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6/24/2009· Family Issues

A Break in Communication: When an Advocate Is Needed

By: Rich Weinfeld

Each and every child is born with potential. The adults in that child’s world must work to make certain that there are educational opportunities in place to ensure that potential is reached. Every time an adult acts to support a child’s potential or speak on his or her behalf, we are striving to act as an advocate. In some instances, parents will use traditional venues, such as


8/2/2019· Sexual Abuse - Molestation - Harassment

A Case Study: On Sports Liability Waivers And Sexual Abuse In Youth-Serving Organizations

By: Katherine Starr

Is Sexual Abuse in Youth-Serving Organizations Covered under a Liability Waiver? This argument was presented by the defense in a recent case. Let's review and see if this is a plausible argument in youth-serving activities.


9/18/2015· Accident Prevention & Safety

A Commitment to Accident Prevention

By: Thomas Barth

Wherever your construction site happens to be, health and safety should be the first priority. OSHA regulations, of course, are a useful guideline to help ensure a safe work environment, but they are just that-guidelines.


2/17/2011· Politics

A Concert of the Greater Middle East

By: Col. W. Patrick Lang

In the aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars Europe was a political shambles.


2/14/2019· Finance

A Crime of Passion, Sweetheart Scams Can Be Costly

By: Marguerita Cheng

My mom was one of thousands preyed upon by this nasty con. Here’s what to watch out for and how to protect those you love.


9/7/2017· Accounting

A Forensic Engagement

By: Michael D. Pakter

Mr. Bad Actor is a 61–year-old male who is the senior executive of the Unlucky Transportation Company. He has been in that position for more than ten years. Before his employment at the company, he worked for a series of unsuccessful transportation companies, where both he and other stakeholders lost most of their investment. He has ongoing legal and financial problems resulting from these prior business failures and from his failed marriage.


10/5/2009· Psychology

A Forensic Psychologist's Report In A Sexual Harassment, Hostile Work Environment And Retaliation Case

By: Stephen Reich, PhD

On September 24, 2007, I interviewed Ms. Rebecca White for a psychological evaluation and report. She was referred by her attorney, Peter G. Eikenberry, Esq. for a psychological evaluation in the context of her litigation against Charlie's Supermarkets where she alleged sexual harassment, a hostile work environment and retaliation.The following is based upon the psychological evaluation of Rebecca White.


6/27/2017· Finance

A Glowing connections Experiment

By: Sam Landis

A recent Donan forensic fire investigation found that a poor connection in a floor-mounted duplex receptacle was the cause of fire. The receptacle was located in the area of origin and all other identifiable causes were eliminated during the investigation. While conducting the research for this particular case, Donan investigators evaluated many scholarly sources in order to clearly educate the client on how a loose connection in a receptacle could lead to a structure fire which, in this case, nearly consumed the bedroom. The best explanation was found in the chemistry associated with the formation of an oxide that contributes to the condition.


12/5/2011· Radiology

A Novel Phantom Model For Mouse Tumor Dose Assessment Under MV Beams

By: Michael Gossman, MS, DABR, RSO, et al

Abstract -- In order to determine a mouse's dose accurately and prior to engaging in live mouse radiobiological research, a tissue-equivalent tumor-bearing phantom mouse was constructed and bored to accommodate detectors. Comparisons were made among four different types of radiation detectors, each inserted into the mouse phantom for radiation measurement under a 6 MV linear accelerator beam.


3/21/2018· Automotive - Vehicular

A Paradigm Shift in Motorcoach Accessibility, Part 1: The MCI D45 CRT LE Commuter Coach

By: Ned Einstein

As an urban planner by background, there are certain clichés I have grown to loath. Among my least favorite is the phrase 'paradigm shift.' This is because few things in the transportation field ever comprise a paradigm shift. Among the true exceptions were the 45-foot-long coach, the proliferation of double-deckers, Megabus pricing, and the advances in super-clean diesel engines. Autonomous coaches seem decades away (even while exploding on the scene in Europe). Otherwise, nothing else close to a paradigm shift in this traditional industry comes to mind.

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