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9/21/2004· Machinery

The Value of Lubricants and Lubrication Knowledge and Skills

By: John H. Marino

For me it is fascinating that in this highly competitive global marketplace, so many American companies lack the lubricants and lubrication knowledge or skills needed to protect, let alone achieve, the greatest return on their production machinery


10/29/2013· Police Practices & Procedures

The Weakest Link: The Dire Consequences of a Weak Link in the Informant Handling and Covert Operations Chain-of-Command

By: Michael Levine

Law enforcement agencies call them CIs (Cooperating Individuals, Confidential Informants, and/or Criminal Informants). Cops who use them call them stoolpigeons, stools, rats, chotas, etc. Intelligence agencies (Central Intelligence Agency [CIA], Defense Intelligence Agency [DIA], etc.) call them "assets" or the more confusing "agents."


12/15/2005· Insurance Coverage Analysis

The World Trade Center Property Insurance Trial: Lessons Learned?

By: Akos Swierkiewicz, CPCU

Had the tragic events on 9/11/01 not occurred, we would have never learned about negligence, mistakes, errors and omissions, inconsistencies, and confusion that plagued the placement and negotiation of the property insurance program for the WTC and brought to light during the WTC trial


4/11/2005· Construction

Things You Can Do To Avoid Conflict In The Design And Construction Of Building Projects

By: William R. Acorn

Introduction: In our first Volume of the Forensic Exchanger, we discussed some of the all too many reasons why HVAC systems fail. If you missed that edition and are interested in that topic e-mail us and we will gladly send it to you. We will follow up with more discussion of that important topic in later editions


8/13/2018· Branding - Brand Management

Three Critical Steps to Creating and Protecting Your Trademark

By: Rob Wallace

Trademarks are everywhere. They're embodied in logos and symbols (Nike's Swoosh), color schemes (John Deere's green and yellow), numbers (501 jeans), slogans ("Eat Fresh"), and even shapes (Method's product packaging). They're memorable. They distinguish products and services of one provider from those of another, ensuring that customers do not confuse their source. In fact, avoiding consumer confusion is trademark law's primary goal.


3/5/2013· Medical - Medicine

Thrombin Peptide Chrysalin Stimulates Healing of Diabetic Foot Ulcers in a Placebo-Controlled Phase I/II Study

By: Dr. Jeffrey Stone

Thrombin and thrombin peptides play a role in initiating tissue repair. The potential safety and efficacy of TP508 (Chrysalins) treatment of diabetic foot ulcers was evaluated in a 60-subject, prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebocontrolled phase I/II clinical trial.


12/27/2017· Intellectual Property

Tide turns in US and EU agencies' policies on SEP licensing

By: Keith Mallinson

The new US Department of Justice antitrust leader says antitrust enforcers are too accommodating to IP implementers when in dispute with standard-essential patent owners. Instead, patent owners should be allowed to decide how they want to exercise their property rights: "under the antitrust laws, a unilateral refusal to license a valid patent should be per se legal" – he also reminds us "the right to exclude is one of the most fundamental bargaining rights the patent owner possesses."


2/27/2019· Transportation

Tight Schedules, Part 1: The Other Achilles Heel

By: Ned Einstein

Early in my 42 years working in the public transportation field, I learned that the industry's Achilles Heel is negligent monitoring. Almost no one knows how to do this effectively. Few agencies or companies do this at all. Most of their officials do not care. So the industry is rife with crossing accidents, negligent retention, wheelchair tipovers and passenger molestation, among other common accident and incident scenarios.


4/25/2004· Expert Witnessing

Timing is Important In Selecting An Expert Witness

By: Peter H. Burgher

A prominant southeastern Michigan law firm specializing in certain types of litigation recently asked me if I was able to serve as an expert regarding measurement of damages in an employee discharge case


10/14/2014· Forgery & Fraud

Tips For Avoiding Identity Theft

By: Darryl Horowitt

Identity theft should be a concern to all because of its pervasiveness. One form of theft is the opening of a credit card account using a pre-approved credit card solicitation. You may have received one or more of these solicitations every day, if not every week. Sometimes, the same company will send more than one such solicitation. The credit card companies do this because they receive information from credit reporting agencies and those with acceptable credit scores are sent more attractive offers.

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