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6/24/2009· Family Issues

A Break in Communication: When an Advocate Is Needed

By: Rich Weinfeld

Each and every child is born with potential. The adults in that child’s world must work to make certain that there are educational opportunities in place to ensure that potential is reached. Every time an adult acts to support a child’s potential or speak on his or her behalf, we are striving to act as an advocate. In some instances, parents will use traditional venues, such as


6/24/2009· Child Welfare

What We Have Learned: Experiences in Providing Adaptations and Accomodations for Gifted and Talented Students With Learning Disabilities

By: Rich Weinfeld

Would you allow a person to use a wheelchair? Would you carry him or her? If using a wheelchair gives someone an unfair advantage in a race, should his or her time count the same as that of other runners? Would you allow a person to wear glasses for reading a test, even if they only help a little? What about glasses that are so strong that they give the person an ability to read faster than average? Would you allow a person to use a word processor if you knew that the person had a severe writing disability but had ideas that showed evidence of giftedness? Would you allow dictation for a gifted student who had a severe writing disability?


6/24/2009· Psychology

Rich Weinfeld Enabling or Empowering? Adaptations and Accommodations for Twice-Exceptional Students

By: Rich Weinfeld

This article addresses the different perceptions that parents, students, and teachers have regarding appropriate accommodations for twice-exceptional students.

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