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12/12/2004· Medical - Medicine

A Patient's Bill Of Rights

By: Martin Bell, MD, JD

The tragic events of 9/11 have diverted attention from the public debate in Washington about a national patients' bill of rights. The idea behind such legislation is that patients should have the right to sue their HMO or managed care insurer for money damages if their coverage is wrongfully denied, treatment is delayed or withheld, and their health is seriously damaged as a result


11/3/2004· Medicine


By: Dr. Sat Sharma and Nicholas Anthonisen

After 60 years of availability of antibiotics, surprisingly little is known about their role in obstructive airway diseases. Areview of antibiotic therapy will necessarily involve a discussion of the role of bacterial infection in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease


7/31/2004· Pain Management

Cancer Pain

By: Dr. Steven Richeimer

I think every doctor has several patients that are etched into his memory. One such patient was Dr. G. He was a doctor, the same age that I was, and he had cancer. Cancer pain is different from other pains


3/30/2004· Professional Malpractice

Management Mistakes in Healthcare: A Disturbing Silence

By: Paul B. Hofmann, Dr PH, FACHE

The belated but formal acknowledgement of medical errors and their impact has been well documented.1 Curiously, the topic of management or executive mistakes in healthcare is not raised in professional meetings nor, until recently, addressed by an article in health administration journals


11/26/2003· Professional Malpractice

Conscience, Ethics, And The Law In Munchausen Syndrome, Malingering, And Other Forms Of Medical Deception

By: Dr. Marc D. Feldman

Challenging legal and ethical questions swirl around factitious disorder, Munchausen syndrome, and/or malingering, muddying the already darkened waters through which health care professionals must tread. As cases in this book have illustrated, bold moves that in some instances were ethically and legally questionable have been taken by medical personnel


3/12/2003· Nursing

Using A Legal Nurse Consultant

By: Nicki Minlschmidt

Plenty! Like the experienced paralegals and legal secretaries successful attorneys rely on to allow them to focus their own efforts where the effect will be the greatest, Legal Nurse Consultants (LNCs) are another powerful weapon in the attorney's arsenal


7/4/2002· Aquatics Safety

Immersion Into Cold Water

By: Dr. Alan Steinman

Immersion in cold water is a hazard for anyone who participates in recreational, commercial or military activities in the oceans, lakes, and streams of all but the tropical regions of the world. Recreational aquatic activities include swimming, fishing, sailing, power-boating, ocean kayaking, white-water rafting, canoeing, ocean-surfing, wind-surfing, water-skiing, diving, hunting and the use of personal water craft

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