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4/29/2015· Postal Services

Can the USPS Free Delivery Confirmation Service be Used in Lieu of Certified Mail as a USPS Record of Proof of Delivery?

By: Peter Wade

Recently I have had several firms ask me if they could use USPS Form 152 instead of the more costly Certified Mail most commonly used to provide proof of receipt. The short answer is no.


10/18/2012· Intellectual Property

Statutory Damages in Trademark Cases - Trends and Improvement

By: Antonio R. Sarabia II

Eight years ago Congress decided that the existing measures of damages for trademark infringement were not deterring trademark infringement. It decided to supplement these measures with statutory damages - a specific range of damages which a court could award even in the absence of proof about plaintiff's losses or defendant's profits.


5/19/2001· Feng Shui

Feng Shui: An Ancient Tradition Goes Mainstream

By: Angi Ma Wong - The FengShui Lady

Unless you have been living in a cave in the past year, the subject of feng shui, literally, "wind-water" in Chinese, the ancient environmental system of placement, has been inescapable! In electronic and print media, from coast to coast, continent to continent, and everywhere in between, there's no doubt that nationwide and globally, people are becoming more aware, acquainted, enamored, and yes, confused, about feng shui


10/18/2011· Business Consulting

Business Consulting: Environmental Scanning

By: Greg Curtiss

No successful company can survive and grow without a well researched and clearly articulated strategy.


9/5/2005· Premises Liability

Mitigation of Civil Liability/Injury - Event Management

By: Ira S. Somerson, BCFE, CPP

In discussing the mitigation of civil liability with event management, a phrase from the web-site of Diversified Management Services, "Strategic Planning Services" states, "If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there


2/16/2009· Boating

Surface-Piercing Propellers

By: Paul Kamen

The art of positioning a propeller underneath a boat hull is not a new one. Designers and naval architects have been grappling with every aspect of the propulsion-by-propeller problem for generations, and the result has been the evolution of a well known set of standard and efficient solutions


3/12/2002· Public Speaking

Speak And Grow Rich

By: Dottie Walters

Do you have an area of special expertise? How would you like to make big money talking about it?... Lots of money? Professional speakers can earn over $800,000 per year! In this exciting book which is considered the "Bible of the Professional Speaking Industry", world class speaker, Dottie Walters will give you money-making information on


11/3/2004· Medicine


By: Dr. Sat Sharma and Nicholas Anthonisen

After 60 years of availability of antibiotics, surprisingly little is known about their role in obstructive airway diseases. Areview of antibiotic therapy will necessarily involve a discussion of the role of bacterial infection in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease


2/28/2017· Plants & Trees

What is the Definition of a Hazard Tree?

By: Christian Plunkett

As defined in the tree care industry, a "Hazard Tree" is a tree that poses a level of risk to people or property that exceeds the risk tolerance of the property owner or manger. This means that a tree that may be considered a hazard to one property owner may not be considered to be a hazard by another property owner. Thus, "hazard tree" is a somewhat subjective concept, used when making tree risk management decisions on a particular property, and is not a description of the inherent level of risk actually posed by a particular tree. In the tree care industry the term "hazard tree" is generally reserved to describe a tree that requires immediate removal, or other mitigating actions, to reduce the level of risk posed.


11/16/2004· Computer Forensics

Proactive Forensics in the Workplace

By: Paul Taylor

The benefits of computer forensics have been seen over and over again in the criminal and civil courts throughout the world in the past two decades. If there is ever a case involving accounting or communication between key witnesses then computer forensics will be involved in some form

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