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1/27/2017· Documentation Examination & Analysis

Authenticity of Questioned Signature on Life Insurance After Brain Surgery

By: Mike Wakshull

The decedent signed a life insurance beneficiary form a few weeks after having brain surgery. The plaintiff claimed the signature was not executed by the decedent. The defense claimed that the decedent had signed the document and the differences are attributed to the effects of brain surgery.


9/26/2016· Environment

Just Who Is At Risk? The Ethics of Environmental Regulation

By: Dr. Ted Simon

The willingness to view risk as part of daily life has vanished. A risk-averse mindset among environmental regulators engenders confusion between the ethics of intention and the ethics of consequence, leading to the elevation of the precautionary principle with unintended and often unfortunate outcomes. Environmental risk assessment is conservative, but the actual level of conservatism cannot be determined. High-end exposure assumptions and current toxicity criteria from the USEPA, based on linear extrapolation for carcinogens and default uncertainty factors for systemic toxicants, obscure the degree of conservatism in risk assessments. Ideally, one could choose a percentile of the target population to include within environmental standards, but this choice is complicated by the food, pharmaceutical and advertising industries, whose activities, inadvertent or not, often promote maladaptive and unhealthy lifestyle choices.


7/14/2017· Automotive - Vehicular

Autonomous and Inevitable, Part 6: The Transition to Complete Autonomy

By: Ned Einstein

When an asteroid strikes a planet, things tend to change quickly. Most other changes occur gradually, even while a small handful are occasionally more significant. These latter changes are sometimes referred to as "paradigm shifts," largely because they affect so many things around them, and cause such dramatic changes in the things they affect directly.


8/24/2012· Accident Investigation & Reconstruction

Security Camera Video Analysis and Animation

By: Kristopher J. Seluga, PE

Animations are a powerful tool to illustrate how an accident occurred, and to make an engineer's accident reconstruction more accessible to individuals without engineering expertise.


12/12/2012· Warnings & Labels

"Warning: Don't Supersize Me," Says NYC

By: Gerald M. Goldhaber, PhD

New York City has done it again! Mayor Bloomberg (or as some call him, NYC's Nanny-In-Chief) and his City Health Department has declared war on oversized restaurant portions.


6/29/2012· Taxation

Tax & Estate Planning: The Benefits of a Family Limited Partnership

By: ECS Financial

Years ago, a family limited partnership (FLP) was little more than a clever loophole used almost exclusively by wealthy persons. But the FLP's mystique has diminished in recent years, making it a popular and effective estate-planning tool for many.


5/7/2014· Elevators - Escalator - Automatic Doors

Door Defects & Door Related Injury Claims

By: Michael Panish

We are all used to opening and closing doors on a daily basis. Unless you encounter a problem with the function of your doors, you probably don't give their operation and component make up much thought. I am continually contacted by attorneys seeking my advice on an injury that took place because of an improperly adjusted or malfunctioning door. In this article, I am simply discussing manually operated doors. Nothing fancy or automatic about them, the kind where you grab a lever, push a plate or bang on a bar to enter or leave a room or building. So, if you want to learn to communicate professionally and simply with your door expert or even your building manager, read on.


11/18/2011· Construction

Consumer Protection & More Successful Construction Projects (We're In It Together)

By: Wayne Baruch

Owners, consumers, professionals, tradespeople, vendors, and regulators are all involved in the purchase goods and services. However, how many are actually, accurately aware of their duties and rights for those transactions according to the law? Some parties are ethical and/or competent to make a wise purchase.


7/17/2018· Accident Investigation & Reconstruction

Event Data Recorders and Collision Investigation

By: Al Duncan

Event Data Recorders (EDRs) were first introduced by General Motors (GM) in 1974. That data was only available to GM; however, since 1994 more and more vehicle EDR’s have recorded data that can be gathered. The data captured can be imaged and is being used by vehicle manufacturers, law enforcement officers, and collision reconstructionists to better understand what is happening in a collision. In accident investigation, EDRs have the potential to provide independent measurements of crash data that would elsewise be estimated by reconstruction methodology.


10/20/2014· Banking

Recruiting New Bank Directors - Is Your House In Order?

By: Catherine Ghiglieri

Many banks need to add new board members because some are reaching a mandatory retirement age or because others who agreed to stay through the financial crisis now want to rotate off the board. Banks need to keep in mind that they will be under close scrutiny by any prospective candidate who will be conducting due diligence on the bank at the same time the bank is conducting due diligence on the candidate. In order to ensure your bank can attract top candidates for board positions, consider the following before beginning the recruiting process:

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