the one case in 100,000 that makes headlines, are juries generally capricious and liberal? Are verdicts frequently unreasonable?


5/6/2011· Aerosols - Aerosol Products

Aerosol Anatomy - The Aerosol Laboratory Part 1

By: John Chadwick

This series, "Aerosol Anatomy," will dissect and examine various technical topics in aerosol technology, including product development, new technology, components of the aerosol system, and quality control.


4/25/2011· Arms - Guns - Weapons

Missile Defense In The News - A Brief View of U.S. Missile Defense

By: Riki Ellison

Missile Defense defends and protects our nation, our deployed military forces and our allies against current and future proliferating missile threats from hostile countries and entities.

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