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6/21/2022· Psychiatry

The Structural Interview Method For Diagnosing Borderline Disorders: A Critique

By: Dr. James Reich

The authors discuss difficulties in the assumptions that underlie Kernberg's Structural Interview method for diagnosing borderline personality organization and demonstrate methodological limitations in the studies that have reported results from its use.


1/22/2011· Banking

The Tangled Web of Enforcement Actions

By: Catherine A. Ghiglieri

As more and more banks are being downgraded to a problem bank status in this difficult economic environment, they are facing the prospect of a regulatory enforcement action.


10/29/2012· Animals

The Texas House and Senate Pass Equine Dentistry Bill

By: Bridget Brandon

On May 30, 2011, the Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners became one step away from having the authority to regulate non-veterinarian equine dentists.


5/22/2009· Automotive - Vehicular

The Top Ten Questions About Event Data Recorders (Vehicle Black Boxes)

By: Shawn Gyorke

Event Data Recorders (EDRs) are electronic devices, commonly called Black Boxes, that are installed in motor vehicles. EDRs have the ability to record information about what a vehicle did before, during and immediately after a traffic crash


10/19/2009· Automotive - Vehicular

The Transportation Training Conundrum

By: Ned Einstein

Recently, I conducted a workshop on safety and liability for transportation directors. I asked innocently, "What do you do after training?" Several attendees shouted out, "More training!"


2/14/2024· Expert Witnessing

The Trial Of The Medical Expert Witness

By: William H. Dillin, MD

The law is central to human behavior, while medicine performs its own role in health and life. The medical expert witness appears before the law, toting biomedical science. The role of the expert witness sits on the scales of justice. Those scales should be balanced, and there should be regard for the lady holding them.


10/5/2012· Branding - Brand Management

The Tropicana Trouble: How It Might Have Been Prevented

By: Rob Wallace

In the past few weeks I have heard marketing directors from three different large consumer packaged goods companies begin a strategic brand identity design discussion with the warning, "My brand needs significant enhancement, but don't to go too crazy.


4/11/2013· Investigation & Surveillance

The Truth About Surveillance Systems : Reality vs. TV

By: Bryan Neumeister

We've all seen the TV crime shows where the forensic technician opens the grainy surveillance, then zooms in on a tiny face, license plate or scrap of paper, hits the enhance button and, magically, the image becomes sharp and clear (accompanied by appropriate background music).


6/19/2009· Healthcare

The U.S. Supreme Court Ruling (Levine vs. Wyeth) Has MAJOR Implications For Potential WARNING Claims Against Pharmaceuticals…

By: Dr. Gerald Goldhaber

The Goldhaber Warnings Report: The U.S. Supreme Court ruling (March 5, Levine vs. Wyeth) will have major implications for the pharmaceutical industry forcing them literally to review all of their warnings and safety instructions for content, clarity and conspicuousness


3/11/2024· Foot / Ankle Surgery

The Use of Arthroscopy In Acute Foot And Ankle Trauma: A Review

By: John M. Schuberth, DPM

The use of arthroscopy in the management of acute traumatic conditions of the foot and ankle has increased in recent years, primarily because of an appreciation of fracture morphology and the utility of reducing the surgical footprint. This article presents an overview of the use of this modality in foot and ankle trauma and presents an anatomical survey of the various fractures where arthroscopic assistance can be of benefit.

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Sanjay Adhia, MD

Forensic Psychiatrist and Med-Legal Consultant

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