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Contact: Christy Tidmarsh 310-541-8818 | For Immediate Release May 7, 2001 |
Palos Verdes, California - With the Chinese environmental art of feng shui taking the country by storm, the sales of candles wind chimes, tabletop fountains, and Asian-themed linens and home accessories are reaching an all-time high, now cropping up in craft shops and drugstores. While feng shui has been popular for some time on both coasts, this philosophy of living in balance and harmony with one's environment and nature is beginning to reach the heartland of America. Later this month, feng shui fans in the Midwest will have a chance to hear and meet a real-live celebrity feng shui parctitioner-author.Straight from a hilarious May 1 segment on LIVE Regis and Kelly, bestselling feng shui author Angi Ma Wong will go on a nine-city media/book tour to promote Feng Shui Dos and Taboos: A Guide to What to Place Where. The original version of FSDos and Taboos was published by Pacific Heritage Books early 2000 and is in its second printing, while the gift book version has become Storey Books' fastest-selling title in its history, with five printings since its release in October 2000. Wong's tour includes interviews, network television appearances, and book signings in St. Louis, Chicago, Atlanta, Columbus, Cinncinati, Lexington, Louisville and Nashville. She will also be taping two segments of Discovery Channel's "Home Matters" in Orlando.
"What distinguishes Feng Shui Dos and Taboos from the over 300 others on the subject is that it essentially a list of over 400 feng shui tips in alphabetically order with no chapters to read. You would just look under A for altars, B for beds, C for crystals, D for Desk," laughs Wong. "This format is so novel and easy-to-use for all levels of feng shui aficionados and a invaluable resource for beginner and expert alike."
Angi Ma Wong is the author of thirteen books, including Feng Shui Desk for success Tool Kit, Feng Shui Garden Design Kit, Wind-WaterWheel, the award-winning TARGET: The U.S. Asian Market and the Beatty Award-nominated Night of the Red Moon. She hashas appeared on OPRAH, CBS Sunday Morning, CNN Headline News, and in TIME magazine. Wong contributes a bimonthly feng shui column to the Home Improvement section of
For information on Wong's upcoming tour, check or
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