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1/6/2020· Medical - Medicine

Beware Overuse of Fluoroquinolones

By: Dr. Sajid Khan

Fluoroquinolone antibiotics (Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin, Moxifloxacin, among others) are an important class of antibiotics that are used in a variety of settings. Ciprofloxacin remains one of the primary treatment options for cystitis. It is used routinely for inpatient treatment of pneumonia and many still consider it part of the first-line treatment for diverticulitis. But in the last few years, questions about its safety profile have led to growing concerns.


5/4/2012· Biokinetics

Biomechanical Engineering: What is Biomechanics?

By: Kerry L. Knapp, PhD

The discipline of biomechanics integrates the laws of physics and the working concepts of engineering to describe the motion of various body segments and the forces acting on these segments. Injury biomechanics then couples the knowledge of force and motion with a thorough understanding of functional human anatomy, human biomechanics and human tissue mechanics to explore the possible relationships between external events and human tissue injury.


4/18/2017· Documentation Examination & Analysis

Birth Certificate Altered to Smuggle Child Into the United States

By: Mike Wakshull

When she was a girl, the young woman had emigrated with her family to the United States from her home country in Africa. She grew up in the northeastern USA and was now attending college. As part of her application for United States citizenship she must present her birth certificate. Her father sent the birth certificate to her. The birth certificate had apparent alterations. Government officials refused to accept the birth as valid because her appearance did not match the age on the birth certificate. She was born in 1994 yet birth certificate appears to state her year of birth as 1984.


10/16/2014· Dental - Dentistry

Bisphosphonate-Related Osteonecrosis Of The Jaw In The Dental Patient

By: Dr. Lee (Mac) Whitesides

A new complication from treatment with bisphosphonates has become an important disease condition for the dental professional to recognize. Bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) manifests itself as devitalized exposed bone in the maxillofacial region. Patients may be considered to have BRONJ, if all three of the following are presented simultaneously:


7/8/2006· Expert Witnessing

Blind Mules—Fiction or Fact?

By: Michael Levine

On January 12, 2000, Gloria Cespedes-Cano and her teenaged daughter Sandra1 stepped through the doors of the LACSA (Costa Rican national airline) baggage department at John F. Kennedy International Airport and into a nightmare


12/23/2020· Blockchain Information

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Tracing Disputes: Digital Forensics Evidential Standards

By: Dr. Stephen Castell

In a recent trial, in which I acted as an expert witness, some notable differences appeared to me to emerge, as between UK and USA judicial standards and practices, in regard to the role, obligations, testimony, presentation and rigor of digital forensics expert findings. 


6/28/2018· Computers

Blockchain vs. Trust : Cryptic Expert Issues

By: Dr. Stephen Castell

The Reg A Conference is the largest gathering of deal-makers and investors interested in Regulation A, a prime opportunity for companies to network with like-minded business executives, as well as financial professionals who assist in bringing capital to companies ( Many such companies are today basing their new business ventures and projects, and their search and submissions for funding, on blockchain technology applications. So-called cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin are just one example of the use of this functionality. The business implications of this secure online record-keeping tech are huge – and not only in cryptocurrency. This presentation provides a probing and extensive expert critique of blockchain, its cryptocurrency, distributed ledger and smart contract applications, and argues for a cautionary, savvy approach to implementing and investing in such business systems, on grounds of professional due diligence, rigorous corporate governance and wide experience of past leading-edge ICT systems failures.


3/3/2020· Blockchain Information

Blockchain vs. Trust: The Fundamental Expert Dilemma

By: Dr. Stephen Castell

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) includes in its provisions Article 17, the Right to be Forgotten, which could potentially be a formidable barrier to the ubiquitous introduction of cryptographic blockchain software and technology.


9/10/2008· Medical - Medicine

Blood Flow in the Lung

By: Dr. Richard Collins

The lung constitutes a highly complex and selfregulating system for oxygenating man’s blood and removing its waste materials. It is at the alveolar level that the respiratory and circulatory functions interact and the important exchange processes occur


10/5/2011· Branding - Brand Management

Blood, Sweat and Tiers: Building Optimal Brand Identity Architectures

By: Rob Wallace

Brand extensions are more than twice as likely to succeed as new brands. With mega-brands like Crest extending to more than 80 SKUs in the United States alone and over 300 products worldwide, today's brands are not just expanding-they are hyper-proliferating.

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