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6/27/2018· Corrosion

Boiler Blowdown - It's Not a Dance Move

By: Jennifer Morningstar

When thinking about the safe operation of boilers (and don't we all?), several systems can readily be named; flame control, fuel/air ratio; steam pressure control, levels in the vessel, etc. What about the water? It seems so passive, as long as there is enough for level control, what's the big deal? Well, it turns out, that as the steam produced by a boiler is used in the process, the condensate from that steam is returned to the boiler as feedwater. However, since 100% of the condensate is not returned, whatever solids had been in that water before it evaporated to form steam are left in the remaining water. Fresh feedwater is added to maintain levels, but even fresh water contains some dissolved solids. So over time, the water in the boiler system gets saturated with all sorts of dissolved minerals.


6/3/2011· Toxicology

Book Review - Endogenous Toxins: Targets For Disease Treatment And Prevention

By: John Budny

Once in a while, a new publication appears that, for some reason, generates attention and interest. Endogenous Toxins: Targets for Disease Treatment and Prevention may be such a 2-volume book.


4/14/2011· Toxicology

Book Review - Fundamentals Of Analytical Toxicology

By: John Budny

The book consists of 505 pages of text, which is divided among 17 chapters and an index. There are also 15 pages of important introductory material covering such topics as Preface; Health and Safety; Nomenclature, Symbols, and Conventions; Amount Concentration and Mass Concentration; Acknowledgements; and List of Abbreviations.


4/20/2012· Branding - Brand Management

Brand Identification: Be Smart, Be Simple

By: Rob Wallace

Today's world is cluttered with messages. In this enviromnent, Rob Wallace urges simplicity. Powerful brands cut through perceptional noise with a memorably iconic and minimalist approach to colors and symbols. Case studies amplify the principles he advocates, and a three-step process outlines specific criteria managers can use to build designs that are visually clean and engaging.


10/24/2017· Branding - Brand Management

Brand Valuations: Identifying the Opportunities and Challenges

By: Brian Buss

Based on our knowledge of and ability to analyze and value businesses, valuation professionals are uniquely positioned to provide valuable information to business owners and managers regarding the financial value of their brand assets. In other words, how a company's brand assets are contributing to the company's overall financial performance. This "Special Issue" of The Value Examiner is intended to kick-start the discussion on brand valuation by identifying the opportunities and challenges in completing brand valuation assignments for our clients.


9/27/2018· Branding - Brand Management

Branding 4.0 and the Age of Hyper Customization

By: Rob Wallace

Brand identity and package design has entered into its 4th generation. And in this next phase, the brand will never again have the same message to the 100 million consumers. It will offer 100 million "on-brand" messages customized to each individual consumer. To trace this progress, its relevant to understand how branding evolved from its onset.


1/30/2013· Construction

Building Defects Can Derail Your Deal

By: Dr. Stanley Stephenson

Defects introduced in construction can lead to classic legal disputes between owners and contractors, especially when considerable sums of money are involved. What can a commercial mortgage broker learn from these disputes? What risks and potential rewards might arise?


3/15/2011· Politics

Bureaucrats Versus Artists...

By: Col. W. Patrick Lang

"Were we right or were we wrong?" This was Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) George Tenet's central question in his 2004 talk to the faculty and students of his alma mater, Georgetown University.


11/11/2014· Transportation

Bus Positioning and Alignment

By: Ned Einstein

Unlike those of many transit systems, schoolbus stops are not always identified with signage - at either the precise position of the stop or signage indicating that a schoolbus stop is approaching (the black glyph on yellow background). Rarely is the stop zone itself marked (for example, by red-lining the curb). In particular, the failure to mark the stop's precise positioning can be problematic - and occasionally dangerous.


8/27/2014· Transportation

Bus Stops and Land Mines

By: Ned Einstein

Question: What is the difference between a poorly-selected and -designed bus stop and a land mine? Answer: Very little. When you step on either of them, your ankles, knees and hips are likely to explode. The genuine difference is that the carnage from land mines is intentional, whereas that of poorly-selected and -designed bus stops usually reflects incompetence and, often, indifference.

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