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12/28/2019· Construction

As-Built But-For Schedule Delay Analysis

By: Long International

An As-Built But-For Schedule Delay Analysis (ABBF) is a retrospective CPM schedule delay analysis technique that determines the earliest date that the required mechanical completion activity, project completion activity, or various milestone activities could have been achieved but-for the owner-caused compensable delays that occurred during the project.


12/27/2019· Damages

Attaining Reasonable Certainty in Economic Damages (Part II of III)

By: Michael Pakter

The purpose of this article—the second of three on this topic—is to provide the reader with an understanding of Chapter 2 (Costs) of the 2018 Practice Aid as well as certain other publications containing a body of knowledge on the best practices for developing “avoided or saved costs,” sometimes referred to by the courts as incremental costs.


12/11/2019· Automotive - Vehicular

Drivers v. Robots: The Nature of Moden Travel, Part 2

By: Ned Einstein

We are only a few years away from the complete consolidation of fixed route transportation (transit, motorcoach and schoolbus) and the complete consolidation of demand-responsive transportation (paratransit, taxi, limousine, NEMT and special education). This installment will lay the groundwork by comparing modern travel to travel 30 years ago. The opportunities for motorcoach operators to benefit from these changes are once-in-a-lifetime.


11/26/2019· Nonprofit Organizations

Nonprofit Startups Can Learn From The WeWork IPO Debacle

By: Jess Birken, Esq

I work with a lot of nonprofit founders, and all of them have a certain kind of pride in their work. And they should! Lots of people have ideas, but there's not that many people out there who are willing to put their time, effort, knowledge, and money into it. We need entrepreneurial founders in the nonprofit sector.


11/13/2019· Foreign Affairs - Geopolitics

Learning lessons: Protesters Stay One Step Ahead of Rulers

By: James M. Dorsey, PhD

There’s a déjà vu feeling to this year’s wave of protests across the Arab world. It’s not that this year saw the toppling of the leaders of Algeria and Sudan as a result of popular revolts, a harking back to the 2011 protests that overthrew the leaders of Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen.


11/13/2019· Branding - Brand Management

Consumer Brand Confusion: When Might Consumers Confuse One Brand for Another?

By: Brent Coker, PhD

One common disgruntlement brands have against other brands is similarity. In the courts, brands argue that another brand is too similar, and that this causes confusion whereby consumers may believe there is an affiliation between the brands.


10/17/2019· Foreign Affairs - Geopolitics

Challenging The World Order: Erdogan Wants Right To Develop Nuclear Weapons

By: James M. Dorsey, PhD

Brinkmanship may be his trademark, but Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan is unlikely to provoke the ire of the international community by launching a nuclear weapons program. Yet, his demand that Turkey have the right to do so highlights the fracturing of the rules-based international order as well as changing regional realities.


10/16/2019· Foreign Affairs - Geopolitics

Hints Of Gulf Rapprochement: Iranian Tactics May Be Paying Off

By: James M. Dorsey, PhD

Fears of a potential military conflict with Iran may have opened the door to a Saudi-Iranian dialogue against the backdrop of a rethink of US military logistics, involving at least a gradual partial relocation to the United States of command and control operations based in the Gulf for almost four decades.


10/5/2019· Damages

Attaining Reasonable Certainty in Economic Damages (Part I of III)

By: Michael Pakter

The AICPA has issued two practice aids, one on 2015 and most recently in November 2018, focused on the calculation of economic profits and damages. The purpose of this article—the first of three on this topic—is to provide the reader with an understanding of Chapter 1...


10/5/2019· Automotive - Vehicular

Autonomous and Inevitable: Drivers v. Robots, Part 1

By: Ned Einstein

This series of installments, which shall appear periodically, will examine some likely reactions to the robots by drivers.

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