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4/12/2018· Transportation

A Paradigm Shift in Motorcoach Accessibility, Part 2: The MCI D45 CRT LE Commuter Coach

By: Ned Einstein

In Part 1 of this three-installment series, I characterized the development of MCI's new ramp-equipped accessible motorcoach (the MCI D45 CRT LE) as a "paradigm shift." While I will expand on why this is so in the third and last installment next month, this installment will overview the most unique features of this remarkable vehicle -- a vehicle whose ultimate potential I feel has not yet been realized.


12/12/2004· Medical - Medicine

A Patient's Bill Of Rights

By: Martin Bell, MD, JD

The tragic events of 9/11 have diverted attention from the public debate in Washington about a national patients' bill of rights. The idea behind such legislation is that patients should have the right to sue their HMO or managed care insurer for money damages if their coverage is wrongfully denied, treatment is delayed or withheld, and their health is seriously damaged as a result


6/1/2016· Discovery & Electronic Discovery

A Primer on Electronic Discovery

By: Darryl Horowitt

As the owner of a business that may be a party to a lawsuit, you need to know about the discovery of electronically stored information (ESI), also known as e-discovery. Why? Because the requirements to preserve and produce ESI are quickly evolving and have often taken over lawsuits as if e-discovery has a life of its own. This article will address the basics of e-discovery so that your business can start taking steps to minimize its impact.


9/5/2010· Damages

A Quick Overview of Commercial-Damages Economics

By: Jules H. Kamin, PhD

Commercial damages occur in breach-of-contract and business-tort cases that result in claims of lost profits or diminished business goodwill or business value. Intellectual-property-infringement cases and antitrust cases also can involve such loss claims. The measurement of damages in these types of cases follows a basic methodology, with some variations in intellectual-property matters. Measurement of damages in securities-fraud cases uses a different approach.


10/4/2017· Construction

A Reasonable Method to Estimate Loss of Labor Productivity Due to Overtime

By: Long International

In the construction industry, it is largely agreed that overtime work adversely affects labor productivity. However, there is no universally accepted method for estimating the resulting loss of productivity, and many of the studies commonly used to estimate such losses have been subject to criticism by industry experts and the courts.


5/9/2016· Real Estate

A Reasonable Standard of Care for Commercial Properties

By: Jeffrey Lapin

Tenants, visitors and vendors who enter upon commercial properties (office buildings, retail centers, apartment communities, industrial buildings, etc.) are entitled to the presumption of safety when traversing public spaces. They should, and do, expect that the owner of that property, by making it accessible to the public, will maintain the property (parking areas, lobbies, hallways, grounds, pools and the walkways that connect these elements) to a reasonable standard of care.


9/15/2017· Product Liability

A Viable Product vs. The Legal System

By: Dr. Carl J. Abraham

In the United States, the most litigious country in the world, a products liability action may be brought, under state law, for express or implied breach of warranty, misrepresentation and negligence. Under the theory of strict liability, a lawsuit may be initiated on the grounds of manufacturing and design defects as well as poor and inadequate warning instructions. The best defensive strategy for a company to avoid becoming involved in any of the above is to manufacture the safest product possible within parameters of economic feasibility. If said manufacturer can vouch for safety factors in the design, production, testing, inspection and evaluation of its product as well as attentiveness to consumer complaints, it will be more likely to avoid litigation or at least be able to prevail in the courtroom.


7/23/2019· Documentation Examination & Analysis

A Weak Forensic Document Examiner's Opinion Helps Win Case

By: Mike Wakshull

You have hired a forensic examiner to analyze evidence for your civil case. After a thorough examination of the evidence, the forensic examiner delivers a weak forensic opinion toward favoring your theory of the case. Will the examiner's weak opinion help you in trial?


11/13/2017· Construction

Acceleration Claims on Engineering and Construction Projects

By: Long International

Time is money especially on engineering and construction projects. Because delays in the completion of the project usually result in increased owner, engineer, and contractor costs, the overall time of performance is vital to the financial success of the project. The importance of time is evidenced by the significant role played by CPM schedules, completion dates, and milestones in the bidding and awarding of engineering and construction contracts. The desire to minimize costs and the time of performance often causes the occurrence of acceleration.


12/5/2005· Pain Management

Acute and Post Operative Pain Management For Children

By: Dr. Steven Richeimer

Traditionally, pain in children is a topic that has received only minimal attention.Much of our understanding of pain in children has been extrapolated from adult studies.As recently as 20 years ago clinicians felt that it was unnecessary to prevent or treat pain in children because the prevailing opinion was that

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