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4/24/2012· Construction

Construction: Law, Risk, Liability & Respondeat Superior

By: Wayne Baruch

A construction project involves so many stakeholders *1, each of whom has a several, often competing needs and interests. These interests and parties include, but are certainly not limited to: oneself versus one or more of the other stakeholders, home or business owner, financial, time, aesthetics, functionality, durability, features and specifications of products and materials, regulatory, professional standards, and ethics.


11/13/2019· Branding - Brand Management

Consumer Brand Confusion: When Might Consumers Confuse One Brand for Another?

By: Brent Coker, PhD

One common disgruntlement brands have against other brands is similarity. In the courts, brands argue that another brand is too similar, and that this causes confusion whereby consumers may believe there is an affiliation between the brands.


11/18/2011· Construction

Consumer Protection & More Successful Construction Projects (We're In It Together)

By: Wayne Baruch

Owners, consumers, professionals, tradespeople, vendors, and regulators are all involved in the purchase goods and services. However, how many are actually, accurately aware of their duties and rights for those transactions according to the law? Some parties are ethical and/or competent to make a wise purchase.


8/11/2022· Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Consumer Services Company Replaces Custom Software With Modern ERP System

By: Panorama Consulting Group

This consumer services company in Denver was using custom software developed in an AS/400 environment. Many of its core business processes were either manual or paper-based, and the company was struggling with the issue of sole dependency on a single employee who understood the legacy systems.


1/20/2010· Gems & Jewelry

Consumers Unknowingly Buy "Rubies" That Aren't Rubies At All!

By: Antoinette Matlins, PG

For thousands of years, rubies have been sought and treasured, prized as one of the most valuable of all things on Earth. A fine ruby has everything a precious gemstone should have — magnificent color, shimmering brilliance, extreme rarity, and excellent hardness and overall durability enabling them to be passed on from generation to generations.


9/21/2004· Failure Analysis

Contemporary Skin Barrier Wall Design And Water Leakage

By: Kimball J. Beasley

For hundreds of years, building walls were constructed of stone or brick and were sometimes several feet thick. Such massive walls served well not only to sup port the floors and roof but also to keep out the weather


9/16/2008· Communication

Context Expert Opinion: Choose Your Words Carefully

By: Ray Horak

Communications is a science, an art, and a field of study, depending on the context. In simplest terms, communications is the means by which people express ideas or information


12/22/2014· Insurance

Continuity And Prior/Pending Litigation Exclusions In The Claims-Made Policy Form

By: Frederick Fisher, JD, CCP

The 35-year history of the claims-made policy form has not brought it stability or standardization. In fact, claims-made forms have begun to incorporate with increasing frequency additional and exclusionary language that is unfavorable to the policyholder.


3/19/2015· Construction

Contractor Fraud : Don't Become a Victim Home Renovation Projects - CONTRACTOR FRAUD SERIES (Part 1)

By: Michael Panish

As a Construction Expert Witness, I have been involved in numerous homeowner vs. contractor lawsuits that turned out to be directly created by contractor fraud. In this article, I have combined a few different actual cases, highlighting the various tactics used by dishonest contractors to bait and then hook the homeowner. In all of these cases, the homeowner prevailed.


4/21/2015· Construction

Contractor Fraud: Beware of Unscrupulous Contractors

By: Michael Panish

Most of the misunderstandings pertaining to contractor and homeowner relationships occur as a result of unclear or wrongly interpreted construction contracts. Upon entering into a building contract, the enthusiasm for starting the proposed work often creates a kind of glazing over or dulling of the senses on the part of the homeowner. Many times questionable terms and arrangements for payment scheduling are accepted or unknowingly agreed to as the homeowner's urgent desire to start work overshadows common sense. Often, the lowest priced contractor seduces the homeowner with promises of more value for the money.

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