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9/5/2012· Warnings & Labels

Warning: Automobile Connectivity May Lead To Early Grave

By: Gerald M. Goldhaber, PhD

My former business partner, Marshall McLuhan was fond of telling me that North Americans go out of their homes to be quiet (compared with Europeans who go out to be social).


8/24/2012· Accident Investigation & Reconstruction

Security Camera Video Analysis and Animation

By: Kristopher J. Seluga, PE

Animations are a powerful tool to illustrate how an accident occurred, and to make an engineer's accident reconstruction more accessible to individuals without engineering expertise.


8/22/2012· Transportation

Negligent Retention and Driver Impunity

By: Ned Einstein

One would think in the Age of Irreversible and Growing Unemployment, employers could phase out their "dead wood" and find some personnel capable of performing their functions competently. Regrettably, bus agencies and companies are generally not among those which do.


8/14/2012· Psychiatry

Men's Violence Toward Women: Fear of the Feminine and Ultramasculinity

By: Dr. Michael Levittan

What is the biggest insult, the nastiest put-down that a boy can suffer? What is the most shameful indignity, the most humiliating comment that a man must endure? It is to be referred to as a woman! It is to be called a name that compares one to a woman or to a part of a woman's body.


8/10/2012· Child Witch Phenomenon

Report on Accusations of Witchcraft Against Children in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

By: Gary Foxcroft

This report has been prepared by the UK-based charity, Stepping Stones Nigeria in collaboration with those of our Nigerian partner organisations who specifically work on the issue of witchcraft accusations against children: Child Rights and Rehabilitation Network (CRARN), Stepping Stones Nigeria Child Empowerment Foundation (SSNCEF) and Centre for Environment, Human Rights and Development (CEHRD).


8/7/2012· Failure Analysis

Failure Analysis: Metal Fatigue of Automatic Machinery - Wafer Test Station

By: Dr. Thomas Read

During normal operation, the arm on an automatic wafer test station failed. Root cause failure analysis determined that the drive shaft on the right angle gear motor used to raise and lower the manipulator arm had failed first.


8/1/2012· Technology

Communication Tips for Technology Professionals

By: Leo A. Wrobel

Technology professionals who are serious about seeing their career elevate beyond the level of bits and bytes will go above and beyond what their peers choose not to do. Noted author and technical futurist Leo Wrobel explains why verbal and written communication skills are key to not only keeping a job but climbing the corporate ladder.


7/27/2012· Crime Scene Investigation

New Crime Scenes - Same Old Problems

By: George Schiro, MS, F-ABC

In 1989, I heard Dr. Henry Lee speak at a homicide conference in Metairie, Louisiana. Dr. Lee is currently the Connecticut Department of Public Safety Commissioner and, perhaps, the most famous forensic scientist in the world.


7/25/2012· Appraisal & Valuation

Regression Analysis in the Market Approach: Using the Gordon Model as a Guide to Selection of Independent Variables

By: Jay Abrams

Regression analysis is a statistical technique to measure the mathematical relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables. In the context of the Market Approach in business valuation, the dependent variable is usually some variation of Fair Market Value (FMV), i.e., market capitalization in the Guideline Public Company method, selling price (IBA), or MVIC (Market Value of Invested Capital, Pratt's Stats).


7/25/2012· Medical Physics

Beam Profile Disturbances From Implantable Pacemakers or Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator Interactions

By: Michael Gossman, MS, DABR, RSO

Abstract-The medical community is advocating for progressive improvement in the design of implantable cardioverter-defibrillators and implantable pacemakers to accommodate elevations in dose limitation criteria.

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